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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

That was just me, I think. What do you think of it?

I think if they are partners, Otter's reaction to Seshas's read on ILS was a little weird, it kept her options open for no reason kinda when I think multiple people had "derpcleared" ILS for his reaction.

That goes against Eifie's read that the claim was mentioned in mafia chat and that's why they both popped in to talk about it.

I suppose I could see it as a sort of soft bus, but idk if a feel of "pay attention to him not me" is how a bus works
hmm, luckily I am totally masons with Keldeo so I don't actually have to consider this, but my impression from having seen Keldeo be mafia twice recently(ish) is that as mafia he likes to be seen doing work and having Very Deep Thoughts that are meant to look very towny in a sense of "I am totally a town who is totally probing extremely deeply into this thing because I am totally a town who cares", so if I wasn't masons with Keldeo this would actually make me lean more towards him being town, hehe.
this is interesting since I am coming to the opposite read based on the Very Deep Thoughts thing tbh
Oh, okay.

I am pretty sure the "he" here is ILS and this is in response to Seshas's read, not another elaboration on her thoughts/reaction about VM?
oh yeah thats true
I was so caught in it feeling so over-explainy that I didnt realise who the subject was of that post. Could be w/w
this is interesting since I am coming to the opposite read based on the Very Deep Thoughts thing tbh
imo he's mostly posting regular-level thoughts and not the kind of things that have a specifically LAMIST (Look At Me I'm So Towny) feel that's like "this is an extremely nuanced opinion because I am heavily analyzing every tiny thing to find wolves"
He seems to get suspicious easily.

When I raised the possibility that Negrek could be mafia, he thought I was mafia trying to throw shade at her (although I didn’t even say I believed her to be mafia (I never did), only speculated about possible scenarios regarding VM’s powers in d2). When I explained myself, he agreed, on the grounds that Negrek’s role could easily be faked, and also mentioned that he was suspicious of VM because of his backtrack on his role’s powers (which was most likely a honest mistake). Then, finally, when he took VM’s outtake as true, he mused about what kind of OP shit must exist among the mafia.

I believe he’s town, though you can never be 100% sure.
The thing with people when they get suspicious easily is that they, if they are scum, like to test the waters. Prod a little. Playing as scum is like playing a game of Jenga and the town players are the jenga blocks.
imo he's mostly posting regular-level thoughts and not the kind of things that have a specifically LAMIST (Look At Me I'm So Towny) feel that's like "this is an extremely nuanced opinion because I am heavily analyzing every tiny thing to find wolves"
I wanted to make a hilarious joke that wolf Keldeo is basically Keldeo RPing Newcomb, but town Keldeo is also kind of like Keldeo RPing Newcomb
do you have any alignment read on rari / kyeugh / Herbe based on what you mentioned about them?
rari gives me mild suspicion in that they were willing to give opinions before and now stated that they're reluctant. I almost kind of feel like the backtracking on wanting to give opinions thing is some kind of preemptive cover up? As in, it's a excuse to only post heavily curated opinions for the sake of keeping secrets. I would put them at the lower end of my amorphous blob of "probably town", in the "potentially less likely to be town" section.

kyeugh seems to be pushing to be aggressive in a way that feels like she's trying hard to be beneficial to town, but I don't know if it's an act or not. (I don't know if this is typical behavior for her town game?) However, I feel that it would be even more suspicious if she were to suddenly change her act later on to be less aggressive, as it could be a sign that she was told to tone it down by someone else. She also goes in the "potentially less likely to be town" blob section for now.

