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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Mmm, yeah. I wouldn't rule out there being a nano-doc AND a magic-doc AND an evil doc, but with the flavor of "docs hating each other," nanobot doc being mafia-aligned and white mage being innocent-aligned does make sense.
Mmm, yeah. I wouldn't rule out there being a nano-doc AND a magic-doc AND an evil doc, but with the flavor of "docs hating each other," nanobot doc being mafia-aligned and white mage being innocent-aligned does make sense.
I think the flavour just means that they healer clash
Mmm, yeah. I wouldn't rule out there being a nano-doc AND a magic-doc AND an evil doc, but with the flavor of "docs hating each other," nanobot doc being mafia-aligned and white mage being innocent-aligned does make sense.
I do hate the white mage doc; it says in my PM that if some magic guy comes and does his thing on the same person as I do then it won't be good, but it doesn't elaborate on that. Never mentioned a deadly doc though. Was kind of sad when ILS flipped White Mage bc I couldn't have my heated rivalry with him in thread
oh i see
by half mafia here do you just mean anti town 3p
no, I mean like a mafia role that doesn't get to be in mafia chat and doesn't know the mafia, and the mafia don't know them

they inspect and flip innocent and the town don't need to lynch them to win (I think) but they win with the mafia
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