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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Green Hills and Blue Skies

More like just into the route instead, as there's something happening in the same spot, and that'd make difficulties. If your OK with this then you are accepted.
Yea, that's ok. I'll run into y'all on the route. Can I still wreck so that I ain't the only one with a bike?
Everyone please post frequently, I don't actually like bothering everyone of you to post, and I'd appreciate it if you'd do it on your own thought. Make it something of a daily or bidaily routine. This will help advance the story/rp and we can better enjoy it.


Would it still be possible to join? Sorry for bumping the OOC thread about this, but I just wanted to see. If it's a no, that's alright.

As BY is taking a leave of absensce, is there anyone here who could sub as Dink for the time being? (Remember that he would have to be played as the charater is, no sudden changes and such. Thus he still quotes poems, and makes them up and such...as well as chewing on bark...)
So, who's gonna wake up next, as Alex is refraining from using the airhorn this time.
Alrighty then...

As it looks as though we are on our last toe here, is there still any interest in this RP what-so ever, or shall I just close it?
I'm still interested, but I sometimes forget to post. Plus, I think the RP's just going too slow. Maybe pick up the pace a bit?
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