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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

stryke seems like the easiest mislynch of all time tbh. i agree that his claim is weird but i don’t really see any reason to jump to assuming it’s scummy, and if he’s telling the truth there’s basically nothing further he can do to defend himself. seems like a wagon the mafia would love. odds aren’t bad that he’s town imo and we don’t get very much from his flip if it’s green
stryke seems like the easiest mislynch of all time tbh. i agree that his claim is weird but i don’t really see any reason to jump to assuming it’s scummy, and if he’s telling the truth there’s basically nothing further he can do to defend himself. seems like a wagon the mafia would love. odds aren’t bad that he’s town imo and we don’t get very much from his flip if it’s green
i understand your concern and odds are i’ll probably hop off later in the Day, but i’m having a hunch here

@Stryke: you said here that both your badge powers are locked. were you given an explanation of how can you unlock them? no need to tell how
stryke seems like the easiest mislynch of all time tbh. i agree that his claim is weird but i don’t really see any reason to jump to assuming it’s scummy, and if he’s telling the truth there’s basically nothing further he can do to defend himself. seems like a wagon the mafia would love. odds aren’t bad that he’s town imo and we don’t get very much from his flip if it’s green
i understand your concern and odds are i’ll probably hop off later in the Day, but i’m having a hunch here

@Stryke: you said here that both your badge powers are locked. were you given an explanation of how can you unlock them? no need to tell how
Easy. I gotta die
-Zero Moment started out as vanilla townie, but whilst dead, had the power to revive himself as a serial killer. He had both a regular killing power and a one-shot power to make himself deathproof for the night and following Day.
sure makes me think
I don't really mind if a lynchtrain starts for me because it means I finally get to find out what I do. It would kinda suck for town though, because, y'know, you'd lose a townie, so idk. Plus, aliens are a thing that exists too, so I'm sure the act of me saying "I don't care if I'm lynched" will naturally bring on suspicion, but c'est la vie. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't mind if I stay alive or if I die
-Zero Moment started out as vanilla townie, but whilst dead, had the power to revive himself as a serial killer. He had both a regular killing power and a one-shot power to make himself deathproof for the night and following Day.
sure makes me think
is there actually something stryke's said/done or are we just, operating under this assumption
-Zero Moment started out as vanilla townie, but whilst dead, had the power to revive himself as a serial killer. He had both a regular killing power and a one-shot power to make himself deathproof for the night and following Day.
sure makes me think
is there actually something stryke's said/done or are we just, operating under this assumption
he claims to not know what his powers are and they are only activated when he dies; mawile said that MF is known to reuse roles; there is a distinct possibility that there is no real mafia faction in this game
how did you know rari was "gonna come for you" friend negrek
rari_teh voted for me at the end of the past day and indicated that I was their biggest scumread outside of Zori. If Zori had flipped Town that opinion might have shifted, but since they turned out to be 3p I figured rari would have the same feeling at the start of the next day.

if you are indeed town, i’m sorry for the tunnel :<
No need to apologize for playing the game. I reacted poorly, and that's on me.

i’ve been rethinking about stuff in general and. i think i have a few mech questions here.

@Mawile and @Negrek, considering past MFia, do you think stryke’s claim of his powers being unknown to him is believable?
I don't recall MF doing this before, and it is a bit bastardy, but as this game was advertised to contain "shenanigans and borderline bastardry," I think it's within the realm of possibility that it's Stryke's real role, yeah.

The fact that his powers apparently unlock when he dies makes me wary of going for a lynch, because if he's 3p/Mafia then welp, we've just changed him from "potential threat" to "active threat." Obviously if we suspect that's the case we'll have to deal with him at some point, but for right now I have him firmly in the "deal with later" category, unless maybe we could clear or implicate someone else based on his flip. Of course if he is 3p/Mafia and needs to survive, he's crafted a brilliant defense right here.
he claims to not know what his powers are and they are only activated when he dies; mawile said that MF is known to reuse roles; there is a distinct possibility that there is no real mafia faction in this game
ok tbh
i’m really not going to be taking any spec about “what if actually no mafia!? :000” seriously and i’m going to be side-eyeing anyone that does.
even on the off-chance that it ends up being the case
i don't want to mess around assuming that that's the setup when it's d2 and n1 had a normal killcount (i.e. consistent with there being A Mafia) and for now i am simply going to play the scumhunting game tbh.
on the bright side even if it ends up being town vs. indeps i get to vibe because we're already down 2 3ps

for the record, if i humor the possibility that the setup is reused, then actually looking at trainer class shows that each 3p's wincon was "you win when you're the last standing" (not all that consistent with herbe's claim) and that was why it counted as 'scum' where 'scum' = 'factions whose wincons are antithetical to town's'
feel free to side-eye me as much as you want tbh. i’m sure hiding something vital that makes me seriously doubt the existence of a mafia faction. but this thing is not my alignment.

depending on how N2 plays out you’ll find out what it is toMorrow.
anyway there's actually no point in not just saying this
we have mechanical confirmation that there exist mafia-aligned players tbh tbh
or, well, i guess it's possible that it's a really bizarre red herring but. point is our role pm has the word "mafia-aligned" in it, in a context that makes me pretty comfortable just saying that it's confirmation
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