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Guys getting facials

Why would guys want to? Seriously! Women are 'expected' by society to try and get lovely skin, men aren't! Be grateful!

I mean, uh, yes, go right ahead. Whatever.
Why would guys want to? Seriously! Women are 'expected' by society to try and get lovely skin, men aren't! Be grateful!

maybe they want to have lovely skin

shocking, I know
i'm pretty sure everyone on this forum is better at sucking than their mum tbqh

unless they're a girl
'Cause I totally denied that prospect existing, didn't I.

If it was pretty obvious I was being sarcastic/light-hearted, is there any point in replying so patronisingly?

Yes. You were being serious, regardless.
Yes. You were being serious, regardless.

If you insist.

I appreciate that men might want good skin too, but most teenage girls in my school - using these as an example because these are the people I interact with most - only make their appearance as nice as they want because they care a lot about how other people view them. If they had bad skin, people wouldn't like them. Boys aren't expected by others to have wonderful skin - if they don't, people accept that they can't help it and think to make it better would be 'strange'.

I don't know many guys who would make their skin nicer so they could merely look at it themselves, in the mirror.

In theory I know why men might want to have skin - to have nice skin. After all, you cleared that up for me~ But I can't see why they would want to go through all the effort. Unless they're surrounded by people who believe males should have perfect skin even though it's not really common for them to have facials...
I get a better first impression from people with nice skin than people with terrible or dirty skin myself. And that's how most people react.
I get a better first impression from people with nice skin than people with terrible or dirty skin myself. And that's how most people react.

A shame 'most people' don't really see men having facials as socially acceptable then? I'm not saying men shouldn't do their best to get nice skin, I'm just saying that if a woman had good skin she'd probably be assumed as using products or having facials or something, whereas if a man had good skin he'd just be seen as lucky.
yes please. Clean, acne-free skin = hotness. Or it makes me instantly suspect you're a vampire, but that's cool too.

SEEING men getting the facial on the other hand would be slightly disorienting, but only because of the stigma attached to it. I think it'd be fine if nobody made a big deal about it.
I get a better first impression from people with nice skin than people with terrible or dirty skin myself. And that's how most people react.
in my experience, people with immaculate appearances are often utter dipshits, whereas grimy-looking people are often more interesting and/or friendly types.

but eh, it's merely conjecture. :3
If they wish to do so, I see no problem with it.

Whereas if there were some maniac going around giving facials to random innocent men against their will... =)

(Incidentally is it just me and Typh that saw this thread and didn't immediately think of the double entendre? :3)
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