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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

mewtini is 3p
Herbe is probably 3p?
asking in relation to this because i think everyone seems to have the same read. why is herbe less likely to be telling the truth about 3p than i am?

I think it's just that he claims to have a direct connection to an actual red flip in a game where we saw that an alien and a terrorist both flipped green. Like, it would be an incredibly bold, risky move, but... saying that he was Mawile's lover DID get everyone to leave him alone for the most part. And this claim was also pre-Rari_teh's inspector reveal.

So, how about swapping with herbe? Or was that already done and I'm getting confused?
I'd rather lynch him if I'm honest. But we do have 48 hours to think this over and I do want to use it to the fullest.
asking in relation to this because i think everyone seems to have the same read. why is herbe less likely to be telling the truth about 3p than i am?
also if mewtini is actually mafia I will feel betrayed
don't worry tbh. i've got your back.
i have nothing to do in quarantine so my play level will probably not really drop btw.
just fwiw i didn't ask the question about herbe because i'm still gung-ho about putting him in my 'harmless' pile, i just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page.

i'm laying off a lot post-mawile fuckery but i guess i feel like, at least to me, a lot of the weirdness that he's been involved in felt explainable. so ... i'm not against lynching him and i'll probably even vote on him if it comes to that, i just would rather figure out flora/seri who we know nothing about (by 'figure out' i don't mean kill) and am worried that a herbe train will kill discussion

just for full transparency ... this is really dumb but because this was both herbe's and my first mafia game i think i am projecting how i would play onto him a bit too much. i don't personally think i, as a first-timer, could have kept up the solvyness/activity in the way he did early on while being scum and i would, frankly, be impressed if that ended up being the case :x

Like, it would be an incredibly bold, risky move, but... saying that he was Mawile's lover DID get everyone to leave him alone for the most part. And this claim was also pre-Rari_teh's inspector reveal.
i guess this is a fair point. idk if i feel strongly about it being pre-inspector reveal because i think it was more or less a given that some cop existed ingame though haha. on the other hand, i remember herbe also saying "we invite all cops to check us out :)" which is kind of awk. i also got swayed by him (yesterDay i think?) admitting that lynching him made the most sense, but given his cop-invite, maybe he's just been falling back on that trust-building tactic repeatedly

tentative proposal. lynch herbe and emmyswap?
(also, a q: as we wind down a bit, could swapping with flora or seri become more useful at some point?)
well, what can i say in my defense that hasn't already been said? here are some of my thoughts:
i just would rather figure out flora/seri who we know nothing about (by 'figure out' i don't mean kill)
well, yeah, you don't necessarily mean that. but how the hell are we gonna learn about flora other than a kill there? can't bodyswap with her, you'll lose the power if she's a regular inactive and you'll lose the power if she's a lurking maf.
tentative proposal. lynch herbe and emmyswap?
counterproposal: swap w emmy, who swaps with me. the original person will get to check emmy's power, and it'll either end at emmy, or emmy will get my role and confirm me.

also i see me in ur sig mewtini <3
well, yeah, you don't necessarily mean that.
i would have edited to say "i don't necessarily mean kill." just didn't feel like doubleposting again to make that revision. anyway ... i share kyeugh's apprehension in inactive-lynching :| but don't really know how to get around it. i still think swapping could be a viable solution if we manage to figure out what different outcomes could signify - we don't necessarily need to keep the power infinitely. (in re: flora, doesn't the swap just fail in the case where they're mafia? idrk. either way i'd rather attempt to swap than kill another inno, i feel like)
counterproposal: swap w emmy, who swaps with me. the original person will get to check emmy's power, and it'll either end at emmy, or emmy will get my role and confirm me.
i can vibe with this. though, and this might be a kind of mean q - as i mentioned earlier, you were pretty willing to get lynched yesterDay and didn't put up much of a fight when the topic came up. what changed? (i'm guessing the answer is just "i want to keep playing :(" but i figure i'll ask regardless)
also i see me in ur sig mewtini <3
yes king!
you were pretty willing to get lynched yesterDay and didn't put up much of a fight when the topic came up. what changed? (i'm guessing the answer is just "i want to keep playing :("
i took benadryl but when the Sleepy hit, i drank an energy drink, so i think im a little woozy from that right now
i really do want to keep playing. i deleted a part of that post i made where i was like "im not offended if you try to lynch me today, but i don't think it's the best choice today. maybe it would be the best choice tomorrow, who knows"
herbe you fool. stop with the 1am monster

yeah that was pretty much the energy i remember you exuding. so for a second when the vibe changed i was like hmmmm. i gotcha though
I still think Flora is a wasted lynch that doesn't get us any closer to finding the mafia member that's actually killing people right now and just cuts down our numbers. I think even abstaining would be less risky.

