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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I hope I can keep up... Will thought, as he jumped onto his Skarmory, These guys seem powerful...
Giving a screech, Vales soared into the sky, then plummeted back down again to keep closer to the group, hovering 20 feet above the others, looking pleased to be back in the sky again. Will then sent out Neria who perched precariously upon Vales' side before gaining her balance and going back to Will. "Ok, Neria, I want you to watch our sides and back. If you see anything, let us know alright?" Will asked, grinning at the green Mawile. Neria grinned back, then set her back to Will watching vigilantly for pursuers as they sped off to follow the rest of the group.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Wait so just wanna make sure: I'm with Echo and Icalasari, and we're heading off into the Rainforest, right? And no one's characters really know who's characters are Rockets? Or do they?))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat walked through the deep dark rainforest that didn't seem to end.
'Go Elegant, Delicate and Goldenflame' at cried sending out all her Pokemon apart from Lapras who wouldn't be able to walk out in a flash of red light. She started walking forwards and spotted a group. As Cat didn't like to be alone she decided to join this group to get through the rainforest and maybe be friends.
'Hello everyone' Cat said to the group who appeared to just have come in the rainforest. There were two trainers that looked about 16 and one younger trainer [o_o] about the age of 12. Cat noticed that she was the only girl there but she didn't mind, she was equally friendly to both genders.

'Hi, what are your names everyone' Cat said to the group.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick saw a kid with a Skarmory at the back of him. Hmm, didn't see him before, he thought. That Skarmory looks pretty powerful. Might steal it too later.
"Hap! Happiny!" Haps said. She snapped Patrick's attention back ahead, where there seemed to be a person greeting herself.
"Oh wait-wuh? Oh, I'm Patrick... And this is my Happiny..."
Haps waved, and shouted "HAPPINY!"
"...and my Swampert."
Swampy looked up from his position of Patrick on his back, and said, "Swa! Wampert!"
Patrick examined the girl, and saw an Espeon, Delcatty and Ninetales at her side. "Well, we're only at the edge of the rainforest now, and we should get going and stuff. So... yeah. Come on let's go!" he said, trying to hurry his way up to the mysterious Pokemon, steal a few other powerful Pokemon he could get, and fly back to Rocket HQ as soon as possible.
((So now it's me, Echo, Icalasari, Reventhas, and EeveeSkitty at the beginning of the rainforest?))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Will had Vales fly lower to the ground to return the greeting. "My name's Will," he said, smiling slightly, "And these here, are Vales and Neria. What's your name?" He then jumped to the ground, and placed Vales back in his pokeball, throwing Zoran's pokeball out in his place, knowing it would be more difficult for Vales to fly among the thick trees. "And this... is Zoran," he said.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

'Call me Cat even if it really is Cathy...' Cat said in a voice stating she didn't like the name 'Cathy'.
Cat was very pleased to join the group. Not that she didn't have friends before just that she had to leave her old friends so having new friends would help her find the Pokemon of the Lake. They walked through the rainforest, pushing branches out of the way and climbing over fallen trees. There was no sign of movement between the thick, tall trees. After around an hour Elegant stopped walking suddenly, she had sensed something nearby. Suddenly out of the trees a Celebi appeared. Celebi cried it's battle cry 'Celeii' Immediately Cat's pokemon sprang into life, Elegant the fastest fired a Psybeam right at the Celebi. It hit her/his heart but not being very powerful on other psychic types Celebi didn't seem hurt by the Espeon. Before either of Cat's other pokemon could act Celebi used Recover to heal all the damage taken to make it healthy again. Next Delicate and Goldenflame acted fast as well, Delicate using an Ice Beam and Goldenflame using a Flamethrower. Celebi simpily kept using Recover and using Psychic and Solarbeam [which has no charge because it is sunny] to deal damage to Cat's pokemon.

'Help everyone' Cat called to the group who seemed too surprised to move.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Wait! For! MEE!!!" I yelled as my Suicune ran as fast as ever to catch up with the fellow Rocket (Even though he hasn't realized I'm Giovanni's run-away daughter he's trying to find alongwith the Pokemon) and the other girl.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Hmmm..." Skye muttered, "That Eric....he has nice Pokemon. Milotic....Pikachu....Garchomp."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Two Garchomp came out from the forest, looking at the group hungrily. Eric smiled. "Pikachu! Strategy 92-5! Go!"

Pikachu grinned and charged power. The static drew water out of the air. The Garchomp watched, confused. Pikachu soon had an orb of water, which she then hurled at them before disappearing. The Garchomp slammed into a tree and looked around, pissed, before being knocked out by a flurry of yellow shapes. Pikachu then jumped onto Ribbon's head

"So? Like Pikachu?" He asked the others with a grin
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yeah, he's... good," said Patrick. I should definitely steal that later, he thought.
((So now I'm supposed to "find" Giovanni's daughter too? Sorry for all the questions.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

When Baby saw Persephone, she let out a high-pitched squeal and rant to the gardevoir, staring up at her with starry eyes.

"You're so pretty! Wow... You look kind of like Eddy, but a girl!" She chirped, bouncing up and down.

'Calm down, My Baby...' Edward said, a tinge of amusement in his psychic voice.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yay! Pikachu can use water gun!" Ohayou yelled excitedly.
"Should we keep goi--" he was cut off by the screech of an Altaria, and immedietly released Frost.
"Double-Team!" he yelled, the still-forming refrigerator already begining to split, filling the area with orange refridgerators.

"Now, Blizzard!" he cried.
All the doors opened, simultaneously releasing gusts of ice and cold air.
The Altaria stalled for a moment, not knowing where to dodge to, but just as the attack reached it, it dove directly for Ohayou.

"I'm sorry!!!" he yelled as he drove both of his hidden daggers into it's skull.

He stood, panting for a moment, before drawing the bloodied daggers from the dead pokemon, looking pained.

"That wasn't fun at all..." he whispered as if all of his hyperactive energy had just diffused.
"Come back... Frost..." Ohayou mumbled as he pointed the pokeball at the real Rotom.
"Let's get out of here, before we're attacked again..." he said solemnly as he climbed back onto Cut, and began moving forward once again.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((So now it's me, Echo, Icalasari, Reventhas, and EeveeSkitty at the beginning of the rainforest?))

((And don't forget I'm a little bit inside it :3 I'm just not moving because it's bad to move the injured))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Yes, Giovanni's daughter, as in me Mysti, ran away, in search of the Pokemon of the Lake so she wouldn't be the outcast anymore!))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Persephone smiled at Baby. Thank you, she said with a blush, thinking in the back of her mind how little Cal said that to her. But when he did - usually after she defeated a particularly tough opponent - she could feel his love. She knew he loved her, even if he himself didn't know it yet!

Persephone looked to Edward shyly. He was a very handsome gallade, probably the kind she would be interested in if she didn't have Cal. But Cal was perfect for her, even if he did have his flaws. Hello, she said to him, trying to sound calm, though, if his empathic abilities were even minimal, he could probably sense she was a bundle of nerves.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Should Rockets know who the other Rockets are?))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Mysti has been seen quite frequently, so all the Rockets, unless they're newbies, pretty much know who she is!))
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