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give me musics plz

well uh furret knows my listening habits more than you and he says that I won't like dethklok ; ; so maybe I'll check
Good thing I didn't try any of it, mm?

Well so far I'm enjoying my Sonata Arctica and Kamelot... I'm downloading BN's new album and ... yeah! From 2023 songs I've gone up to 2319!
I already enjoy early Helloween and uh I kind of like Edguy too.

also I only like one Stratovarius song and I don't even like that very much
I don't have many of their albums but I actually prefer Helloween without Kiske. The Time of the Oath is a really weird (in the good way), underrated and awesome album - the sort of one you'd listen to if you were in a good mood, or something.
I dunno if you'd like them - I thought I wouldn't! - but you should definitely give Angelspit a try. I uploaded their song Skinny Little Bitch (my favorite of theirs) for someone else but feel free to use the download link. :)
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