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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(Oh, sorry, o_O, I misread your post. Disregard it)

Cal nodded. "And what kind of pokemon is Eddy?" he asked. If that other boy wasn't here, Cal could just take Baby out easily and make off with her pokemon. They'd fetch a pretty penny, he guessed, since he doubted they'd ever listen to him.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Wont join anyways, sorry :/ Maybe later, if there is still a space left.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti called Steel Wing back in his Pokeball and sent out her Suicune,Purification, as she had a watchful eye. "Hey, Purification, think I could ride you?" "With pleasure!" she replied as she kneeled lower to allow the girl on.Suicune noticed a lake, and it was far purer than she could ever make any water.She stared in awe at the lake, then she ran around the area, but not in the open, to get to know it if anything went wrong and they needed to hide.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick heard a rustle and footsteps on the ground behind him. "Hmm? What's that?" he said.
"Hap! Happiny!" Haps replied.
"Hmm. Maybe is was just my imagination. Oh well," Patrick said, and continued to spy on the trainers.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Purification noticed the Rocket, and backed off. He was spying on everyone! They ran in a quick blur behind him, hoping he wouldn't notice the silent blue, silver, and purple blue amongst the mist.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye finally made it to the ground. She walked out into the opening.

"Isn't this a lively bunch?" she said.

(She's in disguise...well only wearing a sweater over her shirt but.)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

All of a sudden, Patrick noticed a flash of blue out of the side of his eye. "What was that?" he asked. He turned round, and saw a trainer with a Suicune. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria landed as soon as she reached the edge of the forest, letting Windfeather rest. The bird was breathing heavily. "You can sleep, if you like," Aria offered. Windfeather eagerly settled down, tucking her wings close to herself.
Meanwhile, Aria quietly released her other five Pokémon, one by one. The first Poké Ball she reached for sent out a yellow humanoid with a thick tail. It had a red star on its forehead and a red W-shape on its belly, not to mention the fact that it was holding a spoon.
"Good day, Onestar," Aria said to her Kadabra telepathically. The two had a strong mental connection.
"Hello, Aria," he replied. "Where are we now?"
"On the edge of the rainforest that is between us and the lake, where a mystical Pokémon lives," Aria answered. "And I want to catch it."
Onestar nodded in understanding.
Next, Aria opened a Dusk Ball, releasing a robot-like creature made of prisms. It was a beautiful blue color, and its seven eyes glowed yellow.
"Reeeegiiiiiiiiice," it hummed. Aria understood it. It said, "It's too warm here."
"Okay, Stonefrost." Aria called it back into its Dusk Ball, then she threw a Luxury Ball into the air. "Go, Moonshadow!"
A black, dog-like Pokémon with glowing golden rings appeared. "Umbr...." it hissed. "What are we here for? If I can't be sly, it's boring."
"You can definitely be sly," Aria said to the Umbreon. "Go hunt some prey or something."
Moonshadow nodded, padding off but staying close.
When Aria pressed her Great Ball's button, a Fighting-type materialized in front of her. It had a big belly and huge hands.
Finally, Aria released a Ghost-type. It appeared to wear a dress and a sombrero.
As Flamefoot began to practice his Arm Thrust, the armless ghost turned to Aria.
"Deadcloud," she said to it, "Phase out and warn us of approaching enemies."
Grinning, the Mismagius disappeared, her blue jewels going last.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric talked to Patrick again

"Hey there! Cute Happiny!" He yelled, even louder. A sleeping Salamence fifty feet away woke up with a start and flew off just from how loud Eric was. He then turned to the Suicune trainer. "And you have a pretty Suicune!" He continued to grin. Obviously he wasn't having an anti-social moment. "Bet it couldn't beat Ribbon though. She is a rarity among her kind. Perfect attack and speed. She can shred through anything," He added, with a grin. He was getting excited with all these trainers around. This was going to be fun, wasn't it?

Meanwhile, his Backpack began to open up, and a tiny yellow mouse poked her head out. "Chu..." She squeaked, rubbing her eyes. She looked around and hopped out, and, despite being runty, she walked off to the Raikou in the distance. She tapped the beast's paw. "Pika? Pikachu, pikaka!?" She exclaimed to the Raikou. It sounded to her ears and Raikou's, however, "Hello? Are you after the Lake Pokemon, too!?" She then continued talking to the Raikou in Pokemon. "Eric plans to use me to bring it down! I am pretty tough, after all"


A Murkrow drank from the clean water, very thristy. Suddenly, a sapphire blue streak shot out of the water, grabbed it, and retreated back, all within a second. All that remained of the snack was a few feathers and some blood

(The hazards are:
Rainforest: Salamence, Garchomp, Altaria, Dragonite, Tropius, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Gengar, Drifblim, A couple Mew, A couple Celebi, and Feraligatr
Plains: Suicune, Raikou, Entei (whole packs of them), Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (whole flocks of them), Garchomp, Staraptor, Pidgeot, A few Mew and Celebi, and Fearow. There are constant gales and powerful storms
Desert: Onix, Steelix, Regirock, Registeel, Aggron, Cacturne, Garchomp, Flygon. Also, a powerful Sandstorm
Mountains: Murkrow, Honchkrow, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mew, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Celebi, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Milotic. Also, the Lake Pokemon)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Hmm?" Patrick wondered. He hadn't seen or heard the person on the side of him, as the forest's sounds blocked him out. "Oh. Thanks, I guess. "Who are you?" he shouted quite loudly. "And why are you here?" he added.
"Hap, Happiny! Hap Ni Piny!" said Haps, seemingly waving and greeting the unnoticed trainer.
Why are there so many people here? Patrick wondered. I better come up with an excuse and pretend that I'm not a Rocket.
(Sorry, I didn't read your post carefully enough to know that you were talking to me :P AHHHHH! *Types excuse into RP person's actions*)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou popped out from behind Eric.
"HIIII!!!~ Wanna travel with us?" He cried, disgustingly cheerful.
"Rotom!!!" Spin hummed.
"This is Spin! We just learned he can make people fly~"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye walked away from the group.

