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a close look at who finished EoD with their vote on ILS -- underrated avenue so far btw

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a close look at who finished EoD with their vote on ILS -- underrated avenue so far btw
i have pushed back on most of their posts so while it's true i haven't come out and say "i get bad vibes from this person" i don't really think it's out of the blue. that was my first read list after alli agree. just to clarify - part of rari's q was that, while you've been consistently unsure on them, you only now have listed mawile under that tier; did something change? i've kind of been hinting at my own discomfort for a while but i'm wondering where your turning point was
hahahahaso by all means, WIFOM me babey,
i actually (truly) thought it before eifie ever said it, her and boq talking about it just gave me the #courage to say anything. i feel like you haven't produced much original content and have only posted about sentiments that were prevailing at the time (and even if you went 'against' the grain it was still in league with OTHER prevailing sentiments). that's kind of it. i can postdig if it helpsadmittedly, I'm not sure where this persistent perspective that I've been uncontributive comes from, besides that Eifie said so; I'm not going to ask anyone to prove the absence of something but
yeah, sorry! my phrasing sounded accusatory, i just wanted confirmation of thisi have pushed back on most of their posts so while it's true i haven't come out and say "i get bad vibes from this person" i don't really think it's out of the blue. that was my first read list after all
r/me_irli just keep calling everyone "they" and then go back to check/adjust before posting but forget sometimes. :|
oh nah you're good haha, i didn't think you were being accusatory. was just explainingalso you've pushed back against a lot of people and have been pretty good at being investigatory, so i wasn't sure if that was significant or a trend with mawile for you either. or if it was just another person you were getting info out of
(my final mf note for now, i swear: i agree w this reasoning generally, i am pushing a little bit at mf for it because i know she doesn't just fall into "plenty of town")i am not usually a proponent of scumreading people bc their posts are only surface level bc i think that plenty of town players just... don't reach those deep insights as easily, and that's fine
Undead JackPK confirmed (not really)No vote (6) (Flora, JackPK, Stryke, IndigoEmmy, Odie_Pie, kokorico)
i kind of uncomfortably disagree with a lot of thisA thought just crossed my mind: if Negrek was mafia and lying about her powers, it wouldn’t make sense for them to not kill Vipera this night. I mean, someone could’ve shielded VM, but then again who’d have killed Boq in that scenario?
Also, if Negrek is town, she has no good reason to lie about her powers, so she’s likely town.
Actually, wait a minute: why didn’t the mafia kill who’s likely to be the only doctor standing, namely VM?![]()
pretty much conspiracy theory/out there specWhat does “anti-loopy spec” mean? Sorry for asking, but Google didn’t do favours