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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

i'm guessing you're mostly joking but hm.
in that hypothetical would it make sense for seshas to be covering seri in the way they are?
if seshas is town then our possibilities go down to flora/seri/emmy/skylar/herbe.
i kind of feel like any scumteam out of that group would be weird (and since the NKs have been fairly, like, well-aimed? KP definitely doesn't lie with seri and it probably isn't on flora) and there's also a pretty low chance that herbe and seri are w/w, which reduces it down even more in those respective cases

your point about that stuck out to me so much because i can't really think of anyone who seemed super into that idea (maybe i only think that because i hadn't really considered it as a real possibility) so it's a good indicator, i just don't know who it would be lol
I know I don't care but as mafia I never kill vipera here
I actually need to see who thought there was a good chance at lynching vipera today
devil's advocate, maybe scum just wanted to off the doctor without taking a chance on the lynch not going their way this day. just being safe about it. i just don't think that's as foolproof of a plan as it's presented.
oh honestly it's also possible that they just figured VM was the safest NK, since there aren't any other doctors that could've protected him
i was more curious why mafia!you would have avoided a VM lynch! i still didn't really think town heading in that lynch direction 100%
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