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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

yeah i think this would be a really dumb play for mafia!otter and i have more faith in her than that but i would love love love some more info
for informed decisions and such
Squirtles, though! I guess that his final words do confirm that we can almost definitely trust IndigoEmmy! And I wonder what it means that the two doctor factions don't get along...
Probably cancels out bc PEMDAS or some shit. At least on the upside, there's no chance of that happening anymore even though the chances of a doctor clash were already slim because this game is massive
I did basically no rereading while the thread was closed. sorry not sorry

the two people that come to mind to look closely at today are M&F and Panini

my post about Panini at EoD was kind of harshly worded, sorry @Panini :( I was desperate to get something out before the day ended. anyway the thing that worries me there is that Panini didn't really make a stance (she said if she was voting for one she would vote for ILS but without an actual vote there that doesn't really mean anything to me) and instead voted on a wagon that was at that point not happening, in a case where there were two competing wagons and I think neither were capital-m Mafia-aligned. it kind of made me nervous even right there when it happened and I was like "what if we have t/t wagons and she's a wolf staying away???" so now that I think neither wagon was Mafia I'm getting confirmation bias like whoa. her reason for voting Odie_pie there was if she doesn't come back in time and her vote gets in the way or something but I don't know if that really feels like her. like a lot of people on the wagons were clearly actively online right then to move their votes around and also the just not using her vote doesn't feel that town!Panini-like :( there's also the fact that she hasn't done much in the way of solving, keeps promising more content but hasn't delivered yet, and I am probably totally biased but I am not thrilled with her question to me about voting Odie_pie because I literally gave my reasons right in the post where I voted her. if she saw my vote she was the reasons. so the asking me about it kind of feels like asking to do something/shade.

it also sort of brings up alarm bells for me that M&F posted once close to EoD but never placed a non-joke vote which doesn't really jive with her like, not wanting to waste lynches? I expected her to have some sort of opinion or do something and as far as I recall she never did and again I think the wolves didn't care which of the two was lynched (until Rebecca made her claim)
the main 🤔🤔 thing is that looking back i don’t feel like her play really looked like the play of someone with a serious wagon on them who wanted to be lynched
My guess is that someone in the mafia chat suggested a last-minute bold roleclaim to try to panic someone into flipping the vote. If Otter really thought she’d win by being lynched, why the hell would she gloat about it while people could still flip votes? Idk mate…
My guess is that someone in the mafia chat suggested a last-minute bold roleclaim to try to panic someone into flipping the vote. If Otter really thought she’d win by being lynched, why the hell would she gloat about it while people could still flip votes? Idk mate…
i don’t think she was gloating and also this makes a lot more reachy assumptions than not imo
I'm kinda hesitant to post my entire role because it sounds reactive to me...? Like, I'm a vanilla townie until /something/ happens. I thought that something was getting lynched, but when I read over my PM more carefully, it kinda obviously wasn't. But if I say what it is, it definitely won't happen. I've been wondering how to phrase this all night and I've got nothing...


For what it's worth, A. I DID rescind my vote for Squirtles and offer to die when he said he was a doctor, and B. If I get nominated and lynched, I really will post everything I know about my role with about ten minutes to go...? It won't matter once I'm dead, after all. [...]
i think the worst case for you is to skirt around giving more details than that. "it definitely won't happen" is weirding me out too but i might be more inclined (personally) to let it go if you can give anything else

i think otter offering up A/B read kind of genuinely to me? but A is worrisome just because of the jesterclaim (but it sounds like it was a misread; jury is out). i also don't think she would sound so unwilling to die even if she were playing a jester longcon anyway, idk the more i read it the more it reads desperate!town to me but i really want more concrete role info

@Ottercopter what is your fear in posting more about your role? can you elaborate?
thanks eif!
also i wonder what fuckin pagecount we'll hit toDay. 100? 150? who knows, go crazy-
probably less than before because it's no longer a long weekend :p

I felt pretty blah about spending my entire weekend playing mafia so I'm going to try to stay away more but no matter how many times I say that it does not work.
Based on the trope description, it almost reads as third party to me, especially the bit about "character may declare that they have transcended morality as well, and is Above Good and Evil". But if he flipped not mafia and is in fact town (and not third-party), then I'm not sure what role this could correspond to? My initial thought was that a cult leader as a third party could work with the flavor of declaring yourself as a god, but if "not mafia" means "definitely town" and not "potentially third party", then I don't know what other roles would really fit.

Also @Eifie, @Negrek and @Mawile, I was thinking… you said deleted your role PMs from the last game, but did you also delete the email notification?
I tend to always turn off email notifications, plus I'm not even sure the email I used for my original account exists anymore.

Like, I'm a vanilla townie until /something/ happens
Care to elaborate on either part of this?
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