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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

yeah i think people just want to keep the wagons even? not 100%
you must wait 12 seconds before performing this action
If the options are Otter and ILS, I honestly don't have a strong opinion, could probably see both ways. So I'm hashtag keeping the wagons close.

I don't think the "no one is defending Odie" read exists any more, which... still not entirely sure why people were against it. But it doesn't really matter maybe?
which... still not entirely sure why people were against it.
just didn't see the point of it/it didn't seem useful p much, because i figured that even if they were mafia it didn't really matter since they're nonexistent. especially when there were feelings about other people
If the options are Otter and ILS, I honestly don't have a strong opinion, could probably see both ways. So I'm hashtag keeping the wagons close.

I don't think the "no one is defending Odie" read exists any more, which... still not entirely sure why people were against it. But it doesn't really matter maybe?
honestly a lot of this debate is kind of unclear to me bc there seems to be a sense of "i don't want to kill people who want to play the game" prevailing but also it like... really does not feel like that is the actual reason any of this is happening
I think though the context in this situation is different because the discrepancy is between your two completely different names rather than like a full username and a slight abbrev
I am sorry Panini, but I am scum reading you currently because of stuff like this tbh
honestly a lot of this debate is kind of unclear to me bc there seems to be a sense of "i don't want to kill people who want to play the game" prevailing but also it like... really does not feel like that is the actual reason any of this is happening
I think that was only me and Keldeo?
idk if this is referring in part to me but this isn't really my motivation
it's not really, but it seemed to be the motivation for the rnp vote over the ils vote, the motivation for the odie vote over the anything else vote, etc
I think that was only me and Keldeo?
it's not really, but it seemed to be the motivation for the rnp vote over the ils vote, the motivation for the odie vote over the anything else vote, etc
cool, thanks. sorry - wanted to clear it up just in case, because i did briefly mention sympathy for otter/i know i've been talking a lot so
I am sorry Panini, but I am scum reading you currently because of stuff like this tbh
She has consistently seemed like... "timewarping" / discussing stuff that's adjacent to the current thrust of the thread

Which might be because of time, idk I don't want to get on her case for playing the game in a Safeway parking lot, but it sticks out to me as well

I think an ISO might maybe make it clearer
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