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Guys getting facials


Probably shouldn't be here.
Get your mind out of the damn gutter, this isn't about that.

What are your opinions on guys basically pampering themselves with facial creams, potions and cucumbers on their faces in an attempt to look good?

It still seems taboo over here. Any mention of it and you're a sissy. Though I myself use some stuff like that exfoliating thing and pre-shaving oil plus shaving brush combo. It isn't half bad.
cucumbers are only good for two things and it only does one decently
Umm...well facials aren't really good for anyone. Getting it in your eyes isn't fu-

Oh. Wait a minute.

Ain't nothing wrong with it, really. If it's what one likes. Plus, it helps keep acne away. It's a shame that it's taboo, though I don't really hear anything about it where I live.
..About what? o.o
I'd be glad to demonstrate.
Get your mind out of the damn gutter, this isn't about that.
Add me to the list of suckers.
What are your opinions on guys basically pampering themselves with facial creams, potions and cucumbers on their faces in an attempt to look good?

It still seems taboo over here. Any mention of it and you're a sissy. Though I myself use some stuff like that exfoliating thing and pre-shaving oil plus shaving brush combo. It isn't half bad.
Well from a male standpoint, it seems pretty silly. I mean, you're smearing pasty stuff all over your face, placing cucumber slices over your eyes, and then laying there for a long time. So your face can sparkle, more or less.

Meh, I don't see a particular advantage over washing your face with good facial soap.
Well from a male standpoint, it seems pretty silly. I mean, you're smearing pasty stuff all over your face, placing cucumber slices over your eyes, and then laying there for a long time. So your face can sparkle, more or less.
haha yes manly men don't get any faggoty-ass facials, who wants good skin psh

Also I think it's nice to point out that from this thread and a couple of others (like the picture thread) it's safe to say that TCoDers are creepy as hell.
when i first saw this thread i thought "locked in 3, 2, 1"

Anyway. I use acne medication because my face is covered with pimples (minus the fat part, I am the stereotypical computer geek D:) but that's about it. However, just like almost everything that doesn't affect me or anyone else, I don't care if other guys use those kinds of beauty products.
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