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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

The day is confusing for entirely different reasons than the previous ones. Everyone's in agreement for once, literally everyone, but also everyone's in agreement that trying to suss out exactly what happened on any of the previous nights is giving them a headache. Mawile confesses to being a member of the nefarious mafia, and with that of course all they can do is string him up while he monologues about all the manipulation he's been engaged in.

As his body hangs in the wind, a suspicious business card drifts out of his pocket.

Mawile is dead. He was mafia.

Please send in your night actions. The night will end on April 25th, 0:00 UTC (imagine you're in Iceland, having the party of your life at my house, except not because social distancing).

Final vote count:
Mawile (14) (IndigoEmmy, Keldeo, Mist1422, Mr. Ultracool, Negrek, Ottercopter, Panini, Seshas, Stryke, Vipera Ma
gnifica, kokorico, kyeugh, mewtini, rari_teh)
No vote (11) (Mawile, Herbe, Flora, M&F, JackPK, I liek Squirtles, serimachi, RedneckPhoenix, Odie_Pie, Eifie, Boquise)

Mist1422 votes Mawile (#2933)
Herbe votes M&F (#2935)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2936)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2939)
Seshas votes M&F (#3094)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3196)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3198)
Vipera Magnifica votes Mawile (#3212)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3225)
IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3247)
Mr. Ultracool votes M&F (#3260)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#3276)
Herbe unvotes (#3299)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3301)
kokorico votes Mawile (#3306)
Panini votes Mawile (#3307)
mewtini votes Mawile (#3325)
kokorico unvotes (#3410)
Keldeo votes Mawile (#3472)
Seshas votes Mawile (#3482)
kokorico votes Mawile (#3491)
Negrek votes Mawile (#3531)
Stryke votes Mawile (#3546)

IndigoEmmy votes Mawile (#3247)
Keldeo votes Mawile (#3472)
Mist1422 votes Mawile (#2933)
Mr. Ultracool votes Mawile (#3301)
Negrek votes Mawile (#3531)
Ottercopter votes Mawile (#3276)
Panini votes Mawile (#3307)
Seshas votes Mawile (#3482)
Stryke votes Mawile (#3546)
Vipera Magnifica votes Mawile (#3212)
kokorico votes Mawile (#3491)
kyeugh votes Mawile (#2939)
mewtini votes Mawile (#3325)
rari_teh votes Mawile (#2936)
As the inhabitants of Troperville gather the next morning, they find Negrek dead in the town square, reaching a feeble hand towards Mawile's body as it still hangs in the wind, her sunglasses lying broken on the ground. Yet again, there are no marks on her body.

In her pockets they discover nothing suspicious, only a journal full of lists of narrative tropes. The final page says Too Cool to Live in large lettering, with a little red arrow pointing to the word "me" and a frowny face.

Negrek is dead. She was not mafia.

You have 72 hours to discuss. The day will end on April 28th, 0:00 UTC (as if you're in Iceland, where the cool people are).

yeah i literally made my post and went "oh WAIT"

bruh rip :| tbh i feel like there's something to be gleaned from this protective kill..... what was mawile's trope that they only now targeted her when she's been able to read tropes this whole time
i'm clearly kind of unfocused rn lol but i was rereading the last like 1k posts a bit ago and have some qs, i think, once conversation gets underway
what was mawile's trope that they only now targeted her when she's been able to read tropes this whole time
actually i guess maybe they decided it wasn't worth it until a mafia member got lynched? still i kind of thought she would get hit earlier (especially since boq was an early kill, idk)
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