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Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie


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Re: PotPie

"Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelled of elderberries!!!" Ohayou yelled at the group.
Re: PotPie

Patrick came back as a ghost and started to pee "ghostly fluids" onto people's heads.
Re: PotPie

West, however, avoided the fluids with her hat, and switched it with another one that Future had made. She then hugged Chip before continuing to Caramelldansen.
Re: PotPie

Chip was hugged. He ran around in circles to avoid the fluid, and Caramelldansed all the while.
Re: PotPie

((They're not fluids. They're "ghostly" fluids.))
NoButt continued pissing on a tree, seeing no more point in this RP sadly.
Re: PotPie

Blade saw the randomness and and panicked. "There has to be at least a little sanity!" he shouted, "Moon, Solon, Latias, Psychic their a$$3s!" and Moon and Solon did Psychic, but Latias started to use its specialty move, Caramelldansen, on everyone in sight. The move seeps into your mind, making you involuntarily do the Caramelldansen. Blade facepalmed.
Re: PotPie

"Yes!" West cried, happy that everyone was Caramelldansening. "Randomosity is better than Pokemon~"
Re: PotPie

"It's the Caramelldansen club!" shouted Chip, standing in the middle of the Caramelldansen group. "I like this!"
Re: PotPie

(((Horray for pointless spam!!!)))
"WAAGGGHHH!! 'GHOST FLUID'!!!!! Ohayou screamed, still dancing.
Re: PotPie

Mysti yelled, "PPPIIIIIEEEE!!!" and Carmeldancened out of the flames and into a pie.
Re: PotPie

Blade walked away, knowing there was no way to stop the randomness. He went into the forest looking for something to catch.
(I can tell the disclaimer was right. LOL)
Re: PotPie

Ohayou ran after Blade, tackled him, tied him up, pulled him back to the Caramelldansen club, and beat him with a table tennis paddle.
Re: PotPie

Whack! "Ow!" etc.
Blade got tired of being whacked, so he whistled. Moon came and tackled Ohayou, while Blade broke out of the rope. He walked up to Ohayou and said, with a pink paddle shape on his face from the whack, "You should know better. I could break out at any time...don't do it again." and Solon came and used Attract.
Re: PotPie

Ohayou poked Moon in the Umbreon-forehead-circle-thing, and slapped Blade with a banana.
"Tuesday's coming, did you bring a coat?" he asked, making no sense whatsoever.
Re: PotPie

Moon flew back from the poke, saying, "How'd you know that was my weakness?!" Blade stopped after being hit with a banana. "What?!" and turned around.
Re: PotPie

"Dude, you don't even know..." He responded to both questions.
"Super Dual-Banana attack!!!" Ohayou yelled, slapping Blade with one banana and poking Moon in the circle with the other. He then began to Caramelldansen to music from nowhere.
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