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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

This feels like further confirmation that scumchat is non-existent/mafia folk don't know who the others are
i really doubt this
Yeah it's a bit far-fetched, but we've now had 1 out-group mafia, another likely out-group mafia if the Deadly Doctor thing is true, and another mafia who had no contact with any other scum. That many wolves who seemed to not be in contact with each other just makes me wonder if there even is an organized mafia or if they're all just kinda doing their own thing
This feels like further confirmation that scumchat is non-existent/mafia folk don't know who the others are
Hey, why didn't you vote last night?
Didn't know who to vote for, and by the time I figured it out, you guys seemed pretty set on leaving it up to random chance between RNP and MF (or so I had thought), and I thought screwing with that and potentially being the deciding vote at the last second would've made me seem really scummy. For the record, I would've gone MF
Vote count, now with updated script that actually knows who's dead and leaves them out instead of me manually striking all of them out from the "No vote" list every time:

mewtini votes M&F (#4012)
Herbe votes M&F (#4016)
kyeugh votes M&F (#4018)
Ottercopter votes M&F (#4031)
Stryke votes M&F (#4033)
Vipera Magnifica votes M&F (#4055)
Seshas votes M&F (#4056)
IndigoEmmy votes M&F (#4124)

Herbe votes M&F (#4016)
IndigoEmmy votes M&F (#4124)
Ottercopter votes M&F (#4031)
Seshas votes M&F (#4056)
Stryke votes M&F (#4033)
Vipera Magnifica votes M&F (#4055)
kyeugh votes M&F (#4018)
mewtini votes M&F (#4012)

Vote counts:
M&F (8) (Herbe, IndigoEmmy, Ottercopter, Seshas, Stryke, Vipera Magnifica, kyeugh, mewtini)
No vote (6) (Flora, M&F, Mist1422, Mr. Ultracool, Panini, serimachi)
This feels like further confirmation that scumchat is non-existent/mafia folk don't know who the others are
i really doubt this
Yeah it's a bit far-fetched, but we've now had 1 out-group mafia, another likely out-group mafia if the Deadly Doctor thing is true, and another mafia who had no contact with any other scum. That many wolves who seemed to not be in contact with each other just makes me wonder if there even is an organized mafia or if they're all just kinda doing their own thing
i think we’ve basically established that the kill power is heritable, so it’s implicitly held be one person at a time. with that in mind, the only way there could be no in group is if there’s a single guy executing the night kill every night with no council that has somehow evaded detection until now. no in group also suggests no vanilla scum imo, so there’d also be a bunch of power roles operating with no collaboration, and yet the only scum we’ve uncovered so far have come from a lucky cop check or basically random self-owns unrelated to town solving. that’s a lot of unlikely assumptions to make, overwhelmingly favoring scum in what would be imo a fairly town-sided setup, and the only evidence is that there are some outgroup members. just can’t see this being true.

the more likely explanation is that outgroup members are dropping faster bc they lack the insider knowledge of the in the ingroup thus making it easier for them to slip up, they aren’t being covered by their team, and the ingroup doesn’t know not to lynch them (unless the ingroup somehow has oneway knowledge of the outgroup members, which i find unlikey given the circumstances) and is simply jumping on easy wagons.
TV Tropes Mafia Revival, Day 11. Every post ends with "it's not you, it's me." The mafia and Butterfree are maintaining separate spreadsheets to track each swap. No one knows who has the body snatcher role, or even if it's still alive. It's not you, it's me - I hope we can still be friends.
Okay, so i know this was a joke, but is anyone willing to do this sort of thing? Because I'm gonna have to start the bodyswapping chain at some point, and multi-quoting seems like the way to go.

(Also, as a confirmed townie who knows how the power works now, and the closest thing we now have to an inspector (F's for Keldeo ;-;), I'm gonna go ahead and request that a doctor protect me tonight. Although we'll have to decide who in advance so I don't get healer clashed, lol.)
My most urgent alignment-solve pool is [Flora/Vipera/semirachi]
Vipera is the choice from there that lets us get the role back if he's town
I don't think we should go for Serimachi or especially Flora. Swapping with an inactive is tantamount to abandoning the bodyswap. Might be worth considering on a later day, but I think it's definitely too soon for that as things are now.
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