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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Ohayou
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: -Very- messy, almost shoulder length, blonde hair, and big blue-green eyes. Medium in height, and wears a plain yellow shirt and blue jeans.
Personality: Disgustingly cheerful and optimistic. Hyperactive, and protecting of his friends. Believes Trainers should fight alongside their Pokemon, so he carries two daggers with him.
Reason for Wanting This Pokemon: To protect it more than catch it.
Pokemon: The 5 platinum Rotom (JP platinum FTW!!!)

-Name: Frost
-Species: Rotom posessing a fridge.
-Identifying Features: http://www.serebii.net/platinum/rotom.shtml Is the link to the new 5.
-Personality: Cold and cruel.

-Name: Wash
-Species: Rotom posessing a washing machine.
-Personality: Emotionless and uncaring of most situations. Just wants to get everything done and go home.

-Name: Cut
-Species: Rotom posessing a lawn mower.
-Personality: Mischevious, a prankster.

-Name: Spin
-Species: Rotom posessing a fan.
-Personality: Happy and free spirited.

-Name: Heat
-Species: Rotom posessing a toaster oven.
-Personality: Calm and methodical.

Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi also seem like a trio, and are often belived to be one.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Dart
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Team: Team Rocket
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Wants to take over the world, simple enough.

-Name: Blitz
-Species: Suicune
-Gender: No gender, but prefers to be called a female.
-Identifying Features: Faster than a normal Suicune.
-Personality: She is rather caring and protective, especially of Arrd.

-Name: Arrd
-Species: Charizard
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Bigger and more powerful than most Charizards, also he has a scar across his left eye, which makes him almost blind.
-Personality: When Dart got his Charizard -then a Charmander- he was playful and always happy, now he is ruthless and bloodthirsty because of his owners personality.

-Identifying Features:

-Identifying Features:

Will finish later :3
I had the form this morning, but internet died! *tries again*

Name:Mystari (Mysti) Allyssa Endris
Team:Must...Go to the dark side...They have cookies!:3 Team Rocket!
Description:As a baby, her parents died. Giovanni found her and raised her as his own. Now a low-ranking Rocket(but not the lowest - she has a legendary!), she is the outcast - the one everyone makes fun of. Has the ability, though never shared, to understand what Pokemon are saying, and they can har her(I'm thinkin' Dr. Doolittle!)
Personality:A mixture of sweet, serious, and sarcastic(three S's!)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:Naturally being the outcast, she wanted to shun them all. She set out before Giovanni declared it a mission to both get the Pokemon and find Mysti!

-Gender:Preffers to be entitled Female
-Identifying Features: Has a bow on her front right leg. Everywhere that's white is silver.
-Personality:Is the cariong, loving one. Doesn't fight if she doesn't have to.

-Identifying Features:Just your average Mudkip
-Personality:Enraged easily.

-Identifying Features:Her rings are mood rings, but the top right ear was stained pink.
-Personality:The one to always go first on an adventure. Natural enemy to Steel Wing.

-Name:Steel Wing
-Identifying Features:His fire is black, whether it be out of his mouth or it be his tail. Wears a red bowtie.
-Personality:Same as Moonlight. Matural enemy to her, too.

-Identifying Features:Is black where orange is, and red on the tails and the fluff thing on it's head
-Personality:Sarcastic, pretty much!
Sorry, Mewtwo, but you are 3 posts too late :[
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Bakuphoon, there ARE more than one Suicune, as implied in the anime

And Miyari quit, so we shall start right away. Posting this now, because I am sure Mewtwo is already typing a reply to Bakuphoon, so I will just post after that

Also, Mewtwo, they may be a trio, but it is implied that there is only one of each of them
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

But I tried in the morning...By morning, I mean 7:15 EST. Before my school.Then my Internet died!NOT FAIR!!!NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!*throws the biggest tenper tantrum ever in the world*
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Alright, now that Mewtwo has posted and likely read either the post or PM, I shall start off the rp


Customs finished off their check of the new trainer

"And what is your business here, may I ask?" The cheery lady asked in a chipper voice

"Personal reasons," The trainer said, looking down. He pushed up his glasses as they began to slip

"Oh, alright then. I would suggest staying in town though. The Pokemon here are powerful"

"Yeah, I have heard that. But hey, what self respecting trainer could stay away, especially considering that there is a one of a kind Pokemon deep inside?" He raised his head and smirked. His eyes glimmered in the light, the lights being reflected off of his brown eyes. His hair, slightly oily from sweating in the heat, shined as if he used gel. His medallion glinted in the bright, noon sun. The trainer turned to his Milotic and called her back into her ball, as, despite how refreshing the water lapping up against the dock seemed, he had to get going. After all, how else would he catch a Pokemon that has eluded everyone?

He smiled to the customs lady and walked off towards the dense rain forest of the region, ready to begin his search
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Horray for startage!
Ohayou passed through customs, just behind a guy with glasses, Spin drifting just behind him.