Still trying to think of the best way to swap. I'd like to think that we could clear Seshas and Emmy first, then go to Flora or Serimachi to get a new role because there'd be nobody else worth swapping with by then, but.... that's two more days of mafia kills and I don't think we can actually afford that.

For what it's worth, though, Emmy's been pretty eager to play the swapping game. If we already concluded by that point that being able to swap with a mafia member would be kinda game breaking, that would be kinda odd. Although I guess not any more or less iffy than Herbe inviting inspectors to check him and Mawile?

counterproposal: swap w emmy, who swaps with me. the original person will get to check emmy's power, and it'll either end at emmy, or emmy will get my role and confirm me.
Even if you really are just third party, the swap would almost definitely end at you and render that pointless, like Mewitti said. My paranoid brain is wondering if you said this just so the Mafia have an easy idea of how the swap chain went this night and be able to pick off the body swapper.

On the note of swapping, still wondering why it failed with VM and Kyeugh even though I know we're not gonna get answers until probably the end of the game at this point. Kyeugh, I kinda wanna ask you if you think keeping your role obscured means you can still get some potential active use out of it, but I also doubt you can really give any real answer to that and I have no idea how to treat that. Uuuuugh.
I need to check when all emmy said she would be fine to swap

since it may be possible? that the swap failed with kyeugh/Vipera and both were town
Kyeugh, I kinda wanna ask you if you think keeping your role obscured means you can still get some potential active use out of it, but I also doubt you can really give any real answer to that and I have no idea how to treat that. Uuuuugh.
i think the important part about my role—that i'm informed i'm visited—is already out there, so i don't think fully claiming would really compromise its usefulness. i just don't really see why i should claim, i guess. it wouldn't really be that useful, unless this is about you not trusting me at my word about why it might be unswappable, which... fair, i guess, but i don't think a full claim is really going to clear that up either. all we know is that i didn't swap for one reason or another, and you can either believe it's because i'm mafia, or not... but if i am scum, i'm going to lie about my role anyway, so i'm not really sure what claiming helps.
For what it's worth, though, Emmy's been pretty eager to play the swapping game.
this is fair, i agree with seshas that i need to see her reaction sometime toDay to figure that out. i feel like i'll have a huge facepalm moment if she ends up being a wolf because i gave her so many passes on things that i thought could hypothetically be weird but seemed NAI

also i would really rather skylar not claim
Fair. Did you get a notification that I visited you?
nope! i've reported all my visits so far. pretty weird... is it possible you got blocked actually? this didn't occur to me until just now.
I think even abstaining would be less risky.
meh, i don't think abstaining is really anything tbh. what would we achieve? do we have inforoles that could turn up useful information with the saved time? i feel like it's just dragging stuff out tbh, i don't think abstaining really does anything for us that is going to help our odds of wining the game in the long run.
i think the important part about my role—that i'm informed i'm visited
is there more to claim beyond this? i'd just kind of assumed it was something like psychic/that there wasn't much more to your role
nope! i've reported all my visits so far. pretty weird... is it possible you got blocked actually? this didn't occur to me until just now.

I doubt it since we already killed RNP. Like, that would explain VM, but... I got both my swap fail PMs within an hour of first day phase ending, and within ten minutes last night. They'd have to have sent in their night actions pretty quickly or maybe had some kind of daytime trigger phrase like me. I think it's highly unlikely either way.
like i guess it's possible that that role is of either alignment, but i also will point out that skylar offered to roleclaim like ages ago (during the RNP debacle) which gains points from me. like tinfoil!theory could say that it was somehow like, vaguely opportunistic because she later voted for RNP but i would then say that it would be a really bad tinfoil theory for reasons already discussed (i only mention this because otter tried to bring it up in her initial longpost and i strongly disagreed with this in particular)

nope! i've reported all my visits so far. pretty weird... is it possible you got blocked actually? this didn't occur to me until just now.
@otter pretty much, is it possible that a failed swap doesn't constitute a visit? if not i could imagine a blocker trying to cast suspicion this way, idk

meh, i don't think abstaining is really anything tbh. what would we achieve?
if we really end up not having anything to go on by lynchtime, idk how i feel about voting about anyone with how little confidence i have/no real SRs and for a bit i considered abstaining. on the other hand we're probably still at least a little ways off from mylo right
oh i posted before seeing otter's reply. the fail is probably purely mech then
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