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First Day of Junior Year!

Drifloon Rocks

Honey, please don't eat the rancid dung.
Today is my first day of 11th grade. I'm so excited to get started with this school year! I'm taking AP Biology and Pre-AP Spanish. I'm also in the Fall Musical, The Music Man. I get to play the part of "townsperson/salesman/etc." :D

I'm really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. It always starts to get boring for me near the end of the summer. I also can't wait to see all my friends again. Hooray for education and hanging out with friends!
Ah, my first day of Junior year is next week. I'm hoping to at least help out with the drama club, too, since a lot of my friends work with it. Thankfully my art class buddy talked with the new leaders and they agreed to let the art kids do the props/scenery. :p

It's awesome that you're happy with what you've got so far! Hopefully this year won't be too much harder than last, hmm?
11th Grade... that's like... Year 10, I think? I'm going up to Year 10 aswell, but I still have tons of lessons. And you're only doing 2? Wow.

Well, good luck!
And you're only doing 2? Wow.
Well, good luck!
I'm sure that he's taking more than two classes, but decided only to mention those two.
I'm starting 11th grade pretty soon, too. Which is a bad thing for me.
Because I don't have my summer project for AP English finished yet.

Still. Glad you're glad to be going back to school.
From what I hear junior year is apparently the hardest. I didn't do as well as I was hoping I'd do (I passed, but it wasn't by much). Oh well, at least I got that 4 on the AP English Language test

Hope you do better than I did :P
Today is my first day of 11th grade. I'm so excited to get started with this school year! I'm taking AP Biology and Pre-AP Spanish. I'm also in the Fall Musical, The Music Man. I get to play the part of "townsperson/salesman/etc." :D

I'm really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. It always starts to get boring for me near the end of the summer. I also can't wait to see all my friends again. Hooray for education and hanging out with friends!

oh the music man, this past year my school did that stupid musical, weird con-man/main character guy's name is harold hill btw, I personally don't like musicalls, but they aren't THAT horrible, just kinda boring, but if you like it, then that's cool, and nice job on 11th grade, I'm still in Jr. High.
Heeey~ Today was my first day of Junior year too! Junior buddies~ ;;Gives you five;; :D

I'm taking AP Lang + Comp (English), AP US History, and AP Psychology. Whoo! AP buddies~ ;;Gives you SIX this time;;

Have fun in The Music Man, being in school productions is fun~ :3
From what I hear junior year is apparently the hardest. I didn't do as well as I was hoping I'd do (I passed, but it wasn't by much). Oh well, at least I got that 4 on the AP English Language test

Hope you do better than I did :P

It is the hardest. You've got to give it your all in your classes and exams, impress your teachers, and seriously consider where you want to go and what you want to do after high school. The senior year, from what I observe, is a giant wash wherein one gets any remaining required credits and applies for college.
Eeh... all your strange American school names confuse me. They're needlessly complicated. No offence.
Uppity Britons! :P

I'm British (it says so on my passport; I don't really say it but I am) and I don't use that system.

Anyway. Good luck with 11th grade! :D I went back to school today. I love first days.
Good with with being a junior. I've heard it's the hardest year too. Musicals are fun though. I don't think I've ever seen The Music Man.

I'm a sophomore and I went back to school today.
I'm starting my Junior year the day after Labor day (Because we're just that awesome). Not taking any AP courses this year, though. Closest thing I've got is Honors Pre-Calc/Trig and Honors Physics. Neither of which, I'm assuming, compare.

Lucky you guys doing The Music Man, though. Our musical this year is Little Shop of Horrors. :dead:
Little Shop of Horrors? O_o Yikes.

I have also heard from almost every current senior (I CAN'T BELIEVE MY SISTER IS A SENIOR! SHE'S A FOOT SHORTER THAN ME!) that Junior year is indeed the hardest. I'm actually excited about that. I get to challenge myself.

Anyways, My first day went great, as did my second and third days. I would've posted earlier but my internet was broken.

Yes, I am taking more than those two classes. I am taking Pre-AP Spanish 3, Algebra 2, US History (FINALLY I get to learn the history of my own country!), American Literature (FINALLY I get to read the works of authors from my own country!), Cantemus Festival Choir, AP Biology, Weights and Conditioning, and Astronomy.

It's going to be a busy year what with the play and my photoshopped Sugimori art shop (Hidden Advertisement FTW! :D). But I think I'm ready.
Go short senior girls! :grin: They're the only way I feel tall anymore.

And, yeah, it does seem like the hardest year. Accursed ACTs... At least we basically get next year off.

Also, GO CHOIR!!!

That is all.

P.S. What, you have done any American books yet? Not even Of Mice and Men? Go read it. Now.

What are you still doing here? Get to reading.
*APUSH high-five @ Arylett and anyone else who's taking it :D*

AP US History is gonna be my first AP class. I love World History, but I always thought US History was pretty boring. I've met the APUSH teacher, though, and she seems pretty awesome, so I have faith that she'll make it more interesting. :p

You're taking Astronomy? Man, I wanted to take that, but the class was too full and seniors were first priority so they made lowly Junior me take a different class. I ended up in Honors Earth Science, and I hate learning about rocks almost as much as I hate learning about Physics. >:( Apparently it's a BS class though, whereas Astronomy was for a college credit, so maybe it's not all bad. Next year Astronomy'll have no excuse to refuse me!
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