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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

So sorry... usually I remember :3
Ohayou watched the other boy leave.
"Oh! Looks like that's popular!" Ohayou looked around.
"Hmmm... Spin do you think you could handle my weight? I dont weigh much."

Spin nodded, (or whatever a fan does...) and created a strong gust of wind to lift Ohayou up.

"Yay!" Ohayou yelled as they ascended.

As he ascended, Ohayo saw the trainer collide with another on a skarmory.

"Ouch~ that must have hurt!"

"Spin, lets go down!"
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric rubbed his head. "Gah, Ribbon, what have I said about looking before flying?" He then turned to the trainer. "Oh, hello there!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Edited for incorrectness!!!
As Ohayou landed, he saw both trainers recovering from the crash. He decided to sit under a nearby tree to wait for them to regain their composure.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Hearing a voice, Will looked at Eric, "Oh... hello," he said, still somewhat shocked from the collision. He then looked down, and saw that his leg was bleeding. "Darn it Vales," he yelled at the thrashing Skarmory, pointing his pokeball at him, and putting Vales back in his ball, "I'm gonna need band-aids for that," this time directed at the red and white sphere.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Meanwhile, a girl was moving swiftly from tree to tree.

"Old man Gio sure will be impressed when I bag this one." Skye said, "But where to look?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric laughed some

"Ah, it was my fault. Ribbon probably scared your Skarmory," He then frowned, losing his joking mood. Oddly, his glasses were still intact. "This region is famous for its dangerous Pokemon. Heck, I bred HUNDREDS of Gible to get Ribbon, whom has perfect attack and speed, and yet she would still likely fall to the wild Pokemon here..."

He then grinned again as he opened his Backpack, revealing a tiny Pikachu, smaller than even a Pichu, who was rudely awakened by the crash. "That is why I have Pikachu here. She will take down whatever gets in our way"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cal looked up, sheilding his eyes from the sun's glare, as he saw a bunch of people in the sky on pokemon. He never understood why people would sit on pokemon in the air and chat. It was meaningless. Unless it had to do with an air battle, which would be brutal, but he doubted that would happen.

He had been in this area for four days now, slowly making his way to the lake. It was a long trek, and he knew he had a long time to go, but he didn't mind. While not having a big flying-type may have been a disadvantage - he had just left his pidgeot at home before he came here - he knew he'd more than make up for it when he caught that one-of-a-kind pokemon in the lake.

Whistling, he walked along the path.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Of course Hayden hadn't passed through customs the legal way - he probably wouldn't have been able to, either, but whatever. He hadn't talked to anyone, either, sticking to the wilderness and even staying away from pokemon centres... until now, anyway.

Just because a trainer was seven years older than Hayden, she thought she could beat him with a staryu.

Well, she had before Onychectomy had torn one of the staryu's limbs off and totally knocked it out, and was currently trying to pry the jewel off with his much stronger than usual claws. The same drugs that altered his personality had made him stronger, as well as training. Right now his claws were glowing silver, and were as hard as steel - meaning that he was making good progress in tearing the gemstone out of the staryu.

Hayden continued to grin, listening to the woman's pleas fill his ears as she tried to recall the staryu through his meowth - a futile attempt.

The gem popped out, finally, and Onychectomy picked it up and brought it back to his master. Hayden smirked at the staryu's dead body. "Heh... never figured its blood would be blue," he commented. He picked up the jewel and stuck it into his bag. Maybe the legendary pokemon accepted sacrifices or something.

For winning, he gave Onychectomy a bit of cheap pokemon food, which was quickly devoured; then he returned the meowth to the pokeball.

