The Fool
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not exactly, but i’ve been getting informed every time i’m targetted, so since my power is related directly to her i assume it’s that.Do you know Panini's role?
yeah, that was my guess. like we’re just too entwined for it to be swappable. i would’ve assumed it was swappable, honestly, but... well, obviously it isn’t. :pI'd also assume that's unswappable because you're linked to another player?
same tbhi hope mewtini isn’t mafia because![]()
wouldn’t the game have ended immediately if this was true?For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure we just lose to Rari_teh now anyway.
wouldn’t the game have ended immediately if this was true?For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure we just lose to Rari_teh now anyway.
me insideNah, the town has to win first. The death seeker's win priority went: Town win where you're mafia killed > Town win where you're not mafia killed > Mafia win whether you're mafia killed or not.
my guess is that it was a personal win condition that doesn’t preclude a town victory, but who knows tbh. hopefully it doesn’t fuck us out of the W.Although the role PM only said that was how we won, not what happens to the rest of the town, so that part's just a guess anyway.