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I'm a gray gary
.The Queen
quoting bc i agree and kind of didn't suspect so many early Malevolent Reads on keldeo (or the early-game suspicion of eifie from that one guy, though that might've just been a lack of familiarity with the tcodf dynamic? i can't be fucked to go back and look). part of me is a little like gut-suspicious but that's only because i'm a mafia newbie and keldeo's skill scares me lmfaoi have to be honest i’m not really sure what level of substance is to be expected from anyone right now. keldeo has made some useful posts—prodding and collating are useful, and also just how he plays—and that’s a lot more than like half the member list has done at this point. that seems like a really weird thing to scum read him for to me, why not do the same to like the half dozen people who have actually barely posted
curious to hear about this from seshas, even if i still trust them for nowunvote
how do you you feel about my push on you though
and quoting this one for ?! valueI guess I won't mind if i do get offed right away. In fact, oh yeah, I forgot to mention another part of my role: I learn the name of all the mafia members on N1, and I also have unlimited daytime vigilante kills. Would be a real shame if something were to happen to me tonight~
Yeah. So for kyeugh it's honestly like. Very old meta. I just remember her being so uncomfortable and unwilling to engage as mafia and I know I should look more closely at this but I'm too lazy smh. I've like nodded along to most of her takes (Seshas being a glaring exception) and I feel like a lot of her posting is like stream-of-consciousness in what feels like a towny way to me. I feel like going out on a limb with that Seshas move is an attention-grabbing move that I'm not sure she'd want to do as mafia.Eifie can you talk to me a bit about your probably town pile minus mewtini and Herbe
love that i said "idk if we're talking about this" only for the page to refresh and this to show up ..., but yeah this is what made me change my mind. at the time i thought maybe she didn't realize that there wasn't anyone else (afaik) who was suspicious of seshas and i thought maybe it was aI've like nodded along to most of her takes (Seshas being a glaring exception) and I feel like a lot of her posting is like stream-of-consciousness in what feels like a towny way to me. I feel like going out on a limb with that Seshas move is an attention-grabbing move that I'm not sure she'd want to do as mafia.
lmfao I was literally going to post this tweet earlier in the game when people were complaining about so many posts just for the sorry i'm sorry bitlove that i said "idk if we're talking about this" only for the page to refresh and this to show up ..., but yeah this is what made me change my mind. at the time i thought maybe she didn't realize that there wasn't anyone else (afaik) who was suspicious of seshas and i thought maybe it was a
kind of moment but i also realized that the mechanic you mention in the last part of what i quoted could have been the reason for that
yeah i think it's kind of impossible to tell rn and i've really liked her tone aside from this, so i think i'm just going to keep it in the back of my mind for nowyeah like I should honestly probably look more closely at that kind of backpedal but also I can sympathize because after I made my posts I was like FUCK WHY DID I DO THAT and just wanted to smooth things over in any way possible because I got too intense so I can't really judge.
yeah. the fact that i think she's arguably cultivated Kinship makes me feel ok with laying offmeanwhile here I don't think she's expressed any suspicions except on Seshas and she probably could've given more at this point...?