"I'm off to the Lake." she sneered, "It won't be there for long."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria began to plan for each biome. The forest should have Grass and Flying types, and maybe a few Bug types and other assorted Pokemon. I think that it's too hot for Stonefrost, so he's out of the question. Windfeather, on the other hand, should be able to take care of most of the Grass types.
Wait a minute. What would happen if Stonefrost used Hail? It would get colder, hmmm? Obviously. So, Hail might be the solution. Stonefrost and Hail it is.

She looked around at all her Pokemon. They all were resting now. "Ten minutes until we continue," Aria announced.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Will followed the other two a little more quietly, peeking out from behind Ohayou's shoulder. "Er... hello," he said, waving slightly, "nice day, isn't it?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mist awoke. He had let Shimmer take over guard duty when it was coolest out and she felt her best that she could in this rainforest.
He slithered to her. "Shimmer," he whispered, "I'll take over for now. The sun is rising; it will get hotter, more humid."
Shimmer fluttered her wings. "You're right."
"Then let me take over."
Shimmer gladly stepped out of the way to take shelter under a nearby tree. She was asleep within seconds.

A few minutes later, a rustling sounded from the bushes. Mist perked his ears, ready to call out to Shimmer.
A Dragonite stepped out.
"Greetings, brother," said Mist. "What is your purpose here?"
The Dragonite narrowed his eyes angrily. "This is my territory. And I am afraid that crossing into it makes you my prey."
"We did not know. There was no indication of a boundary."
"That is because all that do not know to come here do not belong here. Like you." The Dragonite started charging a Hyper Beam.
"SHIMMER!" Mist shouted.
Shimmer's eyes shot open and she looked around, utterly bewildered.
"Over here!"
The Articuno pinpointed the sound just as the Hyper Beam fired.
"Move away!" Shimmer shouted, rushing forward and attempting to push him out of the way. But the Hyper Beam had been at a close range; she was not quick enough. Mist and the edge of her wing were hit.
She screeched, half out of pain, half out of anger. She shot a Hyper Beam, which missed through her blind fury.
The Dragonite shot a Thunder, but it thankfully didn't hit.
You need to think, she thought. Use strategy, not brute force.
She used a Mind Reader.
The Dragonite seemed confused, but shot a Flamethrower. A direct hit to her face. A nasty smell of burned feathers filled the air.
She was struggling to hang on now. Almost knocked out in two hits. This will be difficult. But she had used a Mind Reader, and remembered her strategy just in time.
She fired a Sheer Cold.
The Dragonite tried to get away, but the Sheer Cold seemed to be fired at the spot that he fled to. A direct hit from an OHKO move.
He roared, then fainted.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Edited for me not paying attention to names :3
"The forest is full of Dragon type pokemon, which my team will be able to handle, but the plains bother me, I'm not sure what to expect~. So~ will you join us??" Ohayou said excitedly.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick was suddenly very annoyed.
Where in the world did all these people come from?!? he wondered. The Rockets said that this land was unexplored and had few people. THIS ISN'T A FEW PEOPLE! He was very angry, and Haps sensed it.
"Hap, Happiny?" she asked, motioning to her egg. She had asked if he wanted to hold it.
Patrick sighed. "No, it's fine, thank you so much," he said. He then turned to everyone: The girl with the Suicune, the other girl with the Rotom, and the boy. "So, I'll just ask once for the people who just popped up here: What are you doing here? Who are you?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric frowned. "Wouldn't be surprised if a wild Pokemon was feasting on her flesh... I heard that they are very nasty, and even the best of the best get killed out here..." He then smiled and spoke to Patrick. "Anyways, my name is Eric. I came from the mountains just at the side of Hoenn's desert. Heck, Hoenn is like a larger version of these region! Except with far, far weaker Pokemon... I don't even think Rayquaza was as much of a challenge as the Salamence here are bound to be..."

He sighed. Catching the Legendaries - Well, more like tagging them after knocking them out, so that researchers could get more info - was likely easier than this...

Ribbon wandered off a bit, and Eric noticed this. "Hey! Where is Ri-" An orange beam shot through the foilage, sending Ribbon flying. Eric grinned. "Ah, Flushed out a Pokemon, did you? Watch this!"

He turned to the new foe. It was a Salamence. He smiled

"Ribbon, strategy 4-1-2! Go!" He shouted. The Garchomp grinned and suddenly began to split. Double Team. The Salamence looked around, but before it could respond, the clones disappeared, and the real Ribbon drop-kicked the Salamence in the head. She then used Dragon Claw, slashing up the Salamence before it fainted. Eric smiled and put his hand to an Ultra Ball, but then thought otherwise

"Any of you need a Salamence?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou watched the battle with mild interest.
"My name's Ohayou!" and as if sensing Patrick thoughts, he suddenly looked angry enough to commit murder, "and I'm a BOY!!! *eye twitch*" then suddenly becoming cheerful again, "I wonder if any of my Rotom can to that!" remembering the fight.

He pulled out a green pokedex and began looking through spin's moveset.

"Spin!" he said suddenly, "I never knew you could use double team! Let's try something similar next time!"
"Rot! Rot! Tom!" Spin cried in agreement.

(((I honestly didn't know Rotoms learned Double Team O.o...)
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