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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Reminder: As VM won't be back online before EOD, we may not be able to alter his stated plan of action (which was to try the healclashvig thing on M&F if RNP was lynched, or to reuse the N3 plan if M&F was lynched). So if you think the healclashvig should be avoided, you need to vote M&F.

Personally I am going with RNP, as I said I would earlier if the wagon materialised. I don't have a preference on the healclashvig (it might not work, in fact it probably won't, but it's unlikely to be actively harmful), but RNP is either mafia or has a role he may well use in an antitown way. M&F might be a more likely mafia flip but she is less of a "known dangerous" quantity. in ways other than helping mafia decide who to kill, I mean.

Exactly ;) only Butterfree knows!
Can confirm. I've been keeping a spreadsheet just to make sure, and those last two swaps introduced enough divergence that there now exist plausible sets of mechanics that could result in any of the three of you now being the cop (or the swapper).
Actually vote for MF or defend himself more, because the wagons are really close so a vote like that from him could get the lynch to go onto her instead of him, which would let him get one more of his hypothetical stronger action off
Actually vote for MF or defend himself more, because the wagons are really close so a vote like that from him could get the lynch to go onto her instead of him, which would let him get one more of his hypothetical stronger action off
a real question: why hasn't he voted for MF? that also doesn't make me feel that great about anything
rnp DID get combative yesterday, and it just made things worse for him. i think (ostensibly) accepting your lynch near EOD doesn’t say anything about your alignment. a townie might roll over and die if they don’t think it particularly matters that they die; a wolf might do it because it elicits the reaction you’re having.
does the trope you're (seemingly?) aware of have any AI flavor/lean to it?
let me look at it again.
I guess I just don't... understand why we're wanting to lynch someone who has not been inspected mafia although he has mechanical weirdness going on, over someone who has been inspected mafia. I understand that MF is "solved" and RNP isn't, but I think lynching someone who is more likely to be mafia is always better than lynching a town to "solve them" when there are also mechanical ways that we can solve RNP that don't involve using one of our lynches.

The healer vig might fail, and using all of our healers with it leaves the cop role open to be killed, although there's been obfuscation as to who will have the cop role tonight.
a wolf might do it because it elicits the reaction you’re having.

honestly i think that all he could do is a) vote MF or b) reply with his trope

Reminder: As VM won't be back online before EOD, we may not be able to alter his stated plan of action (which was to try the healclashvig thing on M&F if RNP was lynched, or to reuse the N3 plan if M&F was lynched). So if you think the healclashvig should be avoided, you need to vote M&F.
VM has to check back in anyway to figure out who got lynched, right? couldn't we tag him to let him know if the plan changes/to halt a healclashvig - it's not like he 100% vanishes
when there are also mechanical ways that we can solve RNP that don't involve using one of our lynches.
i guess i still don’t really understand what these are. or why we aren’t already using them if they exist. unless it’s a night thing?
i guess i still don’t really understand what these are. or why we aren’t already using them if they exist. unless it’s a night thing?
cop or swap i think. but i think swapping to RNP is :^/// and then, yeah, cop is cop
isn't the likeliest outcome just that MF is a goon anyway?
If it's the will of the masses I'll go along with it but it's just like... it doesn't really make sense to me as a gameplan, hehe. Maybe you're right and they're both mafia and I'll be suitably chastened tomorrow.

i guess i still don’t really understand what these are. or why we aren’t already using them if they exist. unless it’s a night thing?
Foremost is using rari's cop ability to inspect him, unless you think that he could also be a godfather along with his ability, or that mafia have some way to disrupt that
Foremost is using rari's cop ability to inspect him, unless you think that he could also be a godfather along with his ability, or that mafia have some way to disrupt that
if he’s indeed a mafia roleblocker then doesn’t he have like 2/3 odds of hitting the cop if they block one possibility and kill another?
Why do you think MF's a goon?

This is suuuper speculative, but if Mawile was not known to MF as mafia (which I think is likely based on like one of their earlier interactions), I feel like MF is not as likely to be a goon. Fakeclaimers gonna fakeclaim and everything, but if she perceived Mawile as non-mafia, she was originally claiming targets in order to get people to vote Mawile over herself - if she didn't actually target any of the people she said she did, a watch or track would foil her claim. And she'd been saying she'd targeted those people since d1-d2.
Some catchup stuff I didn't get the chance to put in elsewhere, most not really relevant rn

I think Eifie will yell at me if I don't say I'm on principle side-eyeing koko's "if I'm mafia here's another chart" but I do understand why e'd put it out there.

I think the worlds e lays out are fine. Keeping in mind it is possible that either of these roles is mafia, I really believe that Stryke is the nanobot doctor (it's a super fakeclaimable role if he isn't) and that RNP is a roleblocker (weaker, but based on kyeugh's testimony and him mentioning asking Butterfree about role categories.)

Behaviorally I think RNP is on the edge of "too wolfy to be a wolf" vs. "actually just a wolf" and I'm tempted to lean toward the former, although this probably isn't outside of his mafia range. I'm independently liking Stryke for his eminently falsifiable claim. So I do think it's possible they and kokorico are v/v/v. I'm not sure how that situation works out mechanically, but I do think that in a game with at least three doctors, there would be some way for mafia to get around healing, whether it's blocking, redirecting, or some sort of strongman.

Makes me wonder if they're both mafia and that's why nobody's jumping to defend anyone tbh
I'd put more weight into something like this if the thread was like, more frantic, and I guess if MF wasn't a dead woman walking / if RNP were more self-preservatory. Not many people are around right now, and I'm townreading most of the people who are.
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