Herbe gives me mild weirdness (not necessarily suspicion). It's just kind of a bit weird to me that he focused so hard on giving an opinion about mewtini with quoted posts to give exact evidence and hasn't even really mentioned much about other people? It could just be an oversight on his end, but I still find it odd. Out of the three, though, Herbe gives me the least level of caution in comparison and would therefore go to the "probably town" amorphous blob, unless he manages to post something that gives me bad feelings.
otter - i don't really care much either way about her now, i guess i understand why there are damage control vibes but i kind of think she was far more of a derpclear to me than ils is in retrospect. also i'm maybe being more pragmatic than some others are about not wanting to suspect ppl for being active d1; i don't feel that way about anyone other than otter, who i want to give more time to,

and even if she is mafia it doesn't really matter to me as long as we get anyone who i still think would be a better lynch,
ie my boy:
ILS - i like seshas' takes overall but i think it was maybe too generous to ils because it didn't consider the patterns that i've been working to establish the last dozen pages or so. otter's initial post-VM questioning still reads better to me than mawile's or ils' because it sounded the most rattled/confused, which could potentially be true of town; i maintain that mawile sounded too resolute and that ils' surprise sounded too vague.

also it kind of bothers me that seshas' comment there cleared all suspicion from ILS even now, when i think it's obvious that even if their take was a smart thought in the moment, it doesn't check out when he came out of NOWHERE on a very mafia-bait post. i'm going to again recount ils' posts so far and try to include context.
(for the sake of transparency, this recap is excluding 210, 224, 273, and 304 where he sounded pretty much like a normal town - in a scenario where it was excessively easy to sound like normal town)

I'm getting kinda not great vibes from rari_teh... they've been super quick to pounce on Negrek, hm.
this is from the first pair of roleclaims: when negrek had claimed to learn the ability of all players who die and when vm had claimed to absorb the ability of all non-mafia who die. i didn't, and still don't, think it was a far stretch to consider the implications of the fact that a direct factcheck had just been announced, especially to rari_teh who's been playing gullible!town and has toyed/run thought experiments with multiple people in an attempt to scum or townread. "super quick to pounce" was, if i remember correctly, one of the more accusatory remarks made in early game.

also, while negrek wasn't widely suspected (most people, including me, didn't) it still wasn't that weird of a take from rari_teh when seshas, who was already sounding kinda trustworthy, had separately mentioned "mafia" and "negrek" in the same sentence

It’s less pouncing and more raising the consideration that they might not be town. You gotta admit that claiming such a powerful role on d1 is suspicious, especially coming from someone who’s played a lot of mafia.
That's true, especially that it's a role that could be easily faked. To be honest, I'm also a little suspicious of VM because they backtracked on their claim. It's still too early to be sure of much of anything, at any rate.
the VM suspicion is weird to me; i think most of us read it as genuine, and VM also volunteered to claim roles the next day to factcheck negrek. (VM also later essentially volunteered to be lynched because he's throwing the game, which is even less reason VM would be mafia lol, but ils maybe didn't see that. just a thought)

and FINALLY we have
Uhhh holy shit

This is some truly wild stuff,, which means the mafia must have some wilder stuff and now I really don't know what to expect from roles in this game lmao
which i still think sounds like a pop-in. on the off-chance that otter really is mafia, they DID successfully distract because everyone immediately believed ils was just being silly
boq re-enacting eif's internal struggle live 1080p 2020 colourized
I like his catchup so far. Tell me what you think of it later on?

I wanted to make a hilarious joke that wolf Keldeo is basically Keldeo RPing Newcomb, but town Keldeo is also kind of like Keldeo RPing Newcomb
The wolf RP is better because I actually kill wolves! 🐶
in closing.... (and sorry if i've missed something relevant, have only been periodically checking),

i liek squirtles. between him/otter/mawile, otter and mawile are still voices i want to hear from (particularly otter, though i admit you guys have pushed her a few spaces lower in my ranking) so i'd rather lynch him for being honestly pretty quiet and posting only very flimsy content. i can be convinced to go for redneckphoenix instead, if people would rather go with someone ever so slightly less active, but i have more reasons i'm against ils; even if he's town, we don't lose out any more than we probabilistically would by lynching odie or RNP, since he hasn't said anything but was still involved in a few scenarios that i find sketchy
The wolf RP is better because I actually kill wolves! 🐶

full version of the joke that I thought of immediately after clicking post reply: wolf Keldeo is basically Keldeo RPing Newcomb, while town Keldeo is like Keldeo trying to RP Newcomb but he fails a little because without TMI he can't just make a big list of town and a small list containing all the wolves and be 100% correct
It's just kind of a bit weird to me that he focused so hard on giving an opinion about mewtini with quoted posts to give exact evidence and hasn't even really mentioned much about other people?
[slight conflict of interest but i promise i'd say it even if it weren't my name mentioned]

herbe has seemed really self-conscious in his posts to the point where i think the fact he volunteered info there has less to do with who it was and more to do with keldeo having solicited that information
aha, weaklings! I'm about to make a long post on mobile, and I'll link to TV tropes the entire time I do it!

