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FML moments

Oh, I can think of a good one. I had my first Crystal version with me when heading to a youth tournament...mmm, about 6 or 5 years ago? Anyways, this was after I had learned about the Mew glitch, so I decided to send my first Mew from my Blue onto Crystal. On the bus, I was telling someone about this Mew and they wanted to see it. I turn on my game and....nothing. It stops at the Gameboy screen. I hopelessly tried to turn it on several times that day for the same thing. I lost my poor Mew and a whole slew of other Pokemon(including a Celebi, but I doubt that was legit anyways).

Then, a few years down the line in...2008, I think, I pick up a used Crystal version at Gamestop(this was like the last time they sold GBC games, as the next time I went there they didn't have any). I start playing through the game, did a glitch to give my character the girl's colors(although FREAKIN Kurt somehow managed to fix that D:), and notice the time is starting to act funny. Not taking too much notice of it, I head onto Olivine and next time I go to play it the game was dead. ;-;

Luckily however, I did remedy that problem in 2009 by having the battery be replaced, but I haven't played it that much.
I ran away from the only male shiny I've ever encountered, and it was a Haunter. Oh, and knowing my luck, it was probably modest or timid. Granted, it was level 50 or so, because it was in the Turnback cave.
I lost my diamond game. It was in my pocket, then it wasent. Never seen it agean. It had 6 lv100s on it. really killed me.
BIG FML Moments:

Facing Misty on Leafgreen. Her damned Starmie was a real son of a bitch. Stupid Water Pulse... and the fact I usually start with Charmander doesn't help.

About two years ago I was chaining Ponyta with the Pokéradar on Diamond in hopes of finding a shiny on route 210 (I think). After about eight hours of wasted max repels and chain breaking Tauros, I see the blue Ponyta I was hunting! I send out my level 63 Scizor, planning to False Swipe it down to 1 HP... I got antsy and accidentally selected Slash... it fainted. I was so pissed. Well, a few weeks ago on my SoulSilver I caught a shiny Rapidash while leveling up my Ursaring on Mt. Silver, so it kinda makes up for it.
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Just about Every Nuzlocke I've Ever. Done.

Probably one of the worst ones in Leafgreen. I have three poison-type pokemon (Venusaur, Victreebell, and Golbat) and I also think I had a psychic-type pokemon. (I at least had a pokemon that knew Psychic) aaaand I lost to Koga.How this is even possible is beyond me. He couldn't even poison half of my pokemon, and my golbat only took half damage. but of course, Koga is freakin' Koga, and my Victreebell fell during her last stand.
the time a wild cacturn beat almost all my team. (all exept my hm slaves about level 50) then, getting it down to like 3 hp, throwing a pokeball at it, and the f***er breaking out. i got it, named it faye (it was a girl, if it was a boy it would have been spike after spike in coyboy bebop) using a masterball.
I've had a few, but the absolute worst would be my Sapphire Nuzlocke game. I got my starter, Joker the Treeko, killed by that Trainer on the beach near Mr. Briney's house. My only other Pokemon were Maleficant the Ralts and Fenrir the Poochyena. Oops.
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