Hooray, mafia win!
Leafstorm PMed me during the first or second day to ask for an alliance and was surprised when I told her I was the Blast Mask, but she elected not to kill me and revealed that she was the Fierce Deity. She ended up killing Charizard2k and Werefish. The former PMed me as a ghost to tell me he was a healer, which was friendly, but ghost PMs weren't actually allowed so I had to pretend it didn't exist. Although, I don't suppose it would have changed much.
Leafstorm gets some amount of the glory for being on my team.
Pretty much since I got the role PM (actually, kind of before) I was thinking of revealing myself as mafia just to see what happened. A mafia wouldn't do that, so I couldn't be mafia, but that would be too obviously an alien move, but I could just be a really crazy alien... Either way, I'd either blow you guys up or turn full blast Keaton and destroy Termina. So then the innocents couldn't destroy me, but the mafia would
probably realize I wasn't an alien (I think they got in a kill every night) and elect not to kill me. Probably.
After Leafstorm's death was obviously the opportune time to reveal my status as Blast Mask. I wanted some others to reveal theirs first just so I could be even more dramatic about it (or something), which didn't work out, but then my reveal brought
every other mafia member into the open.
You inactive innocents suck, but rest assured we would have won anyway once we were all here. Four on four, and your Fierce Deity, Inspector, and at least one healer six feet under? There was no hope.
Terrorist seemed like a pretty difficult role even after my alien victory, but I survived with flying colours. Again!
someday I will get to win with the innocent team and then you guys will see that I am
always a talkative pro-lynch. 8[
WHO KILLED ME?!!! I WAS THE INSPECTOR! I inspected Zora first, then Barubu. That's why I defended her.
Pssst Dragonair I don't think Barubu is in this game.
I think the mafia killed you! The Fierce Deity didn't, anyway, and since she didn't kill on the first night and we never got up to three kills, I don't think the Mystery Mask chose bow.
Also I think Manic Fame was Majora's Mask. He sort of implied it in his PM where I asked who to explode if he died for some reason (he said Flora). I mentioned that the Fierce Deity was dead at their hands, and he was like "Oh, so I sorta got a good kill."
Some of the Roles
1. dragonair - Inspector
2. Manic Fame - Majora's Mask?
3. Zora of Termina - Lover
4. demonickittens - ????
5. Worst Username Ever - Garo?
6. Flora and Ashes - Lover
7. RespectTheBlade - ????
8. Charizard2K - Healer
9. Hiikaru - Blast Mask
10. werefish5 - ????
11. Cheatmaster - Garo?
12. [O] - ????
13. Leafstorm - Fierce Deity