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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Baby looked behind her at the voice of a second strange person talking to her. She shifted a bit on the large creature's back, clutching his fur still.

"No-one did, I got him by myself. Zeeky is my friend." She mumbled, frowning a bit.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cal raised his eyebrows. "You caught this?" he asked. That was a bit impressive. Friend, she called him. He gathered they would be close. What was it about young kids that attracted pokemon? They were just annoying. "How fortunate for you. I couldn't even catch a damn pidgey when I was just starting out." That was a lie. He'd caught pidgey. A lot of them. He had let most of them go, but one had stayed in his arsenol for over seven years, until just recently.

He glanced at the newcomer. The kid had weapons. Interesting.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I didn't really catch Zeeky... He just picked me up and saved me. He's nice." She seemed to be warming up to Cal, and wasn't clinging so tightly to Zeek anymore.

"What's your name?" She said, giggling a bit like only a child can.

"I'm Ezekeil." The raikou boomed, taking a few steps forward, watching the two boys.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(( The knives are hidden away, Alexi. At the very least they'd be in his pocket or something where you can't see them that easily. ))

The man expressed how pathetic he had been when he'd just begun his journey compared to the child, and Hayden snickered. Hadn't caught a single pidgey? He was probably exaggerating, but even still, the sentiment itself was really sad. How could someone be so pathetic? Even though Hayden himself hadn't initially caught pokemon, he'd stolen them, and that was much harder... and he'd started at six.

He was about to comment on this when the girl spoke, followed by her pokemon.

"...your raikou can talk?" Hayden looked over it more closely. Supercell was incapable of coherent speech... then again it also was probably incapable of coherent thought; the drugs did have drawbacks, after all. It wasn't like Supercell was able to talk before the therapy, though, so that probably didn't affect anything. "That's... really weird. Anything special happen to it?"

By special, of course, Hayden meant divine intervention, specialised training for years and years, or some sort of drug or machine that did this. Maybe surgery on its vocal cords, he didn't know.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cal stepped back a bit when the raikou spoke. He was more surprised by the volume than the action. He knew pokemon had the potential to learn human speech, or most did, anyway - his gardevoir certainly did, and could tried sometimes just to please him. But mostly their communication remained on the telepathic level.

"I'm Cal," Cal answered his eyes on the raikou. He quickly glanced at the girl, and asked, "What's yours?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Zeeky is good at talking. he said that he learned it from his father." Baby giggled, sliding down the huge creature's back onto the ground. "My name's Baby."

The tiny girl stood in one of Zeek's footprints, her flip-flops adorned with a huge plastic sunflower each, and her yellow sundress fluttering in a slight breeze. She didn't seem very dangerous... There was a small white leather belt around her waist, however, that held a Great ball and two Ultra balls. The rest of her belongings seemed to be strapped to the raikou's side.

"Most Pokemon of... my sort... can speak very well." Zeek said, smiling slightly.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

After about half an hour, Patrick and his Pokemon finally arrived on the island. However, the view was still very cloudy and foggy from this high up. "Aero, land right there," he commanded. As they got lower and lower to the point, Patrick could see that there were people there; part of his mission was to not let people know he was a Rocket.
"QUICK! AERO! LAND NEAR THOSE BUSHES! MAKE A SHARP TURN!" he whispered quietly, but fast. Aero followed obediently. Aero tried to make the best landing he could, but he accidentally tripped up a bit as he was clipped by a tree, and the landing was sort of rough. However, Haps and Patrick both hung on. "Is everyone all right?" he asked.
"Hapi-Hap-Happiny..." Haps groaned.
"La-Lati-Latios! Os!" Aero said, almost apologetically.
"it's alright," said Patrick. "It was my fault. I didn't know about the other people there." Looking towards the direction in which they swerved away from, Patrick could still see faint outlines of the people through the thick bushes. They seemed to be about 100 yards away. "We have to be quiet guys, so sorry Aero. You're a bit too big." Patrick pointed Aero's Pokeball towards him, and returned it. "But you can stay, Haps. Just try and stay quiet."
"Hap-Happiny!" Haps cheered quietly.
"Good. Now come on, lets see what those people are here for." Patrick slowly and cautiously walked towards the group of other people, hiding as most as he could.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat woke up early in the morning to avoid being seen my her mother who knew nothing about the trip. Cat slipped on her usual outfit: Jeans with purple jaket and t-shirt. She pulled on some socks and sneakers and crept down the stairs. Her bag was packed ready with Five Max Potions, Two Revives, Five Full Heals, Two Full Restores, One Max Revive and 10 Ultra Balls. She walked out the door holding an Up and Go.
'Go Seasurfer' Cat shouted throwing a Pokeball. In a flash of blinding red light the Lapras appeared in the water. Cat climbed on and Seasurfer started to use Surf along the river leading to the newly found region. With her hands on one of the blunt spikes on Seasurfer's back she left her home to start a new adventure.

Note: Sorry I'm late but you seem to have different timezones so I might be rather late to post sometimes. *hates school*
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Baby. That was a befitting name. He gazed down at the girl. She looked so tiny, easily crushable. Hell, he could look at her mean and she'd collapse. But he eyed the great ball and ultra balls on her belt and realized there was a lot more to this girl. It was...interesting.

