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Grocery Store!

Sorry, they exploded before I got to the checkout, but here's my severed arm that was blown off in the explosion.

Can I have a badger sandwich from the grocery store?
I tried, but they were out of badger sandwiches, so I got you an elephant float.

Will someone get me some contract papers for Team DoYouKnowTheMuffinMan?
I got them, but they burned up on the way, here's a box of tissue paper instead.

I would like some yellow pokeblocks from the grocery store.
Sorry they were all out. But I got you an apple roll.

Could somebody get me a ham sammich? (Hey Wilson! Where'd he go?)
Sorry, they were so caught up in this swine flu shit they burned all the ham sandwiches. I got you a wombat baguette instead.

Can I have a turnip from the grocery store please?
They are out of turnips, here's a head of lettuce instead.

I would like 3 dozen eggs from the grocery store.
Sorry, they were doing a four for one deal, so I got you four dozen eggs. Thanks for the extra monies!

Someone please get me patience?
Patiense is running low in all stores, people, and things, so, I got you some well deserved rest instead...

Could someone get me some Milk?
It'd been left out for a while... in fact it's cheese now, here.

Can someone get me the entire badger population of the People's Republic of China from the grocery store?
China blew up before I got there, here's a rabbit instead.

Can I get a cart from the grocery store?
Apparently the carts belong to the store and you can't take them. Here's a brown paper bag.

Can someone get me the Kremlin from the grocery store?
Sorry, the only worker there spoke, um, I'm not sure... I think it's whatever they speak in Star Trek? Anyways, I got you a Gremlin instead, but it's kinda mean...

Can someone get me a new book on ways to interrogate people?
Sorry, they ran out, here's a book on talking to a politician instead.

I'd like a shiny object from the grocery store.
Unfortunately, someone stole them all to create the "Shiny Side," so I got you a dull Dusk Stone. Turn into a Mafia Bird, dammit! Or at least a ghostly witch.

Can someone get me a spring from the grocery store? Either one like the ones in Sonic the Hedgehog or those leaf-like springs that the Hippowdon Temple apparently has, according to a video of that part of that Pokemon Ranger game.
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Sorry, but they ran out of metal springs, here's the season instead.

I'd like Brock's cooking from the grocery store.
Sorry, Brock doesn't exist.

Can someone get me a bag of stuff, a box of something, or a can of things?
Sorry, but they ran out of any containers except bags, so here's a bag of junk.

I'd like soda from the grocery store.
They ran out of sodas, so here's a bottle of beer-*Arrested*

Someone get me a Magmortar bazooka from the grocery store, um, please?
Sorry, they haven't developed a bazooka big enough to fire Magmortars yet, here's a Seedot peashooter.

Can someone get me a MissingNo. from the grocery store please?
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