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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric grinned. "Yeah, I took a job as a Pokemon Cataloguer. I capture Pokemon and allow researchers to study them. In the case of true legends, such as Rayquaza, I tag them so as not to disturb the ecosystem too much. In fact, according to my dex and knowledge of Mythos, the only Pokemon I have left to tag is Kyogre, due to it getting away from me before I could put the tag on, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus, as, well, gods are pretty difficult to track down, let along tag, and the Lake Pokemon, which I plan to catch instead of tag... If I can capture that Pokemon, then I will be considered the best trainer out there! In fact..." Eric hushed his voice a little, "I heard that the Lake Pokemon is so powerful that even Arceus can't match its brute strength, and so beautiful that even a Milotic looks ugly in comparison"


The lake rippled as the Pokemon finished its meal. It looked up at the sky and sighed. "I wonder who my trainer will be? Will they be kind and use my power for good? Or will they be evil, and have me be destructive?"

It closed its two white eyes, and fell asleep, its three soft, translucent pink ribbons flowing behind it

(Don't worry, when people start catching it, myself included, I am going to go by the game's method and use a random number generator along with the formula that the game uses, so that it is fair)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(((Ohhh... shiny numbers...)))
"Hmm... Your cause is a bit different than mine. I'm just out to make sure nobody like Team Rocket or anyone evil gets it. Hmmm... with that in mind... and so many non-Rockets here... I don't even need to be here..." Ohayou began spacing out.

"Mmmmmmmmm... Huh... wha? Oh yeah!!! I'm coming along anyway just to, at least, -see- the pokemon."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Eddy is a Gallade. He was my mummy's, but she died..." Baby said, fading off at the end and looking down at her feet. She kicked at the dirt path a bit.

But just as quickly as her mood faded, she looked up, smiling, again. She plucked the Great Ball from her belt and held it up in a thin hand.

"Want to see him?"

Zeek looked down at the Pikachu that had spoke to him, but didn't say anything.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric raised an eyebrow

"Who is Team Rocket?" Eric asked, genuinely confused. He had never heard of such a group in his life, even when he managed to tag Mewtwo

Pikachu looked back up at Zeke "What? Don't you believe me? Do I need to take down a flock of Salamence or something?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I'm fine," said Patrick. "Thanks for asking, though."
"HAP-NY!" added Haps, as she rejected it.
Boy, thought Patrick, that Salemence is WEAK! A few hits from a Garchomp, and it was dead. I wouldn't want it to save my life! However... That Garchomp was pretty strong. After I get this mysterious Pokemon, I might steal it later...
((Whoops! Sorry for typing that you were a girl..... I swear, I didn't mean it!*Sweatdrops, then is shot by Echo*))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Zeek chuckled.

"I do not doubt you. The smallest creature can bring down a mountain. Some of the most powerful legends are tiny creatures."

Baby made and excited squeal and released the Gallade, who materialized in a flash of red, blinking slightly.

"Hello Eddy!" Baby chirped.

'Greetings mistress.' Edward responded in a psychic broadcast, bowing.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric sighed. "Never mind. I am sure I will find out later. Anyways, we should get going, before more Salamence come. Or worse..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(((It's OK!)))
"Have you ever been to the Kanto region? I think they have a base in Viridian City and Celadon, but I'm not completely sure! I think they're some kind of illegal black market for pokemon, but all I know is that they steal them~. If they were to get their hands on the Lake Pokemon..." He trailed off.

"Oh! Will we walk or fly?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(((*shot* Did you read my character profile...? Ohayou's just super-hyperactive... like a fast-talking 8 year old on coffee :3)))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Team Rocket? Who are they?" Patrick faked.
"Hap, Happin?" Happiny said, then pretended to shrug.
"Alright, let's head on," said Patrick. "Do you mind if I send out some Pokemon to walk along? For protection and stuff?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Pikachu smiled. "Good. Now, I hope to see you later!" She ran back to Eric and nuzzled him

Eric frowned and hugged Pikachu. "Wow, that sounds mean..." He then laughed loudly

"I would feel sorry for them if they tried to steal Pikachu though! Despite her size, she is actually my strongest Pokemon. In fact, I have my three strongest with me. Aljrlieguh, my Milotic, whom I bred for perfect defense and special attack, making her the special equivalent of Ribbon, Ribbon, whom as you could see, is fairly strong, and Pikachu, whom is my best Pokemon, and who has never let me down in battle"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Umm... Yeah. I guess they seem... Bad and stuff. Yeah. Now let's get going," Patrick said as he didn't want to blow his cover. "I guess I'll just send 2 of my Pokemon out. Swampy! Squish! Let's go!" Patrick through up a Pokeball and a Great Ball, and out came a Swampert and a Wigglytuff.
"Swam-Swampert!" said Swampy.
"Wiggly-TUFF!" started Squish.
"Happi! Happi!" said Haps, greeting them both.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Walking it is~!" Ohayou cried as he reached for a Pokeball.
"Ok Cut! It's your turn!" he said as the light from the ball formed into a lawnmower with an evil smile.
"Hmm... how will this work..."
Ohayou pondered for a second.
"Got it!" he cried.

Sitting on Cut's handlebar, with Spin watching curiously, he asked, "How fast can you go with my weight?"
Cut muttered something to Spin, who in turn, shot a high speed jet of air into Ohayou's face.

"Yay!!! Top speed it is!!!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I think I'll ride Swampy. Is that OK?" Patrick asked.
"Swamp! Swam-Ampert!" said Swampy.
"Alright, thanks Swampy! You're the best," Patrick said. "Squish, you wanna ride on Swampy's back too?" he asked.
"WIGGLY!" she said, nodding yes.
"Alright then, we're going to go on a ROAD TRIP!" Patrick said to his Pokemon.
"Happiny!" Haps cheered happily.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric climbed onto Ribbon's back

"I have my mount! Hope you can all keep up!"


The Pokemon woke up and poked its head above the water

"Ahh... the air feels so nice today..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cut revved his engine.

"OK!! Lets go~!"

Ohayou sped off on Cut, with spin close behind.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cal studied Eddy for a moment, gauging his strength. Not bad, certainly.

Persephone, upon hearing Eddy's voice, busted out of her pokeball and into the group. She smiled her pretty smile at the gallade, eager to make a friend. Hello, she greeted telepathically to everyone. I'm Persephone.

Cal glared at her. "I did not instruct you to come out," he growled, annoyed. Persephone looked at her master and frowned sadly.

I'm sorry, Master, she said sadly. I just heard another psychic pokemon and wanted to see...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria nodded to everyone. "Time's up," she said, calling back all but Onestar.
"You, Onestar, will be the one to defend from wild Pokemon. That's fine with you, right?"
Onestar nodded fiercely, slowly swinging his spoon from side to side. The two continued into the gloomy rainforest.
((Or do the plains come first?))
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