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Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

can you make some evil-type-version of kokonaut?
like an inferno or a splice, what ever you want?

the top hat is at a bad angle. you should have made it on the back of the head at the opposite angle.

can you make some evil-type-version of kokonaut?
like an inferno or a splice, what ever you want?

P.S. Why can't you use something besides final destination once in a while?... it gets frustrating to be even a little noobish.
Is great. I can see nothing wrong with, at all. Oh, except the moustache is a wee bit big, but I don't care really, it turned out great. Thanks a lot! =D

Oh damn, I missed the candy.

And the fat, Arabian guy is... very amusing. Except his left hand looks weird clutching the air. Give him something to hold on.
P.S. Why can't you use something besides final destination once in a while?... it gets frustrating to be even a little noobish.
It's meant to be a joke, in case you failed to detect sarcasm. Is your Sarcasm Detector broken or something?

An yeah, I'm on that request and classing it as a retype.

[/SIZE]And the fat, Arabian guy is... very amusing. Except his left hand looks weird clutching the air. Give him something to hold on.
I have just the thing in mind.
Actually, could you please make another pose of the same trainer? With his hat and moustache slightly smaller, and the moustache joining into sideburns, the stereotypically old-fashioned style. I'd like this sprite a bit late, if you can please make it on 26 or 27 of this month exact.

The... kokonaut, or whatever it is, looks great around the wings and tail and flame (the flame looks realistic!) but the outline of the tentacles aren't that... defined, I think.

If I give C&C after the request, it doesn't break the rules, does it?
Actually, could you please make another pose of the same trainer? With his hat and moustache slightly smaller, and the moustache joining into sideburns, the stereotypically old-fashioned style. I'd like this sprite a bit late, if you can please make it on 26 or 27 of this month exact.
It was really difficult to do that sprite, and I'm not really too keen on remaking it. Also, remaking sprites is techically against my rules, so I'm going to ask you to look elsewhere.

...but the outline of the tentacles aren't that... defined, I think.
Take a look at the Origintina sprite, the outlines aren't that defined on that either.

If I give C&C after the request, it doesn't break the rules, does it?
Of course not. The rules just say to give comments or CC in your post, it doesn't have to be before or after.
Oh, couldn't you please remake it? I couldn't find anyone who could do it half as good. I mean, I don't know anybody else who could do that sprite. Why don't you just take your time? Do it in a couple of months, okay? I am very patient. Seriously. :D
No whining is clearly stated in the rules. And yes, I may be the only one that can do it who has a shop here, but there are tons of other great spriters who don't post as often who are most likely better than me. Try PichuK, Involuntary Twitch or (if you can somehow find her) Bluwiikoon.
Ha ha XD
I didn't realise I was whining. Okay then, I'll try someone else. Somehow your stickling to rules makes you much more awesome then you are. Eh, this is a sprite thread. I'll have to stop putting my stupidity here.

"Imitation is the best form of flattery, but honesty follows up on a pretty close second."
Wow, you have some really good sprites here.
I'd like a PMD portrait of a Weavile with blue-green eyes, please?

ATTENTION: Due to massive storage problems in my albums, I will be deleting all sprite requests when I get bac to make enough room for new ones. Seriously, it's almost over 40 pictures now.
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