... don't mind me not putting any quotes on this post btw

wrt activity in general: I feel it's worth pointing out that, although a relative dearth of engagement can be scummy, a high level of engagement as mafia... well, it can be very risky, but there are some crucial rewards at stake for the ones who pursue it. deflecting blame from a scumbuddy, or distancing oneself from one to earn Townie Points... not to mention that speculating on town's power roles and hunting for third-parties is very much in a mafiosx's interest (much as I hate to say it because I'll do the former out of sheer nerdy curiosity anyway)

which is all to say, careful about townreading someone just because they contribute! gotta make sure their contributions are helping town, too. although this is certainly something far easier to examine in the long-term; right now, lynching ostensibly useful posters sure seems less appealling than offing inactives

speaking of, I can't remember what prompted me thinki ng about it now, but I was thinking it'd be hilarious and adorable if it turned out mewtini and herbe were mafia together rn. like, I'd still lynch them both but I'd hate to,

wrt IndigoEmmy -- the impression I got is that she was being coy with her info because she was roleplaying the part of Mysterious Informant as given to her, and frankly I'm not sure why no one else seems to have arrived at that conclusion earlier!

wrt I Liek Squirtles -- I'll need to refreshen up on the fabled derpclear, but otherwise, I do have to point I've seen more activity from him in other games where he was town. again, this sort of thing can come with either a scummy explanation or a neutral one, but it Sure Is
so i have had a super difficult time following M&F's posts. They pop in. Make some largish post with links to tv tropes and barely engages with posts or with players in real time. I also don't really get the point of them, like how they are coming from someone who wants to figure out the game. They just exist in a vacuum to me.
so i have had a super difficult time following M&F's posts. They pop in. Make some largish post with links to tv tropes and barely engages with posts or with players in real time. I also don't really get the point of them, like how they are coming from someone who wants to figure out the game. They just exist in a vacuum to me.
lol yeah i kind of see m&f as questionable; part of me has written them off bc they're joking around but i also wonder if it's like, rapport-building. or equivalently if it qualifies as saying a lot while saying nothing of use
yeah i noticed that afterwards.

People focusing on mech talk is usually people I can't help myself from scum reading. Since it really is super easy to talk about without reading whilst looking like one is contributing (sometimes it even can derail a game when several people start talking/arguing about some mech nonsense instead of solving). You didn't really capitalise on that tho so we good tbh

Tbh I thought you might say something like this and I don't disagree, it just felt a bit bad to try and pass it off as something it wasn't when it essentially just boiled down to me being ineffectual

I find it kind of interesting @Eifie was one of the first people to float Odie as a lynch when iirc during the first MU-TCOD invitational I'm pretty sure she was resistant to the idea of killing DarkAura who was put in kind o the same position? Would be interested in hearing her process on that

(For ref my own feelings are that I'm not crazy about the idea of the 0 poster lynch but if inactive slots have to be manually resolved it's not a terrible option)

I have no idea how to find the start of this otter/ILS/Seshas stuff, your Iso system perplexes and bemuses me.
so i have had a super difficult time following M&F's posts. They pop in. Make some largish post with links to tv tropes and barely engages with posts or with players in real time. I also don't really get the point of them, like how they are coming from someone who wants to figure out the game. They just exist in a vacuum to me.
I'm glad someone else agrees

@Keldeo that was actually why she was specifically left out of my "Let Them Vibe" list a while ago but I was just kinda like shrug, whatever later because no one else cared so I let you add her
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