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Yknow tbf the exact context of that was people going ah yes Bfree/Panini because of that and then it turned out it was actually RNP/Panini and I just like giving people nicknames :I
oh yeah. i just remember making the read and did not recall the actual scumteam at all lmfao

also re: ils being Best wagon, kyeugh, just bc i feel fine about my vote doesn't mean that I don't think otter is also a fine lynch. this is just personal preference. i don't think either wagon is Bad per se

i don't feel like changing my vote though
oh yeah. i just remember making the read and did not recall the actual scumteam at all lmfao
I made the read and said it indicated Panini had been talking to a non-bfree in scumchat!

give me my cred!!

the read was totally a joke add-on to me already burying Panini but 😤
By the way I just clicked on page 64 and it seems people are agreeing with Seshas and me, so fuck it, Ottercopter is my final vote
tbh i'm vibing with otter well enough too but a lot has happened in 10 pages
wait no wasn't it because rnp calls her bfree. i'm pretty sure that's the case
this is irrelevant but i'm dreading re-reading which is what i'm supposed to be doing rn
I think it's 4-4 ILS-Otter with Mawile's vote but I'm very confused about my count now

maybe we should look into one of those bots for counting bolded votes
(just a note that this was already in my votecount because I thought rari was already voting otter. maybe they weren't. idk.)
Pressure had made me unvote before, now I unvoted my unvote, if one can say that

I’ll start writing my big post bc there’s only one hour left; I can catch up during n1 if that’s the case…
what about the fact that ILS has visited to cast suspicion and subsequently disappeared multiple times, when otter has at least held conversations with ppl
But like
None of the conversations Otter has had have struck me as particularly substantial, I think if we're talking about play outside of this one incident neither ILS /not/ Otter have presented anything over surface level takes and the play inside the incident is more likely to be indicative due to the pressure (or lack of) faking reactions
i miss mu's autorefresh feature so much too
i keep refreshing but i'm anchored to like some random post halfway up the page so now i refresh by clicking the post number of the newest post i can see
Yep! Day phases are so long... Although yeah, fair point, early voting for a lynching definitely felt more suspicious than early abstaining, which didn't really seem off to me until days later when I'm trying to find things to make note of that people haven't already said.
Starting to think that's a worse habit than I initially thought it would be, heh.
This is to me good thoughts and all but the post kinda breaks the immersion I had of the post I commented as "this makes this so hard". In that post, it felt coming from someone who was unsure how to play/contribute/get a grip on the game whereas here it feels like a firm grip.

I am sorry if this is disheartening you Otter. I dont mean to be a critic ):
Fishing this up from the abyss.
can someone tell me/pitch their reasons for switching votes, because i'm still gut-feeling sticking with ILS
oh yeah. i just remember making the read and did not recall the actual scumteam at all lmfao
I think though the context in this situation is different because the discrepancy is between your two completely different names rather than like a full username and a slight abbrev
can someone tell me/pitch their reasons for switching votes, because i'm still gut-feeling sticking with ILS
is it the negrek switch? as of rn i still am more scared of losing inno!otter but ... well i guess there's a bit of time left, it really does feel like the last 5 minutes
I think though the context in this situation is different because the discrepancy is between your two completely different names rather than like a full username and a slight abbrev
yeah it def is, i wasn't really being fully serious about the entire thing
it seemed very doubtful to me that it would turn out they actually accidentally slipped like that. but thinking of how a similar thing arose in that game was like a brain blast moment hahahaha
is it the negrek switch? as of rn i still am more scared of losing inno!otter but ... well i guess there's a bit of time left, it really does feel like the last 5 minutes
yeah i think people just want to keep the wagons even? not 100%
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Panini, any thoughts on the current wagons?
I think most of the time here I go ottercopter over ILS still but I am sitting in a Safeway parking lot and need to drive home like, now, so I'm questioning if I feel confident enough that Ottercopter wolf fumbled over normal fumble because I might not be on again
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