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Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Yes, that way we'd be guaranteed to get at least one piece of information the next day--from either blazheirio or VM--if the mafia successfully targeted whoever Zexion didn't. If they went for the guaranteed kill--either me or Zexion--then we would be getting two pieces of info. So they could either choose a surefire murder and letting us get two things, or a 50% chance of us getting only one thing and a 50% chance of us getting both anyway. Mmm.

I have to figure out how either blazheirio or VM or both being mafia could screw that up, though. There might be a way to have them ask/inspect such that they would be forced to either give up useful information or show themselves mafia, though. One way or another, if Mai's dead and only one person dies tomorrow night, we end up tied with the mafia, correct? I didn't do that math wrong? So our success at that point would bank on our being able to confirm either at least one mafia or at least two innocents for tomorrow and then depend on how tiebreaking rules work, since initially there'd be three mafia and three innocents alive and who got to cast the deciding vote would mean a lot.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

No discussion once I use my action, unfortunately. But if my doing so would convince you of my innocence, then I can do that once we've decided we have no more discussion to make and have a lynch target.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If Mai dies and the mafia night kill goes through, then the town would already be matched though... Which is why we either have to abstain now or lynch a mafia.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

So if we lynched Mai and I used my ability, that would give us VM's alignment, and if people were willing to see that as a sign of my innocence, mine as well.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Again, is it bad for us to match mafia? How do ties work?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If VM turns out to be mafia, I suppose Butterfree can use her action on him, in case he's the don? Actually, Butterfree may be more useful trying to prevent a night kill. ... or protecting Tailsy and herself. Butterfree knows best, so I think she should speak on this.

At the moment Zexion still seems the most suspicious, we're just leaving him be because bodyguard would be incredibly useful atm. But either way we should be able to get at least one piece of info tonight.

And yeah, if we lynch and one mafiakill goes through, we'll be tied.

Aaand as for tiebreaking, we should ask MF. MF?
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Actually, if we lynch Mai and the mafia bypasses the "protection" that Butterfree and Tailsy have, then the mafia would win.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Oookaaay... so I think we want to try and plan out our inforoles? If Zexion is innocent, inspect... blazheirio889? And blazheirio889 ask... what? Something about Tailsy/Butterfree seems good, but just asking if they're lovers won't be enough. (tbh I'm still pretty sure at least one of them is mafia.)
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If VM turns out to be mafia, I suppose Butterfree can use her action on him, in case he's the don? Actually, Butterfree may be more useful trying to prevent a night kill. ... or protecting Tailsy and herself. Butterfree knows best, so I think she should speak on this.

We may or may not want to actually speak about everything??? After all, the mafia see it too. But information is good. I don't know.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If it was as simple as the mafia being able to just target either Tailsy or Butterfree to bypass their protection, though, Butterfree would never have claimed to have protection at all. She seemed reasonably certain she would live a mafia attack earlier on the thread, when she specifically said we should protect someone other than her because she could take it, so it would be powerful strange if she changed her tune on that now.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Okay, lynching Mai to get VM's alignment sounds like a good idea, and Negrek's ability seems like a good way to reset the vote and make it simple. Are there any downsides to this? (I'm not convinced it's a role that could only be innocent, but as I've said before I'm fairly confident Negrek is innocent.)

Negrek said:
Butterfree can target Tailsy and, assuming her vague other-protection holds, both she and Tailsy will be safe for the duration of the night.
Well, as I said the other-protection protects both of us. It's safer if I target Tailsy, yeah, since it's not foolproof, but if you think it would be useful at all to get confirmation of my role we'll probably be okay even if I target someone else.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

(tbh I'm still pretty sure at least one of them is mafia.)

me too. Me too.

sorry I guess getting on my phone means clocking out of serious discussion, I have no clue on a lot of this stuff right now
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

If the mafia kill lovers, I think we'll be matched during the day phase? I think mafia vs innocent count only matters at the beginning of the day.

And good point, Mai. I guess it's up to Butterfree, and then what happened during the night can be discussed the next day.

Negrek, of course I'd say that VM should inspect someone other than me since I know I'm innocent, but I suppose the inspection is needed to verify my info so I'm not entirely opposed to being inspected.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

But could it be that she is only saying that to discourage the mafia from even trying to kill her? I have admittedly used that tactic in the past when playing lovers.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well, if you think Tailsy will likely be fine, then it might be most valuable for you to target ILS instead, as that would leave the mafia only four viable targets unless they wanted to waste their nightkill on either you or Tailsy in hopes of connecting and/or screwing with us by having no one die tomorrow night.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Is there any reason to target ILS rather than you, Negrek? You don't have a night action, and ILS has implied that he does.
Re: Gen VI Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Could you folks be a little more specific about that tiebraking question?

If it's about tied votes, I still don't have a policy set in stone for that, and if they're tied at the end of this current time extension I'm willing to deal down another one (but none more, at least not at this phase).
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