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Funny Moments at School V2

My friend got her hair cut, and now it's like shoulder-length. And so, the conversation eventually gets to this:

Jess: I can't put my hair up anymore, though.
Dominque: ...You never put your hair up to begin with!

The same friend did an awesome impression of a stereotypical cheerleader during Honors English and got giggles out of the whole class.

Theology had two amusing things, but one was just in my head, literally. I had a song stuck in my head. It's an awesome song, but seeing as it contains pretty much all the objectionable content on my iPod...odd song to have stuck in my head.

And then the attention goes back to Jess's hair;

Teacher: Was your hair always that short?
Jess: ...no, I just got it cut.
Teacher: Oh...well, it looks nice!
At an assembly said:
Man: Who was that guy playing Guitar Hero when we got in here - Oh, there he is!

It's also kind of amusing how we had one kid with swine flu in our school and all the teachers are keeping mega bottles of hand sanitizer on their desks. They get flooded at regular intervals.
I was in Irish and my teacher went out of the room for a couple of minutes and everyone started talking really loud. All of a sudden, I declared "AWKWARD SILENCE".

Followed by an awkward silence.


There were loads more because my school is just funny but I can't remember them all.
Well, one of my music teachers tried to recruit my friend to the chorus, but other than that...
There was a short skit in drama class today that depicted four bank people trapped in an elevator. Everyone was freaking out, until:

Wait! I have an AXE in MY SUITCASE! *busts open door*

Another day there was a skit that went like:

Boy: Will you marry me?
Girl: ...No!
Teacher: Wait, you need to kneel like this and then say it. Will you marry me?
Girl: ...No!

Those were two of the people trapped in the elevator too.

And in band:

Trombone player: Who's better, Dialga or Palkia?
Jeanine: If I keep listening to them I'm gonna start liking them and then I'll have to buy the CD!

...Yeah. Honor Society. (the band, I mean. The really obscure one that released their debut album yesterday) General chaos ensues.

Also this:

Me: I looked at the theology questions and one of them says "if Jesus was your age and attended your school, what would he be like?"
Jess: Well, he'd be a girl, first of all...

And I got a theme song. Yeah.

EDIT: Oh, and the Fashionably Late jokes. Don't even ask about that one.
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Today, in 4th period band, the conductor wasn't really paying attention to us; he was assessing students one by one in a different room.

One of the class clowns at band yelled "Be Quiet!!" and everyone suddenly stopped playing randomly.

Also, while the rest of the class wasn't paying attention, the percussion section was arranging some rhythm thing, and when they started playing it everyone got silent. It was awesome. :D

I played part of a song called "The Ascension" on my flute that was a viola part to imitate a bass, along with my sister who used a cello part.

The clarinets were also trying to play along with their own little thing, but only one person ended up doing it.

Even though the percussion only lasted a few seconds, it was awesome. :)
Today, in 4th period band, the conductor wasn't really paying attention to us; he was assessing students one by one in a different room.

One of the class clowns at band yelled "Be Quiet!!" and everyone suddenly stopped playing randomly.

Also, while the rest of the class wasn't paying attention, the percussion section was arranging some rhythm thing, and when they started playing it everyone got silent. It was awesome. :D

I played part of a song called "The Ascension" on my flute that was a viola part to imitate a bass, along with my sister who used a cello part.

The clarinets were also trying to play along with their own little thing, but only one person ended up doing it.

Even though the percussion only lasted a few seconds, it was awesome. :)
Me: *points at Jeanine* Blank CD.
Jeanine: Got it.
Jess: ...?
Me: She's brining me a blank CD tomorrow.
Jess: *suddenly understands* Yay, you like Honor Society now! And they're bbetter than the Jonas Brothers, cause they can actually sing!

So yeah, I got my friend into the most amazing band on the face of the earth (at least in my opinion). And the whole ramble about the Jonas Brothers came from the fact that Jeanine said the and sounded like them and we're all like "No."
During push ups in gym, a freshman wasn't do them right, so i guided him to do it correctly
Everyone was calling each other pussy after that...
Guy: Hey, the teacher isn't hear yet, let's play Pictionary on the blackboard.

**draws a blob with a vague resemblance to a lizard**

Me: It's a salamander!
Guy: No, it's a newt!
Me: It's a salamander!

My Art teacher had this mango in her room for a wile, and yesterday my class convinced her to cut it up and let us eat it. the only thing she had to cut it up with was an exacto-knife.

Kid 1: My parents will be like, "What did you learn in Art today?" and I'll say "How to cut fruit."
Kid 2: With an exacto-knife.

Also in Government we learned that the first Article of Confederation consists of a single sentence stating the name of the United States.
Me and a friend of mine (who is also my cousin) were talkng to her friend.

Friend: Whoa, you two look very... Norwegian!
Cousin: That's because we are very Norwegian!
Today I went to put my history binder away on the bookshelf.

It slid off the top and landed in the window. My classmate and I were just looking at it oddly for a few seconds. XD
The other day, this happened.

(Quinton and Chris are talking across the room while the teacher is gone and I can't understand what they're saying as I am concentrating on my work.
Quinton: What?
Chris: What?
Quinton: What?
Me and Chris at the same time: What?
(Someone raised their hand as teacher comes back into room)
Teacher: What?
(class bursts into laughter)

It was one of those "You had to be there" moments.
My friend keeps saying "Burgundy" (the color) in a scottish accent, aand it's half funny and half annoying.

And also:

Chorale Director: Why didn't you join Chorale?
Jess: Well, I can't sing-
All of us: YES YOU CAN!
Chorale Director: I heard you singing from the alto section, and you're very good.
Jess: ...Really?

I'd been trying to convince her of that fact for several months. XP
In physics class, we're currently studying a concept that, in my language, is called "Lei de Snell-Descartes".

Then, this one class, the teacher was too lazy to write it. Guess how he abbreviated it.
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