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Generation I

I don't know if it's that some of the designs are uncreative, but sometimes it seems like they're trying to do a lot with very little. Here's a cool example.
meowth skitty glameow

While I like all of these pokemon, in essence they're kind of just the same pokemon with more outrageous designs. Meowth is like a 'normal' cat with a lucky neko cat theme, skitty is just a cute, pink normal type, and then glameow is just... I don't even know. Considering that they could have gone with other cool cat-like creatures like ocelots or clouded leopards, it just doesn't make sense to make three small cat pokemon that look so weirdly different.

I tend to like pokemon that are based off of animals and are a bit creative, like kecleon, toxicroak (I hate the pokemon, but the design is cool), girafarig and kangaskhan. I think where the later generations get uncreative is when you get crap like this.
Two completely unneccesary evolutions. You can subsitute any of these with electivire or lickilicky; mamoswine is okay because its evolution actually makes sense, it's a giant mammoth pig thingy. The other guys are just... giant, uglier evolutions that don't relate very well to their prevos. Magmar is a salamander/duck/fire thing, but I don't even know what magmortar is. It's just a giant round fire thing that they seem to have created so you can use magmar (sort of) in competitive battling.

I think the reason why people tend to dislike the later generations design-wise is because there are far more gimmick pokemon like spinda, rotom, chatot and so on. While generation one did have its gimmick pokemon, like porygon, pretty much every pokemon was at least usable so long as it wasn't weak to psychic. Then as the generations go on, more pokemon are created for their designs and for the sake of having a certain kind of pokemon that are pretty much unusable, like castform and unown.

I have to agree that the legendaries are getting kind of silly now. Originally they were just pokemon that were soverign over one element, and now we have time and space and all the emotions and they're looking less and less like pokemon and more like robots. :c
Actually, I'll have to disagree(for the most part) about the 4th Gen evos. Take, for example, this:


And this:


Notice anything? Well, if not, the 4th Gen evolutions(for the older Pokemon, anyways) follow pretty much the exact same mindset as the 1st Gen did: make the Pokemon just a bigger and slightly more extravagant version of its preevolution.

Honestly, I could see Magmortar and Magnezone fitting in with the rest of the Gen 1 bunch. I can say the same of Leafeon and Glaceon, Porygon-Z, Tangrowth, and Electivire. The only ones that really stick out to me would be Rhyperior and Lickilicky, and even then they still fit in with their preevos.

The necessity of such evolutions; however, is debatable.
Well, one of my theories is that they want to keep the older pokemon popular-ish, so they add new evolutions to them to keep them usable in comparison to the constantly increasing in power things they release each generation (for example, Garchomp). If I'm not mistaken, Persian was one of the really popular choices in the first generation, but now it became pretty much useless due to all the new, hard hitting things.

Still, I suppose they could just, you know, stop making new pokemon that are so bloody overpowered instead of adding evolutions to older pokemon in order to balance things somewhat, but then you'll have people complaining that the new pokemon are no better than the old ones, blah blah. It's just one of those "you can't please everyone" situations.

Edit at the above example: I agree, but the example isn't that good, if you ask me. Look at Pikachu -> Raichu. The coloring is different, and there are various other changes such as the ear and tail designs. Tangrowth is essentially a larger Tangela with arms, nothing more.
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