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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

ugh i’m sorry i’m afraid now especially since we don’t have a definite end time odie

is it terrible that my first thought is "what if roleblock" instead of "lynch stryke"
Yeah, my immediate response is "one's lying" but my more reasoned response is "but this game be wack, yo." Not sure how we're going to untangle this outside of lynching one of them at this point, though? Is there an alternate scenario that seems plausible and also we have a snowball's chance at confirming somehow?
Yeah, my immediate response is "one's lying" but my more reasoned response is "but this game be wack, yo." Not sure how we're going to untangle this outside of lynching one of them at this point, though? Is there an alternate scenario that seems plausible and also we have a snowball's chance at confirming somehow?
if no one counterclaims Stryke, he's probably telling the truth, yeah? I kind of prefer just... waiting for that. I know it's super dumb but I feel like they could both be telling the truth

this is even dumber but hosts can also make mistakes... ok probably one reason I keep thinking about this is in one game I was motion detector, detected no motion around someone who said he targeted me that night, and it turned out it was a modbot error where doc didn't register on motion detector

yes I know this is different because it's manual but you know

I kind of hate myself for posting this because it feels like not the most straightforward situation but idk it feels wrong
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