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Good fantasy (help me, internets! you're my only hope!)


actually very huggable
Staff member
so recently I have been rather spoilt, reading good fantasy (I know, what an odd notion). Now I have sort of run out. It is vexing.

So I am turning to you, oh internets! Help me find something to read! :(

A short list of said good fantasy:

  • A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
  • Temeraire - Naomi Novik
  • stuff - Robin Hobb
  • The Earthsea Quartet - Ursula K. Le Guin
  • there is more I swear
  • stuff - Neil Gaiman

So. Any ideas? I am open to all genres of fantasy (with the possible exception of heroic fantasy). Although good epic fantasy is about as rare as a real French steak.

ETA: Other authors I have read but who aren't quite of the calibre of the above:

  • David Eddings
  • Garth Nix
  • Terry Pratchett (yes, I am serious)
  • Anne McCaffrey (early work)
  • Tamora Pierce, albeit when I was slightly younger
  • I don't know there is more I swear

And then stuff you should keep away from me, but I read anyway in fits of masochism:

  • Robert Jordan
  • Terry Goodkind
  • Christopher Paolini
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Read The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. :o They're very fun!
The Abhorsen Trilogy (beginning with Sabriel) by Garth Nix is excellent; I highly recommend them. ^^

Been there, done that, got the shirt. Definitely above average, but I'm not sure I'd put it on my list up there.

Butterfree: Hmm, I am not exactly a fan of urban fantasy, but duly noted.

ETA: Actually has anyone here read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams? I have heard a few good things, plus it is a complete epic fantasy series (albeit in only four books).
Well, opal, this is urban fantasy but I really enjoyed it.

The Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko which starts of the Night Watch trilogy (though it's not longer a trilogy as he's written a foruth book). It's very good.
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