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Gijinka-a new begining

Amy grabbed Seth and pulled him close to her.
"Sis..." he sighed.
"Hey, I promised our parents to not let you out of my sight and to protect you," she responded before going back to humming with her music.
Midnight leaned on Jolt, still needing a bit of support. "Sorry, I thought that since she was your sister and he was in the group as well. I just thought that he was also a sibling." Midnight yawned slightly as the sun was going down a bit.
"So your uh friend, is he just going to follow us from behind?" Midnight asked Seth, looking behind Seth.
"Hey up there!" Midnight yelled into the trees. "Why don't you come down and join us, we don't bite." she smiled and waved at the trees.
Midnight watched Kain fly ahead. "Well he surely isn't any fun." she pouted sightly, still holding onto Jolt.
((Wow, being busy with college sure got me pretty far behind... I'll just pop in here that my char caught up then, I guess.))

Auron ran as quickly as he could, his eyes closed as he scanned for signs of the other escapees. After a moment, he caught onto signatures. He opened his eyes and ran up and over the hill, almost running into Seth and Amy. He skids to a stop just behind them and steps around them, getting quickly into stride with the others. He looks at Seth and Amy from the side with a slight smile. "Sorry about that. Had to catch up or I might as well be back at the drawing board. Not the best thing."

He looked at the others. He saw the other girl, the guy who was the leader, and one girl he hadn't seen. The other one of the three 'electrics' wasn't to be seen, though. He supposed anyone else had either gone ahead or fallen behind. The question was, what was ahead? "Excuse me..." he said, walking up behind Jolt. "Where's this little group of yours going? I'm curious, cause I have nowhere to go myself and decided I'd come along... almost lost you on my way out..."
(It's ok, sorry for long reply wait time)

Jolt smiled, at least she is comfortable with me for now he tought, "So does anyone remember what happened before they were turned into these creatures?"
Auron looked up for a moment, thinking. He then looked forward with his arms crossed as he walked. "I'd have to say the last thing I remember clearly is waking up in a cell... though... there's faint, blurry things... perhaps in time?" He sighs afterward, looking back at the rest of the group for a moment. He then looks in the direction they're going one last time, seeming to look off into the distance.
"The fighting..." he continued looking forward. "It had no meaning... it wasn't even tests of strength or honorable combat... they... just wanted people to use. They were nothing." He closed his eyes, sighing. "After this happened... after becoming what I am... I could see things... I saw through people. All of them... those I fought, those that watched, those caged near me... there was more... and less. Those bastards... their hearts were empty, void of everything. But the others... those like us... they were all... pure... most of them, at least. They felt the same as we did when we escaped... used... wanting to get away... wanting nothing more than to... be. Just, to be. ...I feel so sorry for those still in there." A tear escapes from his eyes as he shuts them tighter. He looks away for a moment, opening his eyes again. "I'm sorry. I guess maybe this wasn't the best to bring up."
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