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Grocery Store!

Sorry, they were recalled due to glitching up buyers, so here's a Deoxys instead. Meteorites not included.

Can someone get me the Beyond section of Bed Bath and Beyond from the grocery store?
They refused to give you one for demanding twice, so here's some gold and silver spray paint bottles.

Can someone get me a Snorlax from the grocery store? I heard one has invaded the Produce section.
Sorry, couldn't fit it out the door. Here's a Munchlax.

Can someone get me a bag of cheese and ocelot flavour crisps from the grocery store?
I could if I would, but my Munchlax ate them all, along with everything else in those sections. He was so happy! To make it up to you, I got you a bag of valuable gold coins. Take them. They no longer bring me joy.

Can someone get me enhanced Rare Candies that level up my Pokemon by 5 levels each?
A munchlax unfortunately ate them all, here's a rarecandybar instead.

I want an HD Flatscreen from the grocery store.
Got it-

What? Munchlax is evolving! *15 seconds later* Congratulations! Your Munchlax has evolved into a Snorlax!

Snorlax punches the HD flat screen TV in a grumpy rage!

Zoltea received the Big But Bulky HD TV instead!

Someone get me some Sleep Powder. My Snorlax is acting like it has a Toxic Spike in its butt.
Here's some, but it only lasts a second.

I would like pokerus medication from the grocery store.
Unfortunately, they only had this stuff called "Pokerus Am... Pulifier. Sounds close enough.


Someone be a dear and get a jack to lift this Snorlax off of me. I would appreciate it so.
The only jacks they had were for the game of jacks, so, just use these for now.

I would like lots of poke-plushies from the store.
They didn't have that many, so here's a single plushie.

My Snorlax got mad at me for poking it with jacks and punched me. Can someone get me a medic at the grocery store?
Sorry, but no professional medics were around, so, I got you an amateur medic.

I would like a pokeflute from the grocery store.
They had no Pokeflutes, so here's a needle that can give anything a sharp wake-up call.

I want to fire my medic for coming when I wasn't really hurt and making things worse. Can I get a court to sue him in?
They didn't have a court, only an unseasoned lawyer.

I would like an electricity amplifier from the grocery store.
They didn't have those, so here's a Magmarizer.

I think that the unseasoned lawyer is looking at me funny. I need an adult!
Here's an adult, but the adult has down syndrome.

I would like hard tests from the grocery store.
They didn't have any, so here's an insanely hard essay. You have 1 hour to write it.

Oh, and if my Snorlax eats it, you have to start over. Unfortunately for you, he's getting kinda hungry, so I'd hop to it if I were you.

Someone get me a Pokemon under 6'7".
No rice balls there, only donuts that look like rice balls.

(I think 4Kids found their way into the grocery store.)

Reversing wins again! Yay Groudon! Get me some confetti to celebrate!
They were out of confetti, here's pieces of trash instead.

I'd like a horrible headache from the grocery store.
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