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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

like i don't think i strongly read herbe as scum so much as just, him flipping scum would not not make sense whereas him flipping town would be kind of a question mark
basically i guess it didn't come off like this but like ... i think i clashed with you in particular about herbe because i just kept thinking "well i'm not scumreading him at all!!!" and didn't realize that that wasn't what we were disagreeing on
I'm rethinking the basic assumption about there being 5 mafia
because the interactions really don't make sense
Oh, if we're gonna lynch Herbe, I guess we have to actually... vote for him, huh?
i hate to say this bc i really want mewtini to be town but the way she’s been treating herbe has felt v weird to me basically since mawile died and if herbe flips scum i’m going to feel pretty bad about her

also herbe
also herbe

I'm just going to go with whoever is the most popular unless it's me and also go with herbe because i saw 1 vote for him.
if they’re w/w then mawile didn’t have to target herbe, the whole thing would be made up
oh gotcha. sorry. i totally just didn't understand, thought we were all assuming ingroup-mawile so i got confused :p
mewtini claiming to be a 3p protector

also, man. to be clear, i was being genuine when i said my herbe attachment is just a tone thing. if he flips scum i'll understand being sussed, i guess, but i also don't think i ever would have claimed or broken my role-silence as mafia there when i'm in everyone's town pile ... not even to curry points! i feel like if i were to make a bogus claim at this point in the game, i would've tried to cook something up that could defend herbe? (tbh idk how i would have done it. but not like that.)

maybe i stuck with talking about herbe for too long, i just gut-felt like he was 3p. sorry tbh. i always wanted to lynch him above flora/seri today, and maybe i didn't make that obvious enough. :P

5 votes on Herbe
Otter -> Kyeugh -> Emmy -> Panini -> Mewtini
the nonvoters are Herbe/Seshas/Seri/Flora/someone else
Vipera was actually info-cleared as town
Vipera was only mafia if he know outgroups flipped as non-town
Mawile quite clearly did not know that
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