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Hmm... kinda weird I didn't automatically absorb JackPK's role, since I was given the role of taking over the role and power of the first non-mafia player to die.
Maybe, just maybe JackPK isn't truly dead. I think we should lynch JackPK just to make sure.
bfree did not modkill you therefore this is fake. nice try, you lying filthbtw I saw people asking for screenshots of role PMs so here's mine
i think this is why there's conversation about jackpk not even being deadWait, I'm dumb, your power said non-mafia and not "town," and jack flipped not mafia. So for all intents and purposes you should have his role right? Weird things afoot but I retract my "third party" statement
yes i should clarify that this is what i actually believe, i was getting a little loopy beforei’d sooner assume vm’s power is somehow being suppressed than i would anything about weird life states
incidentally, since I sort of lost my train of thought back there, I'm specifically theorizing these two things in tandem -- that Jack would've flipped something more ostensibly janky if not for the invervention of a janitor, or perhaps that the appearance of there being a death at all is the trick (although it'd be a pretty unusual trick if it's not to be foiled immediately by Jack just up and posting something today). all of this is far out there, I know, but this ain't a normal game, probablyor maybe an Almighty Janitor swooped in and wiped out the clues, although it'd be strange for us to be getting an alignment flip still...
unless, UNLESS. the lack of any indications of death is meant to validate VM's supposition that Jack isn't really dead. but it'd be tough to verify such a thing, even if we do follow along with the lynching plan.
do you think it’s plausible that a janitor might nullify any powers/actions related to their target? aside from the mafia nightkill ofcincidentally, since I sort of lost my train of thought back there, I'm specifically theorizing these two things in tandem -- that Jack would've flipped something more ostensibly janky if not for the invervention of a janitor, or perhaps that the appearance of there being a death at all is the trick (although it'd be a pretty unusual trick if it's not to be foiled immediately by Jack just up and posting something today). all of this is far out there, I know, but this ain't a normal game, probably
hm yeah that kinda tracks. can you tell me more about what happened with claire