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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

you also amorphous blobbed me rari
its ok its not like im gonna cry or anything
Is that a thing that Exists™? Because that would be pretty fucking wild
kinda all i know about any not-super-popular roles is from skimming like mafiascum.net lmao but i believe that such roles do exist. idk about here obviously but
Oh, another thing that just occured to me despite not really knowing how we'd get it to work.

We have good reason to trust IndigoEmmy since they told us about the Nano vs Magic doctor thing first! But Seshas's claim was a bit more vague and hard to verify. So have Seshas go first and say whether or not they learned anything new. If they and IE both got new info at night, then that's more reason to believe that Seshas is an MI too. If the answers contradict, that could make a good hint.

...Unless it's really common knowledge how MI's work and anyone could just be like "Of course they get new info every night, silly." I haven't played this game in a long time. Back to looking for more things!
as i understand it MI just gets a piece of info in their role PM? but i wouldn't know

tbh i think seshas' piece of info (which they quoted) sounds exactly like bfree's writing style, and seshas isn't from tcod either so i trust that their supplied info is indeed what they got. that being said @Seshas i'm still interested in this, mostly because i don't know anything about MI other than what neg and eif have said

so idrc that seshas' claim was 'vague' when they didn't even know if rolecard quoting was allowed until dozens of posts later (after emmy had rapidclaimed)
christ, the postening is finally over. I've even managed a very once-overish read of it, like, no recollection of who exactly ended up voting whom or anything

quarantine mafia sure fucken... is. like, I was keeping up without too much trouble until that last bend; felt like it was a waste of time to even try to catch up, because there'd be another 15 pages to read once it was done. I know more than one player's expressed being simp for people who post often, but maybe just, consider not making me consider advocating for posting limits to keep this fun for more than a concentrated handful of people; the damage's already done to some extent but, forreal

anyways, useful postelage?
  • wrt ottercopter: since this is technically outlaw out-of-thread communication I suppose I should share with the class that, on D1, I prodded her with the fact that we were rolling and she was pretty surprised; I suppose such adds credence to her not having so much as read her role PM until crunchtime. that said, I highly doubt she's a third-party who wins by being lynched, because, panic or no, there's not a way in hell she wouldn't have kept it quiet if she'd read that; she's not new to mafia. what I do buy is that she either a) does have a convoluted but town-helpful role, in which case attempting to parse it properly in the middle of The Postening would have been genuinely headbreaking; or b) is mafia and took her time claiming because she was fishing for a quick defense, which she now has to find some way to make sound plausible.
  • in the former case, I do believe ottercopter really should share with the class; if activating her useful power depends on town, we can arrange for it, and if it depends on mafia, that's most likely what they're already expecting, and chances of them taking the bait, least of all on a player who's likely to get vigged on her own, are infinitesimal. in the latter case... well, in the latter case, bye otter~
  • (ftr, I also do not think that lynching ottercopter today would be risky at all. I do think it'd be a waste of a lynch though. vig can vig, unless it's taking vig suspiciously long to vig)
  • as for A God Am I: I do think it's very much possible for this to be a town role, just so long as Butterfree was running out of ideas or not too concerned with whether all of town's roles sound like town. my foremost guess would be Dreaming God, in which case, what we lost was a whole lot of swing probably
  • and I guess I should address that I'm being FoS'd? I can't exactly claim or disclaim what mafia was planning when they killed boquise (although that'll be my next subject of analysis, if executive dysfunction doesn't get the better of me this time), but I can mention I've at the very least persistently mentioned my suspicion of Keldeo as far as reads go, and I've been nothing if not very clear about why I was absent for EoD. I'm not really in the habit of trying to read every single player, especially not on D1; this, I presume long-time players will find consistent with my behavior on older games
(and oh yeah, I should also mention my read on Panini: my read on Panini is I don't even know if they were around on EoD either)
maybe i need to rethink my mf read ...
a) does have a convoluted but town-helpful role, in which case attempting to parse it properly in the middle of The Postening would have been genuinely headbreaking; or b) is mafia and took her time claiming because she was fishing for a quick defense, which she now has to find some way to make sound plausible.
exactly my spec rn on her
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