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She always talked about how she wanted everybody to play the game and have fun and felt bad about offing people who were here and having a good time… I believe that’s why she didn’t kill anyone…! Poor Eif…...which is interesting, since she asked about someone vigging Ottercopter a couple times, I thought, and yet apparently did not do so herself?
IIRC two people? Mawile and Negrek? Or Keldeo was too…?those who were in prev game (i guess this is just one person now? jkfadhg) do three MIs make sense?
Especially considering how vague some of the info they got isthey're more or less spicy vanilla town so I don't know why it wouldn't make sense?
yeah i agree! was just curious hathey're more or less spicy vanilla town so I don't know why it wouldn't make sense?
I would be surprised if there's no swapper in this game, and it's always possible my results have been tampered with. I don't think it's very likely, though, since my power doesn't target but instead goes off for everyone who dies, and also doesn't go off until after that person dies, whereas swapping usually comes before death in the nightly order of operations. Also, who would it have been swapped with? Nobody else died. So I'd either get a random living player's trope, the trope of someone who'd previously died (at random), or a completely random one that Butterfree came up with? It's possible but seems pretty funky.I wish there was areact emoji bc thats how im feeling about the vigging otter scenario.
Unless - hear me out negrek - you think maybe there's a swapper? who interfered with your role maybe? I don't know how that's possible, entirely, but just brainstorming here
Rari mentioned having a bombshell to drop?what loose ends do we have to figure out from yesterDay? mawile motion detecting? the stryke drama? i dont remember what else
I was going to wait until 15 minutes had passed, but if y’all want it I can say it nowRari mentioned having a bombshell to drop?
plsI was going to wait until 15 minutes had passed, but if y’all want it I can say it now