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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

i'm the mysterious informant. I only voted for the mafia so far except for that one time, which was a mistake and everyone else did it. Plus do i look like the person who would join a secret crime syndacate?
Idk... flora hasn't been active so there isn't a way to know if flora is mafia.
Herbe is a little suspicious... but idk either?

Well, is there anyone or anything that DOES stand out to you?

Idk... flora hasn't been active so there isn't a way to know if flora is mafia.
Herbe is a little suspicious... but idk either?
we're talking about lynching between flora + herbe rn
what are your thoughts on that

Not trying to de-rail discussion, I just have to start this at some point, you know? It's not you, it's me.

IndigoEmmy, if you haven't caught up, we're gonna try and keep the swap chain between the three of us for now. If that changes, we've got a day to think it over anyway.
örgh. i'm actively TRing almost everyone

emmy can you talk more about herbe?
also i know seshas disagrees here but i'm not super convinced that seri is any more towny than flora and i'm seeing it as coinflip flora/seri + herbe ... i just don't think it takes a lot of effort to read their posts as mafia pop-ins. like granted it can totally go either way, i'm just taking what i can get, even if it's admittedly just grasping at straws. interested in thoughts about it
searched thread just now for mentions of serimachi's username and pretty much got nothing except for this
I haven't been taking the best notes for d2, but I feel that I would still vote for an inactive because it doesn't make sense to me to keep around someone who isn't talking, rather than someone who's actively participating. So probably serimachi or Odie, but at least serimachi has at least posted a couple times.
+town, though could be a distancing attempt?

fsr i just talked myself into wanting to lynch seri over flora. i still think that swapping into an inactive (yes, i know it would be abandoning the role, but we'll run out of other super-needed clears anyway hopefully?) and lynching the other might be the way to go at some point
I haven't been taking the best notes for d2, but I feel that I would still vote for an inactive because it doesn't make sense to me to keep around someone who isn't talking, rather than someone who's actively participating. So probably serimachi or Odie, but at least serimachi has at least posted a couple times.
on second thought i don't know if i think this is +town for seri, mawile is still moreso lifting up odie as a candidate here and i think with the way everyone's logic was going it was far more likely that we lynched odie than seri (who was getting widely null-to-townread for their few posts. especially because eif/kel TRed them)
All i mean is he is the most suspicious target for now, at least when compared to me and flora (but with flora, who knows) so i'd vote for him (to die) but i don't have a reason really. I mean idk
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