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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou heard the faint "Rocket..." and suddenly realized they were here...

Ohayou and Cut had finally caught up enough for Heat's cord to reach Swampy's tail, and using both Patrick and Eric as a slingshot, caught up to Will.

"Yay~! One comment and we're all racing for the plains~! And we even have more people in the group!!! ...Wait... I was going to tell you something..."
Ohayou pondered for a moment, despite the current conditions.
"OH YEAH!!!! Team Rocket's here!" He said with a smile, accelerating past Will.

(((This is so random! I bet Ica didn't think this would happen :3)))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As the rainforest began to seemingly end, the "race" was basically over. "Return Squish! Thanks for your help!" Patrick said. He returned her to her Pokeball. Now, however, Patrick had a few things to worry about: Who was the familiar looking girl? Had people know that he was a Rocket? What environment was up next? And what was the Pokemon of the Lake?
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Will's face went through a variety of expressions, switching from grinning to astonishment to confusion all in the space of 30 seconds. "Team... Rocket? Er..." he muttered to himself in confusion, not having the faintest idea of what Ohayou was talking about. Shrugging, he had Vales merely continue flying on going lower as he slowed down, and jumped off. He then took Vales back into his ball, releasing Neria again, only to start chasing after her as she broke into a playful run.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

The weather soon took a turn for the worse. The winds became gale force almost immediately upon leaving the forest, and lightning was falling all over the plains. Rain was coming down in sheets. Over a ways, one could see a pack of Suicune huddling for protection, actually afraid of the storm

"So, that explains why there are few clear images of this area taken by satellite..." Eric mumbled worriedly as he called back Ribbon and held onto Pikachu tightly. He let Aljrlieguh back out and climbed onto her back. "Alright everybody! We will need to be slow here! Let out your HEAVIEST Pokemon, and hang on tight so you aren't blown away! And people in the sky," He looked up, "You better come down before you are blown into the middle of nowhere"


The Pokemon poked its head above the water, watching a wicked storm brew in the plains. It smiled. "And that's just my Rain Dance"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye, who was following after ever so quietly, coughed and sputtered.

"I got rain in my mouth." she cried, "And my sweater's all ruined."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Swampert IS my heaviest Pokemon," Patrick said. Besides the Entei... he thought. "I'll go with him."
"And er.... What is this about a... Rocket?" he asked, pretending he knew nothing.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria was relieved as the Drifblim blew away. "Return, Onestar," she said, muffled by the gale. She then sent out Flamefoot to guard her from the howling wind. The two trudged on, determined to get through the rainforest first.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

[Darksong: Erm, we kind of beat you. That is where the gale is]

Eric hung onto Aljrlieguh tightly. "Gah! This storm is getting worse! Quick! Use a few Surf attacks and freeze them with Ice Beam so we have something to break up the wind!"

She closed her eyes, then let out huge bursts of water which turned into gigantic waves. They came hurtling back before she could freeze them though, and she ended up knocking herself out with her own attack, the strength of which was boosted immensely by this weather. Eric went flying, hanging on to Pikachu. She frowned and used Iron Tail, digging it into the ground. They stopped almost immediately. Using Agility and Iron Tail, Pikachu dragged the two back to the rest of the group

"If it wasn't for you, Pikachu, I would have probably died YEARS ago!" Eric said with a laugh


The Pokemon frowned. These trainers were determined, all right...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Well, Steel Wing, my Charizard, is my heaviest, but there's various reasons why I don't call him out. Purification here is my next heaviest!" she heard the Rocket ask her about her calling him a Rocket. "Oh, let's just drop it!" she said, doing the pose that the only she does, and every Rocket recognizes it, it's where she puts her index and middle finger, spread apart, up to her face, and her eye looks inbetween the fingers.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Bring them out! You saw what happened with my MILOTIC!" Eric shouted, still clinging to Pikachu. Damn, he always knew she was strong, but this was ridiculous!


The Lake Pokemon could only agree, having had sent a Murkrow to spy on the trainers in exchange for not eating it. "This group of trainers may actually live..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Wait wait.

You're already at the edge of the rainforest?

That's no fair D: I have patients))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"But... but... fine," Will sighed pulling out Zoran's pokeball, and hiding next to him as Zoran looked around baffled at the change of weather. He then noticed Will, and with a snort, sat on his legs, oblivious to Will's cries of "Get off! You'll break my legs! Get off!"
(How else is he going to keep Will held down?)
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Are you saying that you're planning who's winning from the start? That's not fair >:( ))
Aria began to run with her comrade. "Let's go!" They had to hurry if they were to win.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Wahhhh! Cut hold on! Wash, Freeze, get out here!" Instead of risking throwing the pokeballs, Ohayou instead just pressed the release buttons on the front, and the washing machine and refrigerator soon took form.
"Spin, Cut, you two are too light, get back in! And Wash, Freeze, use Reflect and Light Screen to make a rain shield. Make it big enough to fit us all, and strong enough to get rid of at least some of the wind.

As the two appliances generated their barrier, Ohayou called back his other pokemon.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Are you saying that you're planning who's winning from the start? That's not fair >:( ))
Aria began to run with her comrade. "Let's go!" They had to hurry if they were to win.

(Wait, what? No!)

Pikachu sighed as Eric was hanging on. If only he knew that her tail was stuck in the ground...
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