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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I do have to say that distracting from mechspec is like the opposite of what's thus far gotten people suspected-
it’s not really the mechspec so much as just, deciding he was Probably This and then just moving away from everything boq or boq-adjacent
like the speed at which it seems everyone collected decided there probably wasnt anything more worth reading into from the death is just weird imo. i want to come back around to it but need to be less busy before i start making any actually substantive posts
the things that stand out to me from the numbers alone are that mewtini cast the first vote
i was about to be like. MF. but. it wasn't - random - D:

and then i read your next paragraph and exhaled slowly. baby's first hammer tbh. :(
like, I agree that the mob didn't have to take a stance on this one, but getting innocents lynched is 1+ and blending in is useful, so I do feel that it's useful to scrutinize, even if we get nothing out of it but more "HMMMMMMMMMMM"
And rari, do you have any idea what it is that's giving you "weird vibes" about him? anything might be helpful even if not concrete, but "something fishy" is unfortunately not a lot to go on :P

That’s exactly why I didn’t want to say who it was lol, I don’t have anything quite solid

A few comments…
  • His reaction to VM’s jokeclaim sounded especially seedy considering a) three hours had passed since the “claim” and b) he quoted post-Seshas-reactions comments on the very same post, meaning that he probably did catch up and had time to think (but then again the mafia chat must’ve been especially paranoid overall in the case he’s mafia)
  • Some of his reads in these posts struck me as very odd at the time (i.e. casting mild suspicion on kyeugh and patting Keldeo’s head), yet I no longer suspect of Keldeo and I do admit that reading people over their reads isn’t ideal, so yeah, this is a flimsy talking point
  • I can’t help but find questionable how ILS’s lynch train didn’t have much traction until Keldeo, Mawile and Negrek voted him within the span of less than three minutes, all without much reasoning (although Keldeo moved his vote right after to Otter, yet later in the eod moved back to ILS). Makes me wonder whether this could be indicative of people combining votes on wolfchat, but then again that all could be a coincidence and I don’t feel like there are other reasons to distrust Negrek and Keldeo
So yeah, flimsy flimsy. Now you see why I didn’t want to name my suspicion…
For what it's worth, I haven't slept well in several days! So you're getting a sleepy Mawile post instead of whatever it is I usually post. And I'm probably just going to dig myself further into a hole by posting since people are already suspicious of me :x

Like ILS and Otter, he initially didn't seem to recognise VM's omniscienceclaim as a joke.
I took it at face value. I take everyone's claims at face value and assume them to be true unless stated otherwise, because any other way of playing doesn't really make sense to me? I'm bad at reading tone online (and in person), so my best way of gathering information/forming opinions is to just assume that what everyone claims to be is true and then work off of that. If we're being completely honest: I'm not sure what I can do to convince people to not be suspicious of me?

not sure how to read this tbh. Like, there's not a lot of mechanically useful content, admittedly, but that could just be overwhelmedness, and what there is doesn't seem 100% recycled from the rest of town.
I am overwhelmed! The thread is long and people know how to analyze each other way better than I do, and people are able to phrase their thoughts in a much better way than I can.

Have any of y'all played with him much? Is this shitpost ratio normal?
I haven't played a game of mafia since 2016 at the latest (I can't find the last mafia game I actually participated in, and the last one I ran was in 2016, so I'm just going by that). For what it's worth, I spend a fair amount of time (when I'm actually online) reading the thread and typing up a post and then I get cold feet because I get worried that it sounds too much like someone else's post and then people will be even more suspicious of me. And then I delete the post and usually post a meme instead :x

and that Herbe, Mawile and Negrek were parked on ILS. now, I have a clear on Negrek (or do I) and don't offhead have other reasons to be suspicious of Herbe, but hey, look which currently-under-scrutinity player shows up here!
I understand that I'm just digging myself further into a hole here, but I do have classes and can't be online all the time, so I set down a vote that I felt made sense (in my context of RNP vs ILS) and then went to class, logged back on right at 5 for the end of day and freaked out about Ottercopter along with everyone else.
ftr: i am interested in boq spec if we can swing back around to that? (but i know kyeugh asked for who it was, dw)

Now you see why I didn’t want to name my suspicion…
i kinda don't really get this because by my count like 3 of us have named mawile (at least kyeugh and i both did earlier, i think eifie? and someone else maybe i dont recall). which is to say, i wouldn't beat yourself up about bringing this up. mawile suspicion is one of the less out-there speculations i think you could have

His reaction to VM’s jokeclaim sounded especially seedy considering a) three hours had passed since the “claim” and b) he quoted post-Seshas-reactions comments on the very same post, meaning that he probably did catch up and had time to think (but then again the mafia chat must’ve been especially paranoid overall in the case he’s mafia)
i feel bad for hammering this because i think everyone's sick of diving into people's reactions to this claim, but this is kinda what weirded me out. i said this earlier but the only scenario in which someone didn't see the jokeclaim as a joke is one where they posted without reading anything, which hasn't been consistent w mawile and doesn't seem to hold in that post either
I can’t help but find questionable how ILS’s lynch train didn’t have much traction until Keldeo, Mawile and Negrek voted him within the span of less than three minutes, all without much reasoning (although Keldeo moved his vote right after to Otter, yet later in the eod moved back to ILS). Makes me wonder whether this could be indicative of people combining votes on wolfchat,
kinda don't like this

they weren't votecombining, i still thought keldeo felt somehow weird about neg's vote (or something happened; keldeo and negrek's votes were pretty clearly unaligned with each other lol) and i don't know if this makes sense either anyway?
I understand that I'm just digging myself further into a hole here, but I do have classes and can't be online all the time, so I set down a vote that I felt made sense (in my context of RNP vs ILS) and then went to class, logged back on right at 5 for the end of day and freaked out about Ottercopter along with everyone else.
i'll get back to the rest of this but i'm fine with this paragraph tbh. as someone who also has pacific-time classes i empathize
And I'm probably just going to dig myself further into a hole by posting since people are already suspicious of me :x
No, on the contrary! If you’re indeed innocent, it is exactly by explaining that you’re (hopefully) going to convince us of the truth.
i kinda don't really get this because by my count like 3 of us have named mawile (at least kyeugh and i both did earlier, i think eifie? and someone else maybe i dont recall). which is to say, i wouldn't beat yourself up about bringing this up. mawile suspicion is one of the less out-there speculations i think you could have
Those other times people cast suspicion on Mawile, they were more like offhand commentary rather than talking point proposals. The thread ain’t as active as it was at D1’s peak, pretty much anything you say here will become the talking point for a while
hello I just caught up and I have schoolwork to get to but I'm just gonna go ahead and unvote bc tbf my idea kinda already ran its course. might come vibe after i finish my work
Hooo, I thought the day ended in like three hours and I was Afraid, but thankfully it looks like I just got my days mixed up again. Posting to say I'll be back tonight to actually play a bit again.
@Eifie, if I may ask, what are your opinions on Mawile?
Basically completely null. Anything that may have moved the needle for me at any point has just faded by now.

Probably needs more scrutiny just because the nulls are where lots of mafia hang out, but god I'm so bad at suspecting my friends. Like literally almost any time someone posts anything my response is "okay you can be town"
Ok, the discussion seems to have stalled off and there are still 30 minutes until my stupid-late lunch arrives, so I’ll resort to posting cat memes

stop right there cat.jpg
i'm going to return (and maybe look at boq stuff when i do) in a couple hrs after i take my midterm. fingers crossed that i don't come back to 15 pages to quickly read
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