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Gen 7 Predictions...

Kung Fu Ferret

The Sultan
Am I the only one doing this? If not, post your predictions.

My personal favorite prediction is that the Grass starter will be a koala that will become Grass/Fairy when fully evolved.
  • Red Panda Pokémon
  • Salamander or newt Pokémon
  • Based on a South American country
  • On the 3DS
  • < 100 new Pokémon
  • < 20 new mega evos
  • < 7 legendaries
  • All the final stage starters will be dual typed
  • Main rival will be serious
  • Won't be a world wide release
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It's kind of difficult to predict these things, because Game Freak doesn't really leave any clues. Anything you come up with is really on a whim, and you have no evsice xD to support whatever conclusions you draw.

That said, my own predictions are that N will be found at some point, and that the Johto starters will be distributed. Less hopeful predictions are multiplayer Safari Zones and the return of the PWT.
I expect a more political view of how society works in what ever region the Gen. VII games take place in. Seeing that the games have already covered genetic manipulation and splicing, more or less recent mythology, terraforming, the origins of all the Pokemon universe, ethics, and Pokemon as art, I think that Gen. VII will have some sort of political issues going on. Or maybe we'll go back to the days of *Lt. Surge voice* the war.
I expect a more political view of how society works in what ever region the Gen. VII games take place in. Seeing that the games have already covered genetic manipulation and splicing, more or less recent mythology, terraforming, the origins of all the Pokemon universe, ethics, and Pokemon as art, I think that Gen. VII will have some sort of political issues going on. Or maybe we'll go back to the days of *Lt. Surge voice* the war.

That's a great point. It would be really interesting to see them do something B/W-ish, where which game you get determines which side you're on, and you go through the region in the opposite order. Your rival fills the same position as you but for the enemy's side, and it's over some sort of ideological conundrum.

On one hand, that would be significantly more story-driven and therefore would maybe take away from the traditional essence of pokémon. On the other hand, it could also be like B/W in that the final boss isn't the Champion -- they could make all the gym battles (or at least half of them) postgame or something, and only after that do you get to fight the e4 and champion, who are at level 70 or 80.

As for the legendary pokémon, both sides on the war each have the boxart legendaries already in their possessions, and the player gets to catch the enemy's legendary in the postgame (like Kyurem in B2/W2). And that would also leave room for a third-game legendary, which would likely be based on the Strange Souvenir thing you get from that backpacker in X/Y.

...heck, that's fangame material. I doubt Game Freak would depart from the formula enough to do something that breaking, but then again gen 5 did set precedents for more plot and other formula variations. Worth hoping for, I guess.
That's a great point. It would be really interesting to see them do something B/W-ish, where which game you get determines which side you're on, and you go through the region in the opposite order. Your rival fills the same position as you but for the enemy's side, and it's over some sort of ideological conundrum.

On one hand, that would be significantly more story-driven and therefore would maybe take away from the traditional essence of pokémon. On the other hand, it could also be like B/W in that the final boss isn't the Champion -- they could make all the gym battles (or at least half of them) postgame or something, and only after that do you get to fight the e4 and champion, who are at level 70 or 80.

As for the legendary pokémon, both sides on the war each have the boxart legendaries already in their possessions, and the player gets to catch the enemy's legendary in the postgame (like Kyurem in B2/W2). And that would also leave room for a third-game legendary, which would likely be based on the Strange Souvenir thing you get from that backpacker in X/Y.

...heck, that's fangame material. I doubt Game Freak would depart from the formula enough to do something that breaking, but then again gen 5 did set precedents for more plot and other formula variations. Worth hoping for, I guess.

Fangame material shmam game material. It would have been fangame material that the topic of Pokemon ethics was even brought up, let alone made a plot point, until Gen V. Game Freak broke from the formula by switching from sprites to models in the current Gen, I don't see why they couldn't do something more different next Gen. It isn't like it would make or break the series to veer off a bit from the formula, or at least experiment. Then again, they might not do this in Gen VII seeing that Nintendo is pretty much banking on the 3DS with the Wii U being in its less than profitable condition. Oh money, how you love to ruin things(which could totally be part of the plot in a political Pokemon game).
Models in place of sprites aren't shaking up/reinventing the formula. They've used models since Stadium.

Couldn't the whole Team Plasma and Team Flare storylines be considered political issues?

I want them to make a Friend Safari that bunches all of your Friend Safaris together into one beautiful Safari Zone.
Models in place of sprites aren't shaking up/reinventing the formula. They've used models since Stadium.

Couldn't the whole Team Plasma and Team Flare storylines be considered political issues?

I want them to make a Friend Safari that bunches all of your Friend Safaris together into one beautiful Safari Zone.

That's true... I guess what they should do is more show the political side of things. For Teams Plasma and Flare, we don't really see what's going on with those that run Unova or Kalos.

That Friend Safari Zone would be beautiful.
I want them to make a Friend Safari that bunches all of your Friend Safaris together into one beautiful Safari Zone.

While I agree this would be nice, the problem is that it would then take forever to find what you wanted out of your safari. The way it is now, you just go in and you have a 1/3 chance every encounter to find the pokémon you want. The way you propose, it would drop to less than 1/30. If anything, though, I agree -- or at least they could make the friend safaris different depending on which type they are.
-Johto starters given out somewhere, more Johto "references"
-100+ new Pokémon
-10+ mega evolutions, including Kalos Pokémon
-Koala Pokémon
-Dolphin Pokémon
-Red panda Pokémon
-Johto starters given out somewhere, more Johto "references"
-100+ new Pokémon
-10+ mega evolutions, including Kalos Pokémon
-Koala Pokémon
-Dolphin Pokémon
-Red panda Pokémon
These would all be lovely. I'm in for Mega Dunsparce, too.
I expect there's a reference to something that'll be in gen 7 already.

In Black/White, Cynthia tells the player that the champions of each region like to compete to see who's strongest, which happens in the PWT in Black/White 2.

And in Black/White 2 there's a person (I think in the Virbank Complex?) who's thinking about how there must a place where people make Pokéballs, which we visit in X/Y.
that one guy in one of the hotels who says "There's this really cool city in my region where... Oh, never mind. You'll see it in due time."
I'd like to see a dolphin wall a fuckin Hydreigon like it ain't no thing. Once dolphins do that, come talk to me.

You know who needs a mega?

Cofragrigus. It could be based off of the sphinx. I can see it now.
I'd like to see a dolphin wall a fuckin Hydreigon like it ain't no thing. Once dolphins do that, come talk to me.
You're just jealous because you can't be a dolphin. >:-/

You know who needs a mega?

Cofragrigus. It could be based off of the sphinx. I can see it now.
That would be sort of weird! Megas don't usually deviate from their respective Pokémon's design much (and certainly not their concept). Really, even a regular sphinx evolution would be weird... if not awesome, besides.

Somehow, this has nothing to do with a sphinx, which is disappointing. A sphinx pokémon would be interesting, to see what they would do with it.

I agree with the dolphin pokémon, though -- I've wanted to see one of those for a very long time. And of course it could wall hydriegon if it was water/fairy, and especially if it had the high Special Defense stat that most fairy types seem to have

One thing that's definitely going to happen is that some pokemon from gen 6 are going to get mega evolutions. The question...which ones? Because I can't really think of any that would be a good fit.

I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the gen 3 starters got megas, though.
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