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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I'll ride Swampy again, and have Squish as protection, just as before," Patrick said. He sent out the Pokemon, and they greeted the newly-evolved Haps.
"Sorry Haps, but you can't sit on my shoulder anymore..." Haps frowned.
"Chan....." she whined. Then, Patrick returned Haps to her seldom used Pokeball. "Alright, Swampy! Let's go!" he yelled. Swampy listened, and they followed Ohayou and Will.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(Slow you say? I'll show you slow!>:))
Looking behind his shoulder, Will saw Ohayou speeding up behind him. Deciding to have a little fun, Will smirked then whispered something in Zoran's ear. Giving Will an annoyed glance, Zoran sighed, then burst from his slow walk into a charging run, crashing into trees, using his metal tusks to crush them out of his way.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric got on Ribbon

"Full speed," He whispered, and she grinned. Pikachu hung on tightly. "Pika..."

They caught up to Will in a matter of seconds, then started doing circles around the group

(^^ Mach Pokemon FTW!)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Will glared at Eric then threw Vales out again jumping into the trees while bringing Neria and Zoran back into their balls. He then climbed up to the tree tops, and jumped onto Vales, who flew off at top speed as well, shrieking out loud, but making little progress...(dang steel types... why are you guys so slow anyway?)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou seeing Will speed up decided to take his challenge.
"Spin, face backwards and make the biggest gust possible, and Cut, get ready to chop down lots of brush!"
Spin spun backwards and began blowing hurricane force wind, and Ohayou and Cut flew forward, chopping down the vegetation in the way.
"Yeeahh!!!! Ohayou yelled as he flew up next to Will and Eric.

And yes, he flew... on a lawnmower with a fan.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As Patrick saw all of the people speeding up, he told Swampy to speed up too. "Alright Swampy. Let's show them what you have," Patrick whispered. "Hold on tight, Squish!" Squish grabbed on to Patrick's backpack, as Swampy sped up ahead of everyone. Looking back, Patrick said, "IN YOUR FACES!" to all of them.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake


The Latias sat, watching Joy slowly spread various ointments on the fainted Dragonite. Shimmer was nestled nearby, resting and being healed by Grace. She was supposed to be resting to help the healing, but she kept one eye open in case the Dragonite woke up and attacked.
Shimmer twitched as the Dragonite made a sound.
"Relax, he's only snoring," Joy soothed her. "Fast asleep."
"Do you think he'll cooperate once he wakes up?"
"I don't know," the Latias spoke up. "Most from around these places around the lake keep to themselves. They dislike others."
"He had better not attack us," Mist grumbled. "He'll get another beating."
"I don't know about that," Shimmer said. "Fighting him was difficult. I'm not sure these scars will ever heal."
His eyes narrowed. "I could take a Dragonite on any day."
"And lose. You fainted in one hit."
"That was unfair. I tried talking to him. He's just arrogant."
"Then you should be the best of friends," said Grace. "Like twins. Mental telepathy."
Mist blushed, but didn't say any more.
There was a burst of electricity a ways away, nearer the edge of the forest.
"Looks like there are more wild Pokemon here," sighed Joy.
"Or more people," said the Latias. "They often come here looking for the lake Pokemon." She said this with a grimace on her face.
"Did you live here?" Joy asked in surprise.
"Of course I did."
"If you're so strong, then how did you get those horrible wounds?"
"I'm young. Like I said, most here are loners. My parents separated soon after mating. Most mothers abandon their young after birth. I was no different. I crossed onto an angry Celebi's territory. I had never learned about territory. She was unmerciful."
There was a long silence.
"So the Dragonite doesn't just have a bad attitude," sighed Grace. "All the Pokemon here are like that."
"Almost all," added Joy, looking at the Latias.
Her furry ears flicked in humor, but she said no more, as she drifted into sleep.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Staring at Swampy's speed, Will yelled to Vales, "Ok, Vales, we can't be beaten by that, now can we? Agility, Agility, Agility!" He then grabbed hold of Vales' neck to keep from getting thrown off.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric growled, but managed to still go a bit faster then everybody else. "Damnit, we can't be beaten by them! You are a MACH Pokemon, for Arceus' sake!"