"This is gonna be fun!" he said to Spin as he ran into the forest, gusts of wind following.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti walked around.She figured she was far enough from Team Rocket and her own father, and called out Steel Wing."Ready to go to the new region?" she asked. Steel Wing gave a roar of agreement and they soared into the skies.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria threw Windfeather's Poké Ball into the air. "Let's fly!"
Windfeather called, "Kyeeeeeeeeee!"
Aria hopped onto the strong flier, who took off immediately.
"We'll get to that Pokémon first if we try hard."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti, along the way, saw another flyer. "Hello!" she exclaimed. I'm Mysti. And you are...?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Aria," Aria replied. "This is Windfeather."
Windfeather cawed in approval. "Kya!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(I believe Bakuphoon was pointing out how similar they were)

Shimmer awoke and flew down from one of the trees near the edge of the forest. She had been taking a rest in a tree where Mist could watch over both her and the injured Latias. She needed to rest more in this hot, humid climate.
She flew over to Grace, who was tending to her wounds.
"How is she?" the Articuno murmurred, careful not to wake the Latias.
"I don't know," Grace said in a whispy, rarely used voice. "I've stopped the bleeding, but we can only wait."
Shimmer sighed. "I can only hope I never have to see a fellow legendary die."
There was no response from Grace.
Mist spoke up a moment later. "You'll see others die yet. If your medical career doesn't lead to a dead legendary, this forest will. We may have to kill in order to survive."
"We always kill to survive. We must kill to eat. But killing in cold blood..." she shivered. "That is another matter entirely."
"You wound others when they are attacking."
"Yes, but only to a certain extent. I am not savage."
Mist dropped his voice to a whisper. "You know, if this Latias is from deeper in the forest, we could really have a force on our hands."
Shimmer narrowed her eyes, but didn't say another word.

(Am I good at this? :D)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Meanwhile, deep in the region, beyond the forest, beyond the plains, beyond the desert and between the mountain tops, lies a lake. Ripples go across the surface as a powerful beast slowly stirs

"So... The trainers are coming..." It smirked as the thought went through its head. The Pokemon then went back to sleep, awaiting the arrival of its first challenger...


Eric heard a loud sound in the sky, and looked up. "Crap, why didn't I bring a flying ty-" He stopped mid-sentence as a large, menacing Salamence rose from the forest and began to charge a Hyper Beam. "-pe..." He finished as he covered his eyes

(Won't be that easy ^^

...Not even for me D:)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou, still tailing Eric, saw the Salamence just in time to release Frost.
"Hi Frost! Use Blizzard, OK?" he said cheerfully.

Just as the hyper beam finished charging, Frost opened his doors, and an icy blast came out, aimed at the Salamence.

As the attack hit, Salamence cringed in pain, and the hyperbeam went skyward.

"Ok, Frost, get ready for the next attack~"
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

The Salamence shook it off and fired off a powerful Flamethrower attack at Frost, now pretty pissed off
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Frost, substitute! And Spin, confuse ray~
Just before the flames reached frost, a puff of smoke and a green doll appeared, which were instantly consumed by fire.

Spin produced a shiny (yay!) light that drifted around the Salamence.

"Frost, Return~" Ohayou called as the refrigerator was consumed in light.

"Spin, you use substitute too!" Ohayou called as Spin produced a substitute.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Will walked out of his small make-shift house, having just woken up recently. As he began to figure out his surroundings, he remembered what he had been up all night thinking about in the first place. "Oh, crap! I overslept," he yelled frantically, running back into the wood structure. He grabbed his pokeballs, and threw one into the air upon coming outside again, its lid opening in mid-air and white light flying out of its inside. This light flew to the ground and became the shape of a large bird that hardened into the steel colored form of a Skarmory. Not having time to talk to him, Will jumped onto Vales' back, and yelled out the order to fly. In the air, Will continued worrying, hoping he wouldn't lose the chance to catch the pokemon because of his carelessness.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Frost, substitute! And Spin, confuse ray~
Just before the flames reached frost, a puff of smoke and a green doll appeared, which were instantly consumed by fire.

Spin produced a shiny (yay!) light that drifted around the Salamence.

Frost, Return~ Ohayou called as the refrigerator was consumed in light.

Spin, you use substitute too! Ohayou called as Spin produced a substitute.

(Please, use Quotes... x.x That was hard to read)

Eric watched all this and smirked. He let out Ribbon and boarded her, ready to zoom off. "Well, looks like the Salamence aren't a threat after all!" He said to Ribbon as she began to zoom into the air... And right into some trainer on his Skarmory
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Orixx got ready to leave to the area where the new pokemon is then he remembered that he didn't have a flying pokemon.
"Alright then I guess I've got to get there a different way."
"Go Croc!" A Feraligatr came out of the pokeball.
"I guess I'll swin instead of flying." Orixx hopped on the back Of Croc and started to swim to the new region.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Vales and Will spiraled down from the sky, one screaming, and one... screaming. They crashed into the leafy tree tops, and from there the forest floor, where they fell into a pile of fallen branches. Coughing from the dust, Will managed to free himself from an angry Vales(but not without many a scratch) and pulled himself upright, looking around in shock for the one who crashed into him.
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