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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Ultracool - Yes, we can use it as a cop ability / to build a network of town clears, but now that its activation method is out in the open, it would be harder because mafia can kill the person who gets the ability.

Butterfree couldn't answer my question about what would happen if I swapped with a mafia member, so I wouldn't assume anything. The overriding answer, I guess, is we just don't know what would happen.

@rari_teh I was hoping to swap with you undetected today. Would you mind doing a quote chain where we continually quote each other's posts and say the body swapping phrase? I know how many times it can bounce back in a day, but the mafia don't, which would maybe obscure who is actually the cop. Unless someone has a smarter idea for how to use this ability.
Butterfree couldn't answer my question about what would happen if I swapped with a mafia member, so I wouldn't assume anything. The overriding answer, I guess, is we just don't know what would happen.
I mean, we could try it.
Oh, I could also say the body swapping phrase in response to multiple people because I know how Butterfree decides between many instances of the phrase, lol

Body swap cover?!
@rari_teh I was hoping to swap with you undetected today. Would you mind doing a quote chain where we continually quote each other's posts and say the body swapping phrase? I know how many times it can bounce back in a day, but the mafia don't, which would maybe obscure who is actually the cop. Unless someone has a smarter idea for how to use this ability.
I guess this isn't actually useful because this still narrows the cop down to two people, assuming rari's telling the truth. :V

Ideas for how to use this ability + thoughts on Negrek getting the wrong role for Eifie would be appreciated.
This idea doesn't make any sense to me - what's the point of a motion detector who can't detect some motion?

@Mawile - sorry, I don't understand the above post, can you explain? Also, could you explain your d1 post that was kinda shading Herbe - if Herbe was confirmed town to you, why was his focus on Mewtini weird?

I mean, people have already established that I'm probably not a motion detector, so there's no need to continue to elaborate, right? You do have a point, it would be useless for a motion detector to not detect motion. I may or may not have been guessing at logistics here.

Re: "To be fair, I also had the issue of having to realize that my flavor text gave me Actual Important Information, so you're not alone there." My role PM had a bunch of flavor text at the top, with links to tropes and whatnot. One of these tropes stuck out to me, and I asked Butterfree if [flavor text trope redacted] meant [information redacted] and that I should/shouldn't [action redacted] because of this information, and it was confirmed to be important and that my assumption was correct. I would prefer to not give away what the flavor text exactly is.

Herbe was obviously confirmed town to me, but I just wanted to essentially publicly force him into trying to share more opinions about people earlier on. I figured that I would probably mess up sooner or later and people would be suspicious of me, and I didn't want people to be suspicious of him too. It's already bad enough that he's stuck in a lovers with me instead of Stryke.
Also, Eifie showing up with a gun is weird considering that my role had nothing to do with guns. I was thinking maybe someone gave her the gun? I don't think it's a great idea to claim that if that's the case, given we have a redirector running around. The question that idea raises, anyway, is where the first few guns went. Or the mafia could be manipulating the flavor text (possibly also extending to our knowledge of the dead person's flavor?) like Seshas proposed.

I agree with VM (VVhite Mage) on the most likely situation re: Stryke. It's still weird because if everyone's telling the truth, Eifie had one layer of protection, and if mafia have a way to get around kills I'd expect them to target someone with a claimed useful role, since Eifie hadn't claimed? It could also be possible that someone redirected or blocked Stryke who is anti-town but not aligned with mafia, so they couldn't coordinate with mafia.
I agree with VM (VVhite Mage) on the most likely situation re: Stryke. It's still weird because if everyone's telling the truth, Eifie had one layer of protection, and if mafia have a way to get around kills I'd expect them to target someone with a claimed useful role, since Eifie hadn't claimed? It could also be possible that someone redirected or blocked Stryke who is anti-town but not aligned with mafia, so they couldn't coordinate with mafia.

Also I just thought about the possibility someone is a Bus Driver and switched Eifie and the mafia's initial target.

That would resolve something like this:
Stryke heals Eifie
Mafia kills ???
Bus Driver switches Eifie and ???
Stryke's heal goes to ???
Mafia's kill goes to Eifie
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