Guide for all the NPCs used so far!
Bio's and Pokemon omitted for the sake of length.
Name: Nanka Evan Kurohari
Age: 35
Gender: M
Trainer’s License ID Number: 7-13-6541
Home Town and Region: Holly Town, Sinnoh
Appearance: Nanka is lanky and is better attributed for agility than strength. Despite this he is still quite capable of managing in a fist fight, not that any situation would actually require such. This also allows him to be an accomplished fisher, bringing up larger catches with no assistance. Nanka is 6’ 1”, and weighs 168 lbs.
Nanka’s white hair is often messy, and sticks up and out everywhere, though it is apparently quite easy to manage if it needs to be brushed or combed down. He has stubble along his chin and slightly elongated sideburns, extending down halfway along his ears. He has electric blue eyes, and possesses several old and faded scars on his cheeks. He wears a white T-Shirt in most instances, but if the weather is too cold for this he will wear a black coat, with the Kurohari Ranch logo emblazoned on the back. He wears dark blue jeans with a Seviper leather belt holding his Pokeballs. He wears black, red and white runners, with typical black socks.
Personality: Nanka is a cool, calculating, and calm person, and takes every situation in stride. Outwards in most situations Nanka is friendly, having let go of a somewhat secluded personality his teenage years possessed, slightly reverting to his youth. This personality is calm and usually pleasant to be around. However if Nanka is in battle, or in a more serious situation, he will become more like his teenage self, distant, calculating, and somewhat frightful.
Name: Melisa Etheridge Kurohari
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Trainer’s License ID Number: 10-21-6834
Home Town and Region: Rockridge Port, Unova
Appearance: Melisa is built acrobatically, her physique lanky, and small, but capable of flexing impressively. Melisa stands at 5’2” and weighs 135 lbs. Melisa’s auburn hair is quite long, often draping down her back quite a bit. Her hairstyle often changes, and she’ll vary between having it long and draping, a ponytail, or in a bun, though she doesn’t like the bun. She has small amber eyes that always hint a greater intelligence, and are often behind a pair of rimless glasses due to her poor eyesight. She wears a maroon sweatshirt under a maroon shirt, the shirt being darker than the sweater. She wears dark grey pants, rainbow colored socks, and rust colored sneakers. She wears a small white gold wedding ring on her right hand and a couple bracelets of varying metals on her wrists. She also habitually has a pencil tucked behind her right ear.
Personality: Melisa is what one would call an extreme optimist, refusing to see the darker portions of a situation, and often leading those around her to success. She also quite hyper, a trait she passed down to her son, and can often work for a couple of days before needing rest. Melisa is easily trusting and likes making new friends, but can easily tell if she’s being deceived. Her one major problem is her ‘need’ for large portions of sugar, essentially having a major sweet-tooth, and thus having problems focusing if she doesn’t get her fix. Melissa is also incredibly intelligent, and is a natural technician, capable of working with computers and small devices quite easily.
Name: Austin Etheridge
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Trainer’s License ID Number: 12-7-7456
Home Town and Region: Rockridge Port, Unova
Appearance: Austin has an average build, weighing in at 180 lbs., and stands at a shorter 5’ 10”. Austin’s chestnut brown hair is relatively long, sitting just below the back of his neck, and otherwise hanging somewhat messily down, though not enough to obstruct his eyes. He keeps his hair partly in order by wearing a dark brown fedora, with a Braviary tail feather held in the band. Austin wears a Van Dyke moustache, and beard combination. Austin has hazel eyes, and wears a small black stud in his left ear. Austin often wears a baggy dark colored shirt, weather black, brown, or green, under a ragged looking dark brown shirt. He has a sleeve tattoo of a Seviper along his right arm. Austin wears baggy brown pants, grey socks, and a pair of black hiking boots. His pants are held up with a black leather belt.
Personality: Austin is an adventurous person, and has an open mind towards many things. He is friendly and kind, if not a touch strange. Austin enjoys being on the road, and has rarely stopped for more than a week at a time. Austin has a strange quirk where he can be a bit random. However he has a sweet spot where he acts hostile towards those who remind him of his lonely childhood.