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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

ok this is bad lol i feel kind of useless once i end up anywhere near "And Now I Have No Scumreads"-land
  • since this is technically outlaw out-of-thread communication I suppose I should share with the class that, on D1, I prodded her with the fact that we were rolling and she was pretty surprised; I suppose such adds credence to her not having so much as read her role PM until crunchtime.
Welp, if prodding is technically outlawed then I’m an outlaw as well, as I’ve emailed Odie_Pie a “come play” (I’ve even stated that a thousand posts ago). Here’s a screenshot of my email so that no information is missed (the comment about the dogs is bc her blog, from which I took her email address, is pretty much about dog pics and legacy computers)
  • and I guess I should address that I'm being FoS'd? I can't exactly claim or disclaim what mafia was planning when they killed boquise (although that'll be my next subject of analysis, if executive dysfunction doesn't get the better of me this time), but I can mention I've at the very least persistently mentioned my suspicion of Keldeo as far as reads go, and I've been nothing if not very clear about why I was absent for EoD. I'm not really in the habit of trying to read every single player, especially not on D1; this, I presume long-time players will find consistent with my behavior on older games
Wild thought: maybe mafia killed Boquise expecting that we would suspect of MF and Panini?
however self-sabotagetastic, my advice is not to base your reads too much on who agrees with you : P
oh for sure, that's not why i'm contemplating a rethink. idrk what to make of the fact that you weren't really around during d1; even though i totally buy inactivity because of real life?!?!, you still had time to make very long tropeladen posts ... and i like the content of your post now, not just because i agree, but because it takes effort and it seems like you did read back a fair enough bit, so the pure Effort Points i wanna give you are fucking with my head

(the comment about the dogs is bc her blog, from which I took her email address, is pretty much about dog pics and legacy computers)
lmfao i love that you also have stalked her DOG BLOG omg twins
oh for sure, that's not why i'm contemplating a rethink. idrk what to make of the fact that you weren't really around during d1; even though i totally buy inactivity because of real life?!?!, you still had time to make very long tropeladen posts ... and i like the content of your post now, not just because i agree, but because it takes effort and it seems like you did read back a fair enough bit, so the pure Effort Points i wanna give you are fucking with my head
not making an effort is lowkey towny tbh
this hasn’t really changed my thoughts on mf but also i wasn’t scumreading her to begin with
not making an effort is lowkey towny tbh
oh fair. i think i keep forgetting that boq, <whoever else agreed>, and i all felt weird about mf long after she'd last appeared in thread. that being said, don't the long posts themselves count as ... effort? idk
echoing a sentiment from way earlier that making big I Am Here, I Am Reading, Because I Am Town And I Totally Care posts are what flag this for me, but it's hard to tell with mf because it could also have been just pure memes, but pure memes that make me townread/neutralread don't usually take that much time to write
even though i totally buy inactivity because of real life?!?!, you still had time to make very long tropeladen posts
I agree that is indeed very suspicious, but idk how much time she spends on TV Tropes when she’s idling – with that I mean, it’s not out of the question the possibility of her being a heavy contributor to TV Tropes and knowing a lot of trope names from the top of the mind, which would make tropelinking very easy, but I do acknowledge that’s farfetched and most likely not the case
hahaha oh i think mf is just a tropes addict. i just think the actual time it takes to even write the enclosing posts could have been at least somewhat spent reading like. 10 surrounding pages at least overall. in which case i wouldn't be suspecting rn.

just to be clear i'm not scumreading, this is just currently one of the only directions i have any interest in atm
I agree that is indeed very suspicious, but idk how much time she spends on TV Tropes when she’s idling – with that I mean, it’s not out of the question the possibility of her being a heavy contributor to TV Tropes and knowing a lot of trope names from the top of the mind, which would make tropelinking very easy, but I do acknowledge that’s farfetched and most likely not the case
i think it probably is the case tbh
it's hard to tell with mf because it could also have been just pure memes, but pure memes that make me townread/neutralread don't usually take that much time to write
Thanks for putting into words why Eifie’s memeing sounds towny and M&F’s don’t
yeah. basically i need to shut up so i can write what i promised to post forever ago but the reason mf is in my hmmm pile is largely that she sunk enough time into this thread to not be inactive (and she def wasn't a lurker or anything) but willingly didn't use that time to read back or help town much until now? ugh idk i'm confusing myself
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