Laughing at the woman's wails, he continued onward toward the lake - well, he'd have better get there first.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I'm sure she can beat anything," Will said, grinning at the small Pikachu. He then took Vales' ball back from his belt, and threw it into the air again. "Maybe I'll travel with you for awhile. I don't know much about this pokemon, or its location, only what's been told to me. Besides, I'm more likely to survive here with someone to cover me," he said, grinning at Eric, as Vales appeared.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Can I come with? Even though I was already following you~. This will just make it official!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Hmm," said Patrick, on the Rocket Helicopter meant to send him and a few other Team Rocket members to the mysterious land that they were supposed to go to, apparently to catch a great Pokemon. "I'll take it from here. Bye guys," he said to the pilot and other crew members on the Helicopter. "Hap, Happiny!" said Haps, the Happiny Patrick had recently caught, who was resting on his shoulder. They were barely even close to the supposedly "great" region yet, and were still above the waters to get their, but he usually did things his way. "Go, Aero!" he shouted as he sent a Pokeball, flying out the air, looking like it was going to fall out of the Helicopter door. However, out came a shimmering Latios, with a scar on his right eye. "Let's go," said Patrick to it. With that, he jumped out the window, onto the Latios, Happiny on shoulder. They were hovering next to the plane, and he said towards the plane, "I'll try to fulfill my mission, Giovanni." Then, Aero continued onwards at the direction the Helicopter was going, but at even faster speeds than the copter. Well, Patrick thought. Onwards ho! To wherever we're going...
"Hap-Ni!" Haps then shouted with glee, as the Latias was gliding through the air.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Who are you talking to, Echo?]

Eric smiled. "What? You didn't do your research? I already know the approximate location. I studied files on the legend, and the main part was apparently written in a stone found in the mountains... In the very center of the region... Arceus, this Pokemon really wants to test trainers..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Baby was balanced on Zeek's back, clinging hard to his fur to stop from tipping off. They were in a forest, as they had been for the last while. She was bored.

But Zeek kept trekking along the path, his massive bulk leaving deep footprints. Baby was shifting around as he moved, since she didn't have a saddle, but she didn't mind.

"Zeek? Do you think we'll meet anyone soon?" She whispered into his ear.

"Have Patience." He said, voice a low growl.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cal heard the creature before he saw it.

Footsteps, big and heavy. Cal turned around and saw the biggest raikou he had ever seen. Even from the distance he stood, the pokemon was easily visible.

There was something on his back. Squinting, Cal could barely make out a person riding the raikou's back. His fingers twitched as he watched the large pokemon come into view. He wanted that thing. Wanted it more than most other pokemon he found.

He smiled pleasingly as the two walked past him and gave a small wave. There was just a young girl on the raikou's back; Cal could easily take her out and steal the raikou. Although, if it was intensly loyal, he might have a problem.

"Good day," Cal said greeted. He'd talk to them, gauge them, then decide on a plan of action.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Baby spotted the person before Zeek could say anything, and responded to his greeting shyly.

"Hello..." She mumbled, sinking into the thick purple cloud on the Raikou's back.

Zeek merely examined the new human, and said nothing.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As Patrick, Aero, and Haps almost reached the strange land, they could see some cloudiness around what seemed to be a silhouette of the island. It seemed dark, gloomy, and mysterious.
"Are you guys ready? We're almost there," said Patrick, looking at Aero and Haps first, then towards his Pokeballs.
"Lati!" shouted Aero.
"Happiny!" exclaimed Haps.
Good, thought Patrick. Because I bet this journey is going to get harder from here on out.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Must say, I don't see many young girls on raikou much these days," Cal said with a grin. "What are you doing in a place like this?" He kept his gaze on the girl, only glancing at the raikou so often. He didn't want to look like he had intentions of theft, afterall.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"We're looking for the Lake Pokemon." Baby stated, sounding a bit muffled from her place in Zeek's fur.

The Raikou watched Cal with piercing eyes, pawing at the dirt a bit as if we was impatient.

"I'm going to get rid of the bad people with it." She said, louder and more confidant this time.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Hayden had only just stopped snickering about that stupid opponent when he heard the sound of something heavy padding on the forest's dirt floor and, after following the sound, heard voices. The figures were hardly difficult to see - he saw the raikou first, and his hand automatically went to the master ball holding Supercell. He smirked and approached from behind, shoving his hands into his pockets, and hiding Supercell's master ball.

"Hey," he called to the man, before realising that the raikou probably belonged to the tiny girl riding on its back; he hadn't seen her at all. "Who caught that for you?" he asked the girl instead.
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