"Did you teach your pokemon to talk?" he asked. He saw another boy arrive, and stifled a sigh of annoyance. Since when did this become the big hangout spot?!
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat arrived on the island and recalled Seasurfer and in another flash of red light Lapras disappeared.
'Go, Elegant and Delicate' Cat cried as the Espeon and Delcatty appeared. She saw a group of other trainers but ignored them, she needed to find the Pokemon before team rocket did. Cat sprinted off into the looming woods, Espeon and Delcatty running alongside her. For many hours she searched the woods. By the end of the day she had found nothing like a lake, not even a puddle. Cat ran out of the woods and joined the group she had seen earlier.
'Hello' Cat said to the group. 'I'm going to get some sleep everyone so...bye' Cat yawned and before the group could even reply she found a good spot in the ground to put her sleeping bag down. She let out Goldenflame and Seasurfer so all four Pokemon could fight off wild Pokemon at night. Even when asleep Espeon could sense movement so Cat was completly safe. She felt tired and wanted to get some sleep for tomorrow so she took out her large, old sleeping bag. She lay it on the ground and slipped in it. It was very uncomfortable, she could feel the hard ground and gravel. Trying to ignore her discomfort Cat said goodnight to her Pokemon, closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

When Mysti approached the lake, she caught sight of another Rocket. Already? she thought in her head. She flew to the other side of tha lake quickly, and landed. It wasn't as crowded and there were no Rockets as far as she could tell.
((Remember, Giovanni's daughter is gone too, and he wants her back!But I'm not putting up a sign saying, "Here I am, bring me back to daddy so I can be made fun of again!" Nope, not gonna do that!))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

When Aria saw Mysti land, she looked down, but didn't land herself. She just kept flying; she would rest in the woods. Then she could send all her Pokémon out to take a stretch before continuing.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

When Mysti approached the lake, she caught sight of another Rocket. Already? she thought in her head. She flew to the other side of tha lake quickly, and landed. It wasn't as crowded and there were no Rockets as far as she could tell.
((Remember, Giovanni's daughter is gone too, and he wants her back!But I'm not putting up a sign saying, "Here I am, bring me back to daddy so I can be made fun of again!" Nope, not gonna do that!))

(WOAH! Nobody is even NEAR the lake yet! I hope you mean a different one, because crossing a rain forest, plains, desert, and mountains filled with dangerous Pokemon that fast is quite unlikeky)

Eric looked at the other new person. He grinned. "Sure, come along!" He then began to walk, and came across a trainer and his Happiny. Having been raised in Hoenn, he did not know of Team Rocket, so, (likely to the shock and suspicion of everyone else, unless Patrick's profession isn't THAT obvious), he greeted the trainer loudly enough to alert everyone within eyesight, "Hey there! Cute Happiny!"

(EDIT: Should I list general hazards in each biome, so people at least can rp with weather and wild Pokemon being correct?)
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Alexi are you talking about me as the boy? Or someone else?))
((And yes, listing the hazards would be awesome.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((I've created a picture with Aria's team if my description isn't enough: click here))
Aria began to plan. If they landed in the forest, then they would risk being attacked by wild Pokemon, and they would waste the energy of Aria's Pokemon. She decided to rest just outside the forest.
She was paranoid about her precious Pokemon being stolen, so she curved away from the group. None of them looked suspicious, but she wouldn't take any chances.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake


I get to post because I'm sick today)

Grace was being poked and prodded by a furry paw.
"Get off," she mumbled.
"Pssst," a voice hissed. "It's my shift."
Grace turned over. "Joy? I didn't notice you sneaking over here."
"You fell asleep."
Grace blushed.
"No one blames you. We're all tired," Joy comforted her. "And Lucidia is done collecting those berries. I decided to take over so that you could get some rest."
Grace rubbed her eyes. "Thanks," she mutterred, before crawling away to a cluster of makeshift nests that they had made to sleep in. The nests would, of course, be destroyed when they left, to make it difficult for anyone, or anything, tracking them.
Mist perked up his furry ears. "I've never heard Grace say that much in one sitting."
Joy chuckled. "That's probably because every time you talk to her, you're flirting."
Mist was blushing now. "It's a guy thing. None of you would understand."
Joy was rubbing an ointment made of crushed Oran berries on the Latias's wounded wing when her eye fluttered open.
Joy squeaked in surprise, dropping the ointment.
"Hello," whispered the Latias.
The Togekiss bent down to meet her eye level. "Greetings," she said back. "Is it possible to tell me what did this to you?"
The Latias shivered. "I... I don't want to talk about it. Not yet."
Joy sighed, then picked up the ointment and continued rubbing.
"That feels good," the Latias sighed. "You must have been healing for a while."
"I have," Joy said back. "I've been healing for almost six years."
"Since before I was hatched, then."
There was silence for a few minutes.
"You shouldn't go further," the Latias said. "It's too dangerous."
Joy looked troubled. "I- we- know it's dangerous. But we have or reasons."
"Do not say I have not warned you."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat woke up early in the morning. Having slept rather far from the others she wondered what the shape in the thick bushes was. She wondered further and found herself looking at a boy that she reconised immediatly as a rocket. She snuck back to warn any trainers of this mystery rocket.

From EeveeSkitty [hi o_O]
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye looked down to see a little girl with a...Raikou.

Not gonna let you down this time, Gio. she thought.

She flipped her knapsack off. Out of it, she grabbed a sweater. She put it on over her uniform shirt. The sweater matched well with her black pants.

She scampered down the tree, hoping no one could see her climbing down.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Finally Orixx arrived to the island and very happ y that he made it.
"Alright Croc you deserve a rest, come back." A red beam sucked Croc back into his pokeball. Orixx looking right in front of him and what he saw was a big forest in front of him and he knew there was a challenge up ahead.
"Lets get this started then."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Baby giggled, walking to Zeek’s side and petting him a bit, and the raikou visibly relaxed.

“Nope. He could talk already when we became friends. Eddy can talk too, but with his mind.” She stated, nodding at Cal. “You might meet him later.”
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