Ribbon smiled and went even faster. Eric then let out Aljrlieguh

"Psych up! See if you can keep up!" Eric shouted. The Milotic copied Vales' speed, and began to go at immense speeds for a Milotic

(>.> Why can't Garchomp learn Agility? It makes no sense. A MACH Pokemon should be able to learn AGILITY...)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Sorry about the typo. :P))
"Alright Squish," Patrick said. "I want you to do something for me: speed up Swampy by stretching yourself to grab onto Vales' tail, while holding onto Swampy. Then, let go of Vales quickly, and fling us all over them. Got it?"
"Wiggly!" Squish said excitedly. She then grabbed one of Swampy's head radars and started stretching herself out to grab Vales' tail.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou saw that Patrick was getting ahead, and used his own idea against him.
"Heat, wrap your cord around the Swampert, and use yourself as a slingshot!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(Err... you're asking that Wigglytuff to go pretty far aren't you?)
Spotting Squish, Will's eyes widened as he realized what Patrick had ordered. Not about to allow that kind of interference, he yelled to Vales, "Fly higher!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric called back Aljrlieguh after she started crashing into trees. He then went beside Patrick. "How good is your Wigglytuff's grip? If it is very good, then you can use her to grab Ribbon's tail and gain some speed. I must warn you though, mach speed is VERY fast!"

(Just realized... Shouldn't my neck by snapped by now? *Remembers this is Pokemon* Never mind ^^)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(LOL. Let's just say.... Squish is VERY stretchy. Yeah.)
"Alright," said Patrick. "Squish! Come back! Hook on to Ribbon the best you can!"
"Tuff! Wigglytuff!" said Squish. She then stretched herself so that she was grabbing both Ribbon and Swampy, who were about 2 feet apart.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat stared around while on her Lapras that she just got on to and saw some sort of race or something. She was confused but ordered Lapras to speed up and try and catch up with the group. However Lapras's aren't made to be fast and soon everyone was out of sight. She decided to feed Lapras a Salac Berry that she had found in the rainforest. Lapras sped up immediatly. They now zoomed forwards at top speed, Cat not knowing that the berry sped up Pokemon, hung on to the blunt spikes on Lapras's shell just in time for her not to fall off. Elegant, Delecate and Goldenflame also held on to a spike. They soon saw the group and Cat wondered what was going on.
'Hey, what are you doing everyone' Cat shouted in her loadest voice to the group who were still speeding away. 'What's going on' Cat shouted again in an even loader voice.

[What is happening? I've read the last page and can't figure anything, What is this chase thing.]
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Purification, with Mysti on board, finished crossing the lake and sped ahead of everyone. "Beat the speed of Purification, Rocket! Oops, I've blown my cover!" she said as Purification ran even faster.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Onestar, Charge Beam!"
The Kadabra began to gather psychic energy and turn it into electricity. Suddenly, with his spoon, he directed it towards the Drifblim.
The blimp staggered in the air, but blew a ghostly wind at its enemy. It was Onestar's turn to struggle, as he was more hurt by the Drifblim's Ominous Wind than it was by his Charge Beam.
"Use Recover, then Psychic!"
A green light surrounded Onestar. When it left, he looked in a better state than before. He then focused his mind on Drifblim's, then blasted it with psychic energy.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((We're basically just having a race because Ohayou said Will was slow or something. Yeah. And I believe we just encountered a wild Pokemon? Or is that another group? Anyways, all I know is that we're racing.))
As Patrick raced on with Swampy, he heard someone say "Rocket". Someone knows I'm a Rocket?!?!? he thought. However, he looked at the person who said it, and the girl on the Suicune looked very familiar. "Where have I seen her before?" he pondered.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat caught up and heard a faint 'Rocket' from ahead. She got out another Salac berry and Lapras went even faster. Soon the usually slow and calm Lapras was competively racing at high speed. Cat reached the end of the lake and finally landing. Cat returned Lapras and saw a girl on her Suicune who seemed to be the one who called 'Rocket'. She had been the winner of the race. Once on the dry bank Cat sent out just Elegant and Delicate .In a flash of red light the Espeon and Delcatty appeared out of their Pokeballs. 'Nice race everyone' Cat called to the others.

From EeveeSkitty
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