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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

hey remember that time i killed myself in your game eifie? fun times
I gotta say that the fact that people are thinking that I’m suspicious for being way too good for a rookie is really inflating my ego lol
i don't really feel "swayed" so much as like, i feel kind of vindicated rn and i suddenly want to hear more from otter in a way that's not quite true of ils
if otter is scum i'm getting kind of spanked rn
jsut gonna bite the bullet tbh
I liek Squirtles
I'm one of those people who tends to get reeeeally easily swayed by just the person who posted latest

I just feel a sense of genuine like "I want to help I just don't know how" coming from Ottercopter's posts and my heart goes out to it
yeah i understand that ):
it is the recency theory tbh
does anyone know what the votecount is rn? going to go and count but scared i'll take too long
trust me, you won't find my role through my flavor. not